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Getting to the point of being concerned about people trying to help themselves to my belongings where I live. I know if the dogs are barking in the middle of the night I will be getting up to see what's going on outside my house.
Load your gun first.
There isn't one that is better!!
He is referring to the people that make up the country. Not to put words in his mouth but come on.

I agree with you both. But everyone knows there are a lot of idiots. I thought it went without saying. Don't have to keep driving home the point we live among idiots. If some idiot has no food because the prior one bought up 20 packs of bologna, then they'll have to seek out the places who are helping the needy with food and supplies. Might require some effort though. That's usually a sticking point. Lots of assistance out there for those who want it. Some people are prepared and have discipline. Some are not have none.
I agree with you both. But everyone knows there are a lot of idiots. I thought it went without saying. Don't have to keep driving home the point we live among idiots. If some idiot has no food because the prior one bought up 20 packs of bologna, then they'll have to seek out the places who are helping the needy with food and supplies. Might require some effort though. That's usually a sticking point. Lots of assistance out there for those who want it. Some people are prepared and have discipline. Some are not have none.

Right you are. I'm sure the Organic swing by the market every day after work for fresh, never frozen produce type will be hard hit if food becomes scarce.

If food does become scarce then #682 comes into play.
^obviously I didn't "miss the sarcasm" the first go round.
I just got 2 ladder stands delivered few minutes ago. So no worries of me and food.:emoji_sunglasses: Freezer already full of venison and angus and my one staff has prime trout stream in her back yard for fresh fish. Daughter started her garden in NC this week so veggies on the horizon. Priorities, hope I don’t die before I get those stands up this week, but there are no guarantees.
In an attempt to understand the cavalier - often flippant - reaction (business / behavior as usual) to the covid-19 virus of some persons on social media and various websites, I considered what social psychologists and other folks in the field of psychology (e.g., psychiarists, social psychologists) might suggest is a cause. At least 3 obvious ones come to mind. 1st, denial .... is a useful - sometimes even a functional response - to anxiety ... including anticipatory anxiety. 2nd, a lack of emotional intelligence - the lack of ability to emphasize with the most vulnerable in the situation often reflected as a .... it ain't my problem reaction, and 3rd, a host of other person characteristics, including - for example intelligence - that interfere with a person's capacity to comprehend the magnitude of a dangerous situation.

Yesterday, a report surfaced that reveals what may be a strong determinant in how persons view, and react to the covid-19 pandemic the world is experiencing .... POLITICS!

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has revealed sharp partisan divides between Americans over the coronavirus pandemic. Article published yesterday / 3-15

The poll found 68 percent of Democrats are worried that someone in their family could catch the virus, while just 40 percent of Republicans and 45 percent of independents share that concern. The gulf in perception over an outwardly nonpolitical issue underscores how signals from politicians and media outlets have played a critical role in shaping how seriously Americans are taking a viral outbreak that has overwhelmed health care systems and triggered mass quarantines in several countries around the world.
Nearly 80 percent of Democrats believe the worst is yet to come, but just 40 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of independents believe that. Overall, 53 percent of all voters are concerned that someone in their immediate family might contract the coronavirus, and 60 percent believe the worst is yet to come.

The poll also found 56 percent of Democrats believe their day-to-day lives will change in a major way in the future — while just 26 percent of Republicans hold that view.
In response to every question about whether a respondent would change plans that would expose them to others, like travel, eating out at restaurants, and attending large gatherings, Democratic voters consistently responded affirmatively at much higher rates than Republicans. For example, 61 percent of Democrats said they’ve stopped or plan to stop attending large public gatherings, but only 30 percent of Republicans said the same.

The partisan disconnect is not due to a lack of information among conservatives or a function of not hearing much about the outbreak in certain regions of the country. NBC reports that 99 percent of respondents said they’ve seen, heard, or read about the spread of the coronavirus and 89 percent say they’ve heard “a lot” about it — the highest percentage that one of their polls has found for a major event since 2009.

The more likely explanation is that, as with so many other issues, people with different political ideologies consume different kinds of information and take cues on how to think about events from different political figures and institutions. Given that President Donald Trump and media institutions that cater to conservative audiences, like Fox News, have been downplaying the issue from day one, it’s not surprising that Republican voters are not nearly as alarmed as Democrats.

Still, as the virus spreads and more people know someone affected, the typical partisan divides might not hold.

