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All our local K-12 schools just announced today will be the last day of school until at least April 6th.

same in Ohio.
Our politicians suck. They have sold us out to China. As much as anti Trumpsters want to blame him for the shortage in test it is the politicians fault. Trump can’t just say make more tests. There is so much red tape delaying these tests. The CDC complained under Obama that the system can not react in real time to an emergency after the swine flu. Of coarse our politicians did nothing since then to fix it. First they play politics over the virus now they are doing it over the economic solutions that are needed. We pay these clowns and high taxes so they can do the work we need done. Something comes up that we actually need them to do something and they play for votes in the next election and whore themselves out for air time. If I was president I would call for a vote to bring all essential manufacturing back from China. Let’s see which of these slimy politicians are in bed with China. The only consensus on this thread is China sucks and maybe Epstein didn’t kill himself.
My wife yanked our daughter from preschool today. Guess she graduates early. Then she called our grade school (where we have a 1st and 2nd grader) to gather info about potential closings. The administrator said there's nothing planned, and when she expressed her concerns, he basically said it would be a huge overreaction. All the local private schools are closed. Definitely some differences of opinion out there.
My wife yanked our daughter from preschool today. Guess she graduates early. Then she called our grade school (where we have a 1st and 2nd grader) to gather info about potential closings. The administrator said there's nothing planned, and when she expressed her concerns, he basically said it would be a huge overreaction. All the local private schools are closed. Definitely some differences of opinion out there.
My money is on that changing. Yesterday Chicago publicly announced the schools are not closing. Today as more and more suburban schools (including Cook County) the others like CPS will be forced to follow suit to avoid being blamed should an explosion of cases present itself whether it was inevitable or not.
Nearly impossible to get tested here as of now. Must have symptoms AND direct exposure to someone who has the virus or recent travel to a known hotspot. Symptoms alone not enough to get tested unless you show up at a hospital in bad shape.
That's what I'm expecting to happen as well. Seems a little contradictory that every event imaginable is cancelled or being begged to cancel, yet schools are supposed to keep on coasting. The principal left us a voicemail saying if we choose to pull the boys and homeschool them the final two months of the year, that they can't be guaranteed to advance to the next grade. Always keeping in mind, however, we live in IL and it's impossible to be confident in our totally sh!tty government.
That's what I'm expecting to happen as well. Seems a little contradictory that every event imaginable is cancelled or being begged to cancel, yet schools are supposed to keep on coasting. The principal left us a voicemail saying if we choose to pull the boys and homeschool them the final two months of the year, that they can't be guaranteed to advance to the next grade. Always keeping in mind, however, we live in IL and it's impossible to be confident in our totally sh!tty government.
Yep. At least the low income households are getting faster internet connections and free internet service for 60 days courtesy of Comcast. The rage that filled me when the mayor announced that commerical pitch during the press conference yesterday was almost uncontrollable.
Just got email from 1 of the schools saying currently there's no recommendation to close public schools. It's the Chicago public schools that'll bring us down! The kids need their services, need the meals.
Why do you guys live so close to Chicago... That seems like a poor life choice to me...

hahaha, tongue firmly in cheek here.
I'd trade it to Ohio for one 32" walleye outta Erie.
Why do you guys live so close to Chicago... That seems like a poor life choice to me...

hahaha, tongue firmly in cheek here.
Fair question. Born and raised here. Family all here. Wages and pension are good. If all goes as planned I will retire at 53 and quite possibly never work another day in my life unless I decide to out of boredom or to stay active but I don't envision that being a problem.
I live an hour away from it, a little farther to downtown. Last time I was there was 10 years ago when we were dating. Sure there are some neat things, just no interest these days. I would like to take the kids to the museums at some point. Lost interest in watching sports, so no issues there.
Just heard of a confirmed positive about 3 miles from me. Those potentially exposed are now quarantined. When widespread testing becomes available the numbers are going to skyrocket.

*edit - the person was showing no signs of symptoms at the time
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I bet there are 100s of thousands of cases out there right now. Only people getting tested are bad enough to see a doctor. They say the virus stays airborne for up to 3 hours after an infected person leaves the area. People with mild symptoms arent being tested unless they go to a dr for some reason.
They should shut down ALL casinos asap. They are not cleaning those machines in between different users---simply not possible.
Maybe when all the kids are still getting the schooling online the lightbulb will finally come on that schools should be shut down permanently. Look at all the wasted money on school buildings, busses, teachers(most don't do a good job or care anymore). Kids can still get an education without the crazy expense to the taxpayers.
I bet there are 100s of thousands of cases out there right now. Only people getting tested are bad enough to see a doctor. They say the virus stays airborne for up to 3 hours after an infected person leaves the area. People with mild symptoms arent being tested unless they go to a dr for some reason.

Once the virus is well established in a community, I question the value of testing healthy people. The exception might be if a specific medicine becomes indicated in early stages.

Just a few points to think about. How many false positives and negatives are there?
How long is a person infected before the test goes positive?

How many with a negative test report are positive 12-24 hours later?

Just things to ponder as the disease progresses.

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Maybe when all the kids are still getting the schooling online the lightbulb will finally come on that schools should be shut down permanently. Look at all the wasted money on school buildings, busses, teachers(most don't do a good job or care anymore). Kids can still get an education without the crazy expense to the taxpayers.
You going to spend the 100k to run fiber to our house? We cant get internet here in rural america besides the data on our phone.
No on the teacher thing. She was part of our group and came home with us when we were done. The camps are mind blowing in their immensity and just how hopeless it is for folks to get back to life. But their attitudes are incredible. It's the hand they've been dealt and they're going to make the best of it. The Yahziti side of things was absolutely terrible.

Erbil was a cool town. We flew into there but spent most of the week north of there in Dahuk.

Yeah that part of the world is a mess. Did you go to that castle thing outside Dohuk? I didn't manage to. But I had an interesting grilled carp instead.
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