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I like this thread...and I don't. There's a whole theme to develop based on that sentence. One thing's for sure. If anybody want's honest insight into a range of thoughts on the subject this is the place. I've tried to keep an open mind and have been reading different sources as I try to decide my course of action. I'll share some random thoughts you'll like ... or not.

1. My two sons are 30 and 31. Personal situations aside, they have never faced a society-wide adversity; an inconvenience, maybe, but not adversity. Regardless if this qualifies or not, this must be what it feels like. I'll soon enough be 70. Looking back on my time, I see there were a couple of possibles. I didn't know it because I was too dumb or too young.
My dad, born in 1915, lived thru a pandemic or two, WWI, WWII and the Great Depression. He knew what it was like to face adversity.

You should learn from this because there will be other bad mojo moments.

2. I've learned that one person can infect from 1.5 to 3.5 other people. Like with all other population growth- think whitetail deer if it helps - growth isn't a straight line. It's geometric. It's not 1+ 1 = 2. If one infects 3, then the next day there are 9. The next day there are 81. Do that over a couple hundred days....

3. If your deer herd were to increase at that rate, well, do the math, whatever math you want to do. Soon, you have more deer than your habitat will support. What do you do? You're gleeful! Meat for the freezer. You start shooting and killing, but you can't keep up. You start to have so many deer piling up you can't butcher fast enough. You yell for help, but help gets increasing expensive because there aren't enough people to help you and they have to come from far away...but you pay. Your freezers get full. You buy more but it takes time. If there were only some way to slow it down - both the increasing deer numbers and the number you have to kill and butcher. If you can slow it down, then you might have a chance to do what you need to do to get things back in balance.

Perhaps a bad analogy. I thought I'd give it a try.

So far as businesses are concerned, its a no win situation. Do nothing and you customers get sick. Some die, and the whole attitude about how we live changes. If we setup walls and limits, we suffer now, but perhaps face a better future. The strong will survive and the weak won't.

If the strategy of isolation works, you'll look back and ask what was the big deal? You'll be no smarter than before and that's the great tragedy.
^ wait what?

Your willing to hunt and fish with little regard to population dynamics due to this. If someone that visits a habitat forum and actually cares about wildlife caries this ideology. Imagine the rest of population sharing that mindset.

Stewards of the land first.
Not a free for all to exploit.
“Perhaps a bad analogy. I thought I'd give it a try.”

Yeah I don’t think that’s a good analogy. uncontrolled deer breeding compared to humans virus . that would be a purely instinctual thing as opposed to humans who can actual think and change behavior.
The economic impact could last many years though and will recover but, Is this the norm?. You can do this every 20 years but, if you can’t shut everything down again in the fall or next spring or 3 years from now. We need a better plan on the economics. Just isn’t going to work to keep shutting the world down.
You feel for the elderly as they are more susceptible. Let's hope a cure/treament is close. That would change everything.
^ wait what?

Your willing to hunt and fish with little regard to population dynamics due to this. If someone that visits a habitat forum and actually cares about wildlife caries this ideology. Imagine the rest of population sharing that mindset.

Stewards of the land first.
Not a free for all to exploit.
I think he was casting a little light heartedness on the situation. I don't think any of us are planning on going and just mowing down deer and turkeys. hard to read into sarcasm, but I think you missed that one
^ wait what?

Your willing to hunt and fish with little regard to population dynamics due to this. If someone that visits a habitat forum and actually cares about wildlife caries this ideology. Imagine the rest of population sharing that mindset.

Stewards of the land first.
Not a free for all to exploit.

"if the shit hits the fan" Was said. I hope you don't think this is the shit hitting the fan.
I'm one of the this is nothing or a pebble in the road type of guys.
Hate to say it but if we had a democrap in charge they would not be panicking the people the way they are now. Before this is over they will be trying to blame trump somehow I have no doubt.
^ wait what?

Your willing to hunt and fish with little regard to population dynamics due to this. If someone that visits a habitat forum and actually cares about wildlife caries this ideology. Imagine the rest of population sharing that mindset.

Stewards of the land first.
Not a free for all to exploit.
I think he was casting a little light heartedness on the situation. I don't think any of us are planning on going and just mowing down deer and turkeys. hard to read into sarcasm, but I think you missed that one
yes, missed sarcasm.
Hate to say it but if we had a democrap in charge they would not be panicking the people the way they are now. Before this is over they will be trying to blame trump somehow I have no doubt.
The only panic I see is the consumers hoarding. As for the virus concerns everyone I talk to is so lackadaisical about it and that's what's scary. This isn't hitting home for most until someone in their life gets diagnosed. By then it's too late, the genius that ignored all the warnings to stay home and distance themselves from others probably brought it to their loved one.
I have lots of toilet paper on hand. Let the bidding begin. I will auction off full rolls first and as the supply decreases we will shift gears and sell it by the square.
The only panic I see is the consumers hoarding. As for the virus concerns everyone I talk to is so lackadaisical about it and that's what's scary. This isn't hitting home for most until someone in their life gets diagnosed. By then it's too late, the genius that ignored all the warnings to stay home and distance themselves from others probably brought it to their loved one.
Kinda like cancer or any other life ending event huh? I choose not to listen to the doomsday scenario---seems like half the people want this thing to be the worst thing ever.
I'm not sure what the health ramifications of this virus will be but the amount of litigation that is going to follow this is mind boggling.
Kinda like cancer or any other life ending event huh? I choose not to listen to the doomsday scenario---seems like half the people want this thing to be the worst thing ever.
Nope. Never said anyone was going to die if they get it. Would you rather get it, be FORCED to quarantine for a minimum of 14 days, and then pray you didn't pass it to any elderly or otherwise immune comprised person around you? Or simply just lay low for a few weeks, limit public exposure, and let the storm blow over? Should be an easy choice for most but it's obviously not. This mentality is why by the end of the week we will be in lockdown with curfews. It's coming.
I have lots of toilet paper on hand. Let the bidding begin. I will auction off full rolls first and as the supply decreases we will shift gears and sell it by the square.
Ha... i work at/with our family owned portable toilet rental company. We get it by the pallet. I'll flood your market

Nope. Never said anyone was going to die if they get it. Would you rather get it, be FORCED to quarantine for a minimum of 14 days, and then pray you didn't pass it to any elderly or otherwise immune comprised person around you? Or simply just lay low for a few weeks, limit public exposure, and let the storm blow over? Should be an easy choice for most but it's obviously not. This mentality is why by the end of the week we will be in lockdown with curfews. It's coming.
This is not laying low. This is pandemonium instilled for a flu bug. Sheer madness.

Limit exposure all you want, but after 2 weeks, when people stick their heads out, they're still going to be susceptible to it, unless we have a vaccine in the next 3 weeks, which ain't gonna happen. We're slowing down the bell curve, I get that, but good grief man, everyone's till susceptible to it even in a month. Those that are gonna get it, are gonna get it.

China had 80k cases. IN a country of 1.4 billion, and their quarantines were awful. That's 6/1000s of a percentage point, if you round up. I understand they're not done yet, but good grief people...
I do believe most people have always tried to keep elderly relatives away from sickness this shouldn’t be something we just thinking about now. Everyone frets about the elderly normally I would hope.
To be fair, China is calling this the Italian Flu right now.

Coronavirus is many things, including a propaganda campaign.
Another problem with the panic is projections. NY Governor just on saying he expects by projections that 11 million people in NY will get it and 3 million hospitalized. Now how can you say those numbers. There’s nothing in the world so far that comes anywhere close to fractions of that but he’s out there projecting that.
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