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I'm wondering how many of them will end up with a spouse at home that could watch the kids.

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Do you think there is daycare alternatives in this environment?
No, but if businesses are shutting down and employees are sent home the percentage of nurses watching kids could be lowered. Maybe that was already factored into that 18-20%, I don't know.

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Our school is closing 3/20 to 4/13. Can’t figure that one out. Someone must have a crystal ball.

Natty same here outta work for 2 weeks and they will reevaluate then,..

Really ? anyone think this will be better in 2 weeks? This will be magnitudes worse.

Still short Wynn!

I agree. I think a lot of schools and principals just have no idea what to do. Two or 3 weeks buys then some time. This thing isn't just going to go away in 2 weeks when I go back. And it certainly isn't long enough to wait for a vaccine. Not really sure what it does? But I ain't complaining! :emoji_thumbsup:
I agree. I think a lot of schools and principals just have no idea what to do. Two or 3 weeks buys then some time. This thing isn't just going to go away in 2 weeks when I go back. And it certainly isn't long enough to wait for a vaccine. Not really sure what it does? But I ain't complaining! :emoji_thumbsup:
My crystal ball comment was why they have school this week. There are no cases in our county yet but do they think it will be here next week? They are getting crushed on social media for staying open this week. They hit the panic button then asked everyone to not worry for a week. Their logic was they need the kids in school this week so they can figure out how to teach them at home after that. Then they send a follow up that if you want to keep your kids home you should. My guess is they close this week by the end of today.
NAtty,.. Closing school,.. It flattens the curve of how many people show up at the hospital and overwhelm our medical care system. That is the entire ideal of delaying events and closing things.

We are all going to eventually get this, just like the flu,.. but what matters now is how many of us get this all at the same time and how many old folks need ventilators at the same time.

Google up Flatten the curve.
NAtty,.. Closing school,.. It flattens the curve of how many people show up at the hospital and overwhelm our medical care system. That is the entire ideal of delaying events and closing things.

We are all going to eventually get this, just like the flu,.. but what matters now is how many of us get this all at the same time and how many old folks need ventilators at the same time.

Google up Flatten the curve.

I hear you. But what's 2 weeks? Unless they close school until summer vacation simply going back in an arbitrary 2 weeks I think does little. Maybe it just buys administrators time to really consider the implications of shutting down for the next 3 months.
I just wish I'd waited to get into the market until now. I did it last tuesday and it's done nothing but drop since then... Good thing I have 25 years to let it recover.

You can't think like that. No one can time the market. You have to look at the money you made by waiting as long as you did. The market WILL come back up. I'm guessing you made an extra 15% by investing last Tuesday instead of last December.
I think there are a couple of reasons the school are shutting down; delay the spread and hospitals might keep up, but if you have everyone get sick at the same time thing get messy because there won't be enough rooms, staff, and supplies for medical attention. Plus most school administrators aren't medical experts and would rather error on the safe side. This is all new and scary, nobody wants to be left with a disaster and the finger pointed at them.

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I think there are a couple of reasons the school are shutting down; delay the spread and hospitals might keep up, but if you have everyone get sick at the same time thing get messy because there won't be enough rooms, staff, and supplies for medical attention. Plus most school administrators aren't medical experts and would rather error on the safe side. This is all new and scary, nobody wants to be left with a disaster and the finger pointed at them.

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That is why there is now some working together from both sides of the aisle. It should have started years ago.

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I think there are a couple of reasons the school are shutting down; delay the spread and hospitals might keep up, but if you have everyone get sick at the same time thing get messy because there won't be enough rooms, staff, and supplies for medical attention. Plus most school administrators aren't medical experts and would rather error on the safe side. This is all new and scary, nobody wants to be left with a disaster and the finger pointed at them.

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That is why there is now some working together from both sides of the aisle. It should have started years ago.

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Agreed, some things should be unified and not dependent on the R or D beside their name. Of course if working together it's hard to blame the other side for mistakes... which seems to the current blueprint for politics. And you do have real partisan issues such as how to fund situations such as this. When you look at the whole of the country it makes since to work together, when you look at the career politician it makes sinse to stay on your side.

