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We were in kurdistan. Took a couple blonde early 20 women with us. No problems. Could be a beautiful place.

No kidding? I was there a few years ago. Erbil was in great shape and improving every day. Did one of those blonde women happen to stay and teach English for a few years?
As of earlier today, S. Korea reported 67 deaths out of ~ 8,000 confirmed cases. Under 1% death rate.
What are you talking about?

You said this:

"That is far from 300 million. Yes, they took extreme measures, but even so, for this to be def con 1 serious you would need to see 100,000 or more deaths in China"

They took extreme measures to prevent a high death toll. You don't go to DEFCON 1 after a disaster. The whole point of prevention is to prevent a disaster.
You guys can criticize Trump and his government all you want, but the infection rate in the US is very low. Prevention is the key. Europe waited too long. Everything is shutting down here. The prime Minister of Norway announced today that all schools and personal services are closed as of today. All bars, pubs, and clubs are closed. All concerts and gatherings of 50 or more people are canceled and forbidden. This will probably be for at least a month.

The infection rate here is about 850 infected in a country of about 5 million. Compare that to the US with about 1300 infected in a country of about 325 million. Without strong preventative measures, things will get out of hand.

Is it inconvenient? Yes. But it beats losing your parents prematurely and unnecessarily.
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When I called my 90yo parents tonight to ck on them they were laughing their asses off at all the hoopla going on. They had jst came in from shopping... not for toilet paper either.
Do you actually think people who grew up in mixed households of a dozen people, survived the shortages of the depression , and world wars, social upheavals, surviving the likes of disease like polio, TB, etc, could possibly give a rats ass about some overrated bug?? You gots to be kidding. They still have balls and common sense. And use them.

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When I called my 90yo parents tonight to ck on them they were laughing their asses off at all the hoopla going on. They had jst came in from shopping... not for toilet paper either.
Do you actually think people who grew up in mixed households of a dozen people, survived the shortages of the depression , and world wars, social upheavals, surviving the likes of disease like polio, TB, etc, could possibly give a rats ass about some overrated bug?? You gots to be kidding. They still have balls and common sense. And use them.

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I did a property walk today with a buddy and his 80 something dad showed up at the end. Super nice guy and I could tell he wanted a hand shake. I swore off handshakes so I wasn’t going in. He gave me a funny look so I just asked him if he had the virus or if he was scared to get it from me. It was my attempt at an ice breaker. He gave me a chuckle and said get the hell over here and shake my hand. He said I ain’t afraid of no stupid virus. I guess when you are that old you have a different perspective on these things.
I’m thirty eight and have a wife and four children. I’m not worried in the least. If any of us go early we’ll be home with our savior.

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NHL just suspended their season. MLB next in line and will be announced soon. Blood bath on Wall Street continues today. Sure are some weird times. No matter how it plays out this is going to be one of the most historic moments occuring in our lifetime.

Interesting perspective sporting games cancelled and a correction in the Dow ... the Dow right now is being more influenced by the Saudis flooding of the oil markets to attack Russia & OPEC. There is a reason that gas is less than $2/gal right now.

I remember watching the 2nd plane crash into tower # 2 at the WTC live on TV, then watching people jump from 40-50 floors to their death (some were on fire while falling) before I watched both towers collapsed. 2,977 people died in about 2-3 hours in a 2 square block area that morning in downtown New York that day. Many more 1st responders and their families continue to suffer loss to this day.

I can't say that this flu virus will rise anywhere close to that experience, but I will remember how some politicians & people weaponized this flu virus to achieve a political gain.
Canadian PM wife has tested positive. My wife took care of a guy last night that they tested and then shipped off to the city. We should know tomorrow if he test positive.
Interesting perspective sporting games cancelled and a correction in the Dow ... the Dow right now is being more influenced by the Saudis flooding of the oil markets to attack Russia & OPEC. There is a reason that gas is less than $2/gal right now.

I remember watching the 2nd plane crash into tower # 2 at the WTC live on TV, then watching people jump from 40-50 floors to their death (some were on fire while falling) before I watched both towers collapsed. 2,977 people died in about 2-3 hours in a 2 square block area that morning in downtown New York that day. Many more 1st responders and their families continue to suffer loss to this day.

I can't say that this flu virus will rise anywhere close to that experience, but I will remember how some politicians & people weaponized this flu virus to achieve a political gain.
"Correction" in the Dow is probably not the term.

Your right this isn't historic. Travel is being banned, store shelves are empty, schools are closing, all major sports have stopped play, governors are prohibiting all events with crowds exceeding a certain number of people, I could go on and on. But this happens all the time right, nothing to see here.

I'm not saying any of this is necessary or not but it is without a doubt historic.

Those retired and living in the country can ignore all this all they want. But for those like myself living in a big city and having a job that requires going into densely populated households and having body to body contact numerous times each day it's a bit different. I'm not afraid for myself, but I sure as hell don't want to bring this back to my family and especially the older and/or sick ones.
My son just got in, they closed Elizabethtown college in PA until April 6th. For now.. anyway.

I’m ok with taking precautions. Yes, I think it may be over hyped but I’d rather my son be here than at college. Just got home from the grocery store. We have TP, cold medicine, even bleach still on the shelf and we didn’t buy any because we have some. Left it for the next guy. My freezer is full of deer and we have leafs to wipe with if it gets bad :) But we live at the end of the state in a summer beach town. Not many people here right now.

I’m getting ready to buy plane tickets for the next few months to get to the farm. Crazy cheap and way cheaper than driving. Wife had a trip to Scotland in 3 weeks derailed. 401 and Stocks are still better than after the 07 crash and I’ve got cash sitting out ready to go back in. So if this doesn’t turn into the walking dead I like my position. Hope everyone stays safe.
"Correction" in the Dow is probably not the term.

Your right this isn't historic. Travel is being banned, store shelves are empty, schools are closing, all major sports have stopped play, governors are prohibiting all events with crowds exceeding a certain number of people, I could go on and on. But this happens all the time right, nothing to see here.

I'm not saying any of this is necessary or not but it is without a doubt historic.

Those retired and living in the country can ignore all this all they want. But for those like myself living in a big city and having a job that requires going into densely populated households and having body to body contact numerous times each day it's a bit different. I'm not afraid for myself, but I sure as hell don't want to bring this back to my family and especially the older and/or sick ones.

We all have our perspective ... we can either let events control our minds, or control our minds to deal with the events.

I know what your job is as we have talked before and I have a lot of respect for what you do. I am not retired and live in a big metro area also. Travel everyday into the belly of the beast. Partner and I own a company with a domestic & global customer base. Trying to figure how to keep them satisfied, maintain order flow from them, so I can keep our employees paid.

Never said there is nothing to see, just trying to put things in perspective. Today is the not the worst day, pretty sure the sun will come up tomorrow... peace!
"Correction" in the Dow is probably not the term.

Your right this isn't historic. Travel is being banned, store shelves are empty, schools are closing, all major sports have stopped play, governors are prohibiting all events with crowds exceeding a certain number of people, I could go on and on. But this happens all the time right, nothing to see here.

I'm not saying any of this is necessary or not but it is without a doubt historic.

Those retired and living in the country can ignore all this all they want. But for those like myself living in a big city and having a job that requires going into densely populated households and having body to body contact numerous times each day it's a bit different. I'm not afraid for myself, but I sure as hell don't want to bring this back to my family and especially the older and/or sick ones.

If you’ve ever been in Florida for a major hurricane that is exactly what you will see.
Canadian