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No point to NY waiting to close schools. Every county in NY has infected people. They just haven't confirmed it with testing yet.
At this point the governor is weighing the disadvantages and effects of the students being in school to the benefits of not NY has so many poor and needy students that rely on the school environment that Right now he feels it’s more beneficial for them to be there unless there’s an outbreak. may change tomorrow of course.
I was never much of a student. I can’t even imagine what kind of student I would have been from home. LOL. I think forgetting the home stuff and just extending the year would be better. I’d imagine there would be huge pushback on that from the unions and parents though.
We don’t have the plan yet but it sounds like they are definitely setting up home schooling. Teachers will post assignments and the kids will do them at home. My kids are straight A nerds so they will be fine, but kids like me aren’t going to learn a thing other than how to time and kill the squirrel on one of his bird feeder runs.
Lots of kids will open another tab and spend the majority of their time on youtube or social media. I wonder how many adults do the same thing (hint hint... this site run pretty well during the weekday)? ;) Most kids are a little less disciplined than adults when doing something they don't want to do but I feel the work would get done for the most part.

With that said, I live in a district where quite a few homes do not have internet. How do you deal with those kids/families? Drive through packet pickup and dropoffs?

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I just saw where one internet company is offering free internet to these students.

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I understand the concern for feeding kids and all kinds of logistics problems. But its crazy to say wait until there is an outbreak when the outbreak has already started and growing exponentially. This is going to get pretty awful. Waiting won't help.
I just saw where one internet company is offering free internet to these students.

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Free internet is great. Satellite is our only option and its it expensive for very little data. We arent the only ones as us cellular offered us "only option" internet. $100 a month for 100 gb. If the classes involve video that would be gone. Not alot of options in rural america. We use phone data as our sole source.
Continuing to spiral here. Governor just shut down all restaurants and bars in the state.
Continuing to spiral here. Governor just shut down all restaurants and bars in the state.
Illinois and Ohio both. I'm expecting Evers to do the same in Wisconsin then.
Watching the Pence press conference on tv now. They're all standing shoulders touching and the lady, Dr. Birk I think, made a long finger wipe of her nose. Then they all take turns touching the podium. They sure aren't practicing what they're telling us to do. We getting punked or what.
Watching the Pence press conference on tv now. They're all standing shoulders touching and the lady, Dr. Birk I think, made a long finger wipe of her nose. Then they all take turns touching the podium. They sure aren't practicing what they're telling us to do. We getting punked or what.
Who was coughing? I was listening on the radio and heard it several times while I think it was the VP speaking.
Can't tell. Maybe reporters? They're squeezed in like sardines. It's probably just coughing keyboard sound effects like Ferris Bueller.
Free internet is great. Satellite is our only option and its it expensive for very little data. We arent the only ones as us cellular offered us "only option" internet. $100 a month for 100 gb. If the classes involve video that would be gone. Not alot of options in rural america. We use phone data as our sole source.

I use HughesNet satellite at my farm, no other option. Yes expensive, if you compare to living in the burbs and just cable internet. I can transmit lots of gig files for work. I also get my Direst TV included.
In Illinois ONLY dine-in traffic is prohibited; carry out and delivery are available options. Pizza joints should do well.
Well, everyone is panicking. Ohio shut down dine in restaurants.

i can't even get my mind around this nonsense. We cancelled vacation, not because i'm afraid of being sick, but because if i'm 1100 miles from home and they shut down all the restaurants/activities/beaches, i'd rather be at my house where.

The governor is just pulling levers willy nilly and not counting the cost for other things. All because a bunch of seniors are at risk. There's gonna be a lot of foreclosures and businesses for sale on the cheap in the next year.
and Ohio's governor said he'd be surprised if the schools open again this year. What the samhill is going on around here?
Ok this is going to sound political. It’s not meant to be but more of an observation... I think states feel like they have to take action because there wasn’t a lot of action coming from the federal government. So now we are seeing all these extreme measures and I do think it’s extreme also. I’m worried for the businesses and people’s jobs as well. Hopefully all of these steps are the correct thing to do and we flatten the curve and we can go on with business as usual.
As I mentioned once before. If somebody has a better plan let’s hear it. I really think the feds acted pretty quickly shutting down the borders and For sure there was opposition. Old Bernie said himself he would never close the borders. Mistakes happen on all levels especially in a severe situation. Nobody wants to see people get sick or die but, if you really look at the bottom line. So far under 100 deaths in the US. That’s pretty phenomenal . Fauci said himself that he doesn’t even see domestic travel bans as happening and we will see nowhere near what these other Countries are seeing. But people aren’t listening to that. They hear the doctor last night on the news that said expect 2000 people a day to die next week. Extreme over reaction, extreme panic. We as humans are strong as individuals, weak as a group. That’s for sure.
Shes ramping up boys and girls ... its going to start to get uglier from now on. Those that still dont get it God help you and those that do good luck. Like I said - sincerely -- tend to your families.
This is hitting across all age groups, your kids are going to get it - more mild, their the spreaders same for the 20 year olds... from there up its not so nice - most will be mild but not all - some will even die.... pushing into the 40-50's your going to take the brunt of the more severe cases with many having long term issues and a long recovery time - 60ish well kind of the same but tipping the scales against you, 70 on up and your statistically screwed - if you have high blood pressure, other heart issues chf copd Afib etc.. a diabetic or overweight any respiratory issues your the bigger part of the 5-7 percent death rate now in Italy in fact when segmented out your pushing 20% ish and thats not good odds - go buy a 1 dollar scratch off and look at the odds.