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Why not just shut down the schools to slow the spread & then have them make it up in the summer?
What's the rule, 180 days of school needed? They could do some summer school if they allow people to take their planned summer trips. Probably not the end of the world. E-learning and home schooling to wrap up the year should also be available. This late in the year I feel the kids have already gotten most of what they're going to get out of the year. Mine have already met their reading goals.
Why not just shut down the schools to slow the spread & then have them make it up in the summer?
I'm guessing it would be logistics and a financial nightmare. Families would pull kids for vacations, administrators do a lot of legal work and continuing education work in the summer, grounds crews and building upkeep happens in the summer, a lot of teachers have summer jobs or their own businesses to tend to, etc. I'm not justifying it, just giving reasons it probably won't happen.

Here is what KS posted in regards to making up time missed:
  1. Make up the time (up to the state minimum) before June 30
  2. Conduct class virtually
  3. Submit a request to KSDE asking that the requirement be waived. The state will decide based on KSA 72-3117 whether or not to grant the waiver, and it is this decision that the state board authorized the commissioner to make.
My crystal ball comment was why they have school this week. There are no cases in our county yet but do they think it will be here next week? They are getting crushed on social media for staying open this week. They hit the panic button then asked everyone to not worry for a week. Their logic was they need the kids in school this week so they can figure out how to teach them at home after that. Then they send a follow up that if you want to keep your kids home you should. My guess is they close this week by the end of today.
I was never much of a student. I can’t even imagine what kind of student I would have been from home. LOL. I think forgetting the home stuff and just extending the year would be better. I’d imagine there would be huge pushback on that from the unions and parents though.
I was never much of a student. I can’t even imagine what kind of student I would have been from home. LOL. I think forgetting the home stuff and just extending the year would be better. I’d imagine there would be huge pushback on that from the unions and parents though.
We don’t have the plan yet but it sounds like they are definitely setting up home schooling. Teachers will post assignments and the kids will do them at home. My kids are straight A nerds so they will be fine, but kids like me aren’t going to learn a thing other than how to time and kill the squirrel on one of his bird feeder runs.
I think here in NY we have the most cases right now. The governor is not closing all the schools. For all the things this governor lacks in judgement this is the one thing I agree with him on. We have huge amounts of area and Counties with no cases. Closing schools there does no good just really disrupts the cart. Some schools are closed in areas where prudent. This is working now and doesn’t put everyone on the same time frames. Just staggered out. He might cave to pressure soon like PA but for now it’s working
I was never much of a student. I can’t even imagine what kind of student I would have been from home. LOL. I think forgetting the home stuff and just extending the year would be better. I’d imagine there would be huge pushback on that from the unions and parents though.
We don’t have the plan yet but it sounds like they are definitely setting up home schooling. Teachers will post assignments and the kids will do them at home. My kids are straight A nerds so they will be fine, but kids like me aren’t going to learn a thing other than how to time and kill the squirrel on one of his bird feeder runs.
Lots of kids will open another tab and spend the majority of their time on youtube or social media. I wonder how many adults do the same thing (hint hint... this site run pretty well during the weekday)? ;) Most kids are a little less disciplined than adults when doing something they don't want to do but I feel the work would get done for the most part.

With that said, I live in a district where quite a few homes do not have internet. How do you deal with those kids/families? Drive through packet pickup and dropoffs?

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No point to NY waiting to close schools. Every county in NY has infected people. They just haven't confirmed it with testing yet.
MN is closing all schools for the month starting on Wed. I might be taking the kids up north tullibee and perch fishing if it gets a little nicer out. Have to finish siding a big house this week first.

Lots of kids will open another tab and spend the majority of their time on youtube or social media. I wonder how many adults do the same thing (hint hint... this site run pretty well during the weekday)? ;) Most kids are a little less disciplined than adults when doing something they don't want to do but I feel the work would get done for the most part.

With that said, I live in a district where quite a few homes do not have internet. How do you deal with those kids/families? Drive through packet pickup and dropoffs?

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They have a plan for that. They are going to rent or lend tablets to those that don’t have them. The internet access didn’t make sense to me. They were going to set up pod times where they could come in and access the internet? I don’t see how that differs from going to school other than it is probably a low number of kids that will be in that category.
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