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Yep. At least the low income households are getting faster internet connections and free internet service for 60 days courtesy of Comcast. The rage that filled me when the mayor announced that commerical pitch during the press conference yesterday was almost uncontrollable.

why do you think that is? Keep people off the streets and streaming tv? Wondering what the explanation is.
why do you think that is? Keep people off the streets and streaming tv? Wondering what the explanation is.
Watching liberal political commercials of course.
Just heard of a confirmed positive about 3 miles from me. Those potentially exposed are now quarantined. When widespread testing becomes available the numbers are going to skyrocket.

*edit - the person was showing no signs of symptoms at the time

I am confused, how did the person get tested? You just said its almost impossible to get tested. Just curious, not trying to stir anything.
why do you think that is? Keep people off the streets and streaming tv? Wondering what the explanation is.
They said it's because all the low income people with employers that tell them to work from home can't do so with their sub par or non existent internet. More than one company provides internet here so when they only mention one instead of saying they are working with the providers in the area to address this concern it screams BS, just like all Chicago politics. Bet Comcast donates a ton to her campaign and the city gives them all sorts of perks.
I am confused, how did the person get tested? You just said its almost impossible to get tested. Just curious, nit trying to stir anything.
Not exactly sure yet but it appears the person may have been transported to the hospital for other issues initially.
They said it's because all the low income people with employers that tell them to work from home can't do so with their sub par or non existent internet. More than one company provides internet here so when they only mention one instead of saying they are working with the providers in the area to address this concern it screams BS, just like all Chicago politics. Bet Comcast donates a ton to her campaign and the city gives them all sorts of perks.

yeah pretty much. I’m working from on a 4mbps connection. Not ideal but all seems to work fine. I don’t have a VoIP phone though. That could be a little more taxing perhaps. I’m sure there is some shading things going on there.
Maybe when all the kids are still getting the schooling online the lightbulb will finally come on that schools should be shut down permanently. Look at all the wasted money on school buildings, busses, teachers(most don't do a good job or care anymore). Kids can still get an education without the crazy expense to the taxpayers.
How much time have you spent with kids who don't get to spend time around other kids? Not all, but homeschoolers in general are a different breed. So, no... it's a pass from me.
You going to spend the 100k to run fiber to our house? We cant get internet here in rural america besides the data on our phone.
They would still be way ahead financially if they provided everything for people to be able to school from home.
What do you do for work cavey? My wife is an emergency room RN. She tested 4 more people last night. If they call in they drive up and she runs out and swabs them and sends them home to self quarantine. Results are taking 24-30 hours I guess.

Bowsnbuck post 549. I couldnt possibly agree with you anymore. How in the blue phuck did our slut politicians let our national security be outsourced to a bunch of communist thugs?? Some things just cant ever be trusted to be outsourced. Food, medicine, steel, energy.

Fire based ALS in Wis.
Madison can only do about 150 test a day and they had to be sent down. Field testing is in the pipe with drive in labs being talked about but not in place in our community. We only have enough masks for a short time - what would be a normal month maybe. Most hospitals are access hospitals and do not have vent wards and only have a few respiratory vents between the floor and ED's.

We run interfacility transfers to Saint Mary's and every once in awhile to Methodist both are great places but they only have so much capacity I would be surprised they could dump an entire floor let alone 2 - they were pretty full up the last time I was down there. Id have to see that to believe it which Im sure I will get a chance soon enough. Saint Mary's is subdivided into a number of specialty areas and Im not sure there are more than 30 rooms to each floor/wing at best. Rochester pulls from a multi state area those will be full in a blink of an eye if we even just get to Italy like numbers.

CDC is dumping a bunch of expired masks out to the states as we speak. Only real options beyond those old masks now for more masks is back channels direct to the manufacturer via CDC and we are not sure that will work despite direct face to face talking with one of the manufacturers whom we have in town. CDC has only done about 11,000 tests the ROK's are cranking out 10,000 a day we are way behind for such a powerhouse of a country with the best of everything. I think our arrogance has placed us in a slightly undesirable spot but it feels good to be told everything is fine.

Even if you want to believe we are the super duper best - and we do have good specialist hospitals. We do not have the capacity for what is likely to come. That is more of the problem than how great our care is. Putting someone on a vent and waiting for their immune system to catch up is a waiting game more than a game of interventions we dont have a lot of drug options now nor beds or vents.

The goal now is more about slowing the spread and trying to figure out how we will deal with this for the next 6 months. Its the real deal and its bad.

***as another side note Wisconsin just shut down all its schools starting Wednesday k-12 and private should hit the news quickly

this is kind of all over the place but is one of the best for the general public I have seen.
Fair question. Born and raised here. Family all here. Wages and pension are good. If all goes as planned I will retire at 53 and quite possibly never work another day in my life unless I decide to out of boredom or to stay active but I don't envision that being a problem.
You really can’t beat it. Trust me. :emoji_grinning:
Im in the medical field at the front lines - we dont have the best, we were not prepared and still are not and wont be for a long time, and there are virtually no tests available where they need to be.

Keep living the dream......

Hospitals are already at full capacity, we and they have no supplies for this, and testing is so far behind and will not be available like we need it for an extended period of time. That is the reality we and my co-workers are walking in.
I think this is really site specific. Unfortunately I have spent some time recently in 2 different hospitals where family were having issues. One was at best 20% full, empty actually and the other about 50%. Rooms empty everywhere. I’m sure other places around major urban centers could be way different of course.
Who's all on the Corona diet?! Forget Keto. Just made my last trip to Dollar General. Officially rationing my own food now. I'm going to look so good this summer.
Who's all on the Corona diet?! Forget Keto. Just made my last trip to Dollar General. Officially rationing my own food now. I'm going to look so good this summer.

I’ve got enough busch lattes and backstrap to last me quite a while. Wife won’t be too happy with it, but we ain’t gonna starve

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Maybe when all the kids are still getting the schooling online the lightbulb will finally come on that schools should be shut down permanently. Look at all the wasted money on school buildings, busses, teachers(most don't do a good job or care anymore). Kids can still get an education without the crazy expense to the taxpayers.

I could not disagree with you more. Not sure what kind of experience you have or what you are citing...maybe just a personal angst against public education. Sorry, I've been teaching high school for 22 years and what I do in the classroom every day can not be replicated "on-line" or by 90% of parents at home. Fifty percent of the students in my high school are low income and special needs. Do you really think they are going to be able teach themselves high school Biology or Math by watching videos? Half of these kids' parents are absent, drunk, abusers, mentally ill, illiterate, etc. The ONLY role model and/or caring adult many of these kids see each day is a teacher. The ONLY safe place many of these experience each day is a classroom. And the ONLY breakfast and lunch these kids eat is at school.

"Most don't do a good job or care anymore" is what you said. I'd like to know your source for that information.
Real question is in cities like Chicago and Baltimore do they give the beds to Coronavirus patients or gun shot victims. What about all the drug overdoses? My guess is a lot of ICU patients these days are life style related, who gets the bed?
How much time have you spent with kids who don't get to spend time around other kids? Not all, but homeschoolers in general are a different breed. So, no... it's a pass from me.

hey my son was home schooled from 2nd through 6th grade. He’s fine, in college to be a teacher now. (Well not right now).
He loves the Tim Hawkins song. :emoji_laughing:
My wife had to triage this dude at the hospital the other night.

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