NBC /WSJ poll

Another Yahoo News/YouGov poll ... pretty much same results ..
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In interesting take. I'd like to coin this phenomenon as the "snowflake complex"

I have elderly relatives that I don't want ot get sick or die. But This is not a Jack Bauer-esqe, 24 style, end of the world virus. This is flipping flu. If I was 80, I wouldn't want the world coming to an end on my behalf. Good grief. If I was 64 and ready to retire, i'd be thoroughly pissed if a bunch of people panicked the stock market.
In an attempt to understand the cavalier - often flippant - reaction (business / behavior as usual) to the covid-19 virus of some persons on social media and various websites, I considered what social psychologists and other folks in the field of psychology (e.g., psychiarists, social psychologists) might suggest is a cause. At least 3 obvious ones come to mind. 1st, denial .... is a useful - sometimes even a functional response - to anxiety ... including anticipatory anxiety. 2nd, a lack of emotional intelligence - the lack of ability to emphasize with the most vulnerable in the situation often reflected as a .... it ain't my problem reaction, and 3rd, a host of other person characteristics, including - for example intelligence - that interfere with a person's capacity to comprehend the magnitude of a dangerous situation.

Yesterday, a report surfaced that reveals what may be a strong determinant in how persons view, and react to the covid-19 pandemic the world is experiencing .... POLITICS!

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has revealed sharp partisan divides between Americans over the coronavirus pandemic. Article published yesterday / 3-15

The poll found 68 percent of Democrats are worried that someone in their family could catch the virus, while just 40 percent of Republicans and 45 percent of independents share that concern. The gulf in perception over an outwardly nonpolitical issue underscores how signals from politicians and media outlets have played a critical role in shaping how seriously Americans are taking a viral outbreak that has overwhelmed health care systems and triggered mass quarantines in several countries around the world.
Nearly 80 percent of Democrats believe the worst is yet to come, but just 40 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of independents believe that. Overall, 53 percent of all voters are concerned that someone in their immediate family might contract the coronavirus, and 60 percent believe the worst is yet to come.

The poll also found 56 percent of Democrats believe their day-to-day lives will change in a major way in the future — while just 26 percent of Republicans hold that view.
In response to every question about whether a respondent would change plans that would expose them to others, like travel, eating out at restaurants, and attending large gatherings, Democratic voters consistently responded affirmatively at much higher rates than Republicans. For example, 61 percent of Democrats said they’ve stopped or plan to stop attending large public gatherings, but only 30 percent of Republicans said the same.

The partisan disconnect is not due to a lack of information among conservatives or a function of not hearing much about the outbreak in certain regions of the country. NBC reports that 99 percent of respondents said they’ve seen, heard, or read about the spread of the coronavirus and 89 percent say they’ve heard “a lot” about it — the highest percentage that one of their polls has found for a major event since 2009.

The more likely explanation is that, as with so many other issues, people with different political ideologies consume different kinds of information and take cues on how to think about events from different political figures and institutions. Given that President Donald Trump and media institutions that cater to conservative audiences, like Fox News, have been downplaying the issue from day one, it’s not surprising that Republican voters are not nearly as alarmed as Democrats.

Still, as the virus spreads and more people know someone affected, the typical partisan divides might not hold.

Another Yahoo News/YouGov poll ... pretty much same results ..

That could all be summed up by saying Dems are more emotional and Repubs are more logical and factual. We'll see how it shakes out.
That could all be summed up by saying Dems are more emotional and Repubs are more logical and factual. We'll see how it shakes out.

I read it more as Democrats are overreacting and republicans are under reacting . I think there’s facts to back up both thoughts honestly.
Are we still doing analogies? We had a mouse loose in the house, instead of trapping and killing the mouse (virus) we dropped an a bomb on the house (economy/society)

Such overkill and we're gonna spend a long time rebuilding what we've lost
Trump said we might get this thing under control by July or August. Damn that’s a rough outlook honestly. I hope it’s sooner than that.
If you want the facts you should watch "the view"---yes,sarcasm.
Trump said we might get this thing under control by July or August. Damn that’s a rough outlook honestly. I hope it’s sooner than that.
I hope you listened to the whole of it. The virus might not be completely gone until then but, Faucci said the restrictions and Guidelines are for 15 day periods at a time. The way it seams is that it will peak in 3-4 weeks then decline until it’s gone. Im pretty sure that’s what Faucci meant.
Peplin Creek, post #731 - Trump said only within the last week that this will all blow over and that cases will "magically" (his own words) disappear. As Dr. Fauci's and other experts' predictions of an increase in case numbers came/comes to fruition, an "about-face" in administration stance & info has happened. The experts warned of people being asymptomatic and still carrying/spreading the virus.

Far be it for our population to listen to the real experts in the field of virology.
As of right now the reports are just over 6500 deaths worldwide from CV although I think China and Iran are no doubt falsifying their numbers.
Deaths is USA are just over 70.
Keeping all that in perspective there are much more dangerous diseases and risks to public health.