She is more than likely aerosolized and not just droplet based spread - which is terrorizing, despite what they are telling the general public - if your A symptomatic and spreading and highly infectious - its likely fine particle airborne so 3-6 meter stand off isnt that effective anymore. And maybe wearing those cheap masks was not such a bad idea. (I know the differences in types)
No vaccine - no hope for one in less than a year right now if possible at all...
Virtually no testing in any real numbers yet - no clue as to how far into this acceleration phase we are in (Italy is our only forecaster),
No meds, tiny fraction of the vents we will need and realistically no beds to put people in beyond this initial phase,
Reactionary planning - with nothing concrete in place,
Public has been at best strategically lied to to maintain calm or more likely dumbed down out of political ineptness.

Help yourselves...
Look to your families and help your old people, stay the F home or at least keep away from most people, sit this crap out for a month and stop whining like a bunch of spoiled un educated children - this crap is here and its real. If you have been too cool to take this serious you have put your families at risk and are just part of the problem and not the solution. Tend to your families - we can all go back to political bickering in 6 months.

Take care...
Don't have the option to stay home---have to work. I've had a cold before. Doomsday preppers coming out of the woodwork---thank your government for that. Mass hysteria. Looks like there is no hope for mankind.
Breaking news. Louis Vuitton is now going to make hand sanitizer.
Shes ramping up boys and girls ... its going to start to get uglier from now on. Those that still dont get it God help you and those that do good luck. Like I said - sincerely -- tend to your families.
This is hitting across all age groups, your kids are going to get it - more mild, their the spreaders same for the 20 year olds... from there up its not so nice - most will be mild but not all - some will even die.... pushing into the 40-50's your going to take the brunt of the more severe cases with many having long term issues and a long recovery time - 60ish well kind of the same but tipping the scales against you, 70 on up and your statistically screwed - if you have high blood pressure, other heart issues chf copd Afib etc.. a diabetic or overweight any respiratory issues your the bigger part of the 5-7 percent death rate now in Italy in fact when segmented out your pushing 20% ish and thats not good odds - go buy a 1 dollar scratch off and look at the odds.

She is more than likely aerosolized and not just droplet based spread - which is terrorizing, despite what they are telling the general public - if your A symptomatic and spreading and highly infectious - its likely fine particle airborne so 3-6 meter stand off isnt that effective anymore. And maybe wearing those cheap masks was not such a bad idea. (I know the differences in types)
No vaccine - no hope for one in less than a year right now if possible at all...
Virtually no testing in any real numbers yet - no clue as to how far into this acceleration phase we are in (Italy is our only forecaster),
No meds, tiny fraction of the vents we will need and realistically no beds to put people in beyond this initial phase,
Reactionary planning - with nothing concrete in place,
Public has been at best strategically lied to to maintain calm or more likely dumbed down out of political ineptness.

Help yourselves...
Look to your families and help your old people, stay the F home or at least keep away from most people, sit this crap out for a month and stop whining like a bunch of spoiled un educated children - this crap is here and its real. If you have been too cool to take this serious you have put your families at risk and are just part of the problem and not the solution. Tend to your families - we can all go back to political bickering in 6 months.

Take care...

I must be missing something. How is the flu this bad? China did a horrible job at containing it. They have had 80,000 cases. we have less than 1/3 the people of China. I'm not saying it's a good thing, but i'm not seeing the dire straights you're pushing here.

We're in sanitation and will have to keep plugging. I simply do not understand. Perhaps I'm ignorant.
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