The MSM has been proven over and over to have an agenda and been caught outright lying and telling half truths. Same with social media.
The curtain has been pulled back on the swamp of corruption in DC and they have been exposed for the biased self interest hacks they are.
Hollywood has been cranking out pandemic and apocalypse films and TV shows for decades.

So I’m just thinking out loud...who benefits for hyping up CV to get us to this point that we are at today, who stands to gain?
Who wins who looses?
Our country and the world have been through much much worse than this.

Do I think CV is a very bad thing...sure.
Is it as bad as is being said? The overall numbers of deaths don’t seem to warrant the current panic being spread by the MSM to me. But that’s just my opinion, I’m skeptical about anything the government try’s to force on me and I don’t believe 90% of what the MSM says anymore.
^obviously I didn't "miss the sarcasm" the first go round.

I said if. if isnt going to happen. I have a huge chest freezer full I’m meat that would take us a few months to eat up if we only ate meat.

You are obviously missing my “if shit hits the fan” comment .

I’m not talking about the stock market crashing, the internet going down, not being able to get the new latest and greatest smart phone. I’m talking about end of the world type of shit. If that happens there will be no laws, regulations, or personnel to enforce them.

You let your family starve to death, I’ll go fishing and hunting.

Again this is never going to happen so un clinch your ass cheeks.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
In an attempt to understand the cavalier - often flippant - reaction (business / behavior as usual) to the covid-19 virus of some persons on social media and various websites, I considered what social psychologists and other folks in the field of psychology (e.g., psychiarists, social psychologists) might suggest is a cause. At least 3 obvious ones come to mind. 1st, denial .... is a useful - sometimes even a functional response - to anxiety ... including anticipatory anxiety. 2nd, a lack of emotional intelligence - the lack of ability to emphasize with the most vulnerable in the situation often reflected as a .... it ain't my problem reaction, and 3rd, a host of other person characteristics, including - for example intelligence - that interfere with a person's capacity to comprehend the magnitude of a dangerous situation.

Yesterday, a report surfaced that reveals what may be a strong determinant in how persons view, and react to the covid-19 pandemic the world is experiencing .... POLITICS!

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has revealed sharp partisan divides between Americans over the coronavirus pandemic. Article published yesterday / 3-15

The poll found 68 percent of Democrats are worried that someone in their family could catch the virus, while just 40 percent of Republicans and 45 percent of independents share that concern. The gulf in perception over an outwardly nonpolitical issue underscores how signals from politicians and media outlets have played a critical role in shaping how seriously Americans are taking a viral outbreak that has overwhelmed health care systems and triggered mass quarantines in several countries around the world.
Nearly 80 percent of Democrats believe the worst is yet to come, but just 40 percent of Republicans and 57 percent of independents believe that. Overall, 53 percent of all voters are concerned that someone in their immediate family might contract the coronavirus, and 60 percent believe the worst is yet to come.

The poll also found 56 percent of Democrats believe their day-to-day lives will change in a major way in the future — while just 26 percent of Republicans hold that view.
In response to every question about whether a respondent would change plans that would expose them to others, like travel, eating out at restaurants, and attending large gatherings, Democratic voters consistently responded affirmatively at much higher rates than Republicans. For example, 61 percent of Democrats said they’ve stopped or plan to stop attending large public gatherings, but only 30 percent of Republicans said the same.

The partisan disconnect is not due to a lack of information among conservatives or a function of not hearing much about the outbreak in certain regions of the country. NBC reports that 99 percent of respondents said they’ve seen, heard, or read about the spread of the coronavirus and 89 percent say they’ve heard “a lot” about it — the highest percentage that one of their polls has found for a major event since 2009.

The more likely explanation is that, as with so many other issues, people with different political ideologies consume different kinds of information and take cues on how to think about events from different political figures and institutions. Given that President Donald Trump and media institutions that cater to conservative audiences, like Fox News, have been downplaying the issue from day one, it’s not surprising that Republican voters are not nearly as alarmed as Democrats.

Still, as the virus spreads and more people know someone affected, the typical partisan divides might not hold.

Another Yahoo News/YouGov poll ... pretty much same results ..
At first I thot those first 3 points were about what an Ex spouse may say about another Ex. Same applies I suppose.

Perhaps the world has a problem with those who have a peace with the fires that continually arise. And more importantly they are somewhat aggravated that some of us don't get our panties bunched as much as some think they should. And I understand that.

But I know one damn thing, I may not be "intelligent " enough, but I've looked death in the face, and I understand what its like to lose, but you can bet your FN sweet ass I know what it is to deal with death and I sure as hell am not FLIPPANT about it. And I'm not going to be controlled by fear.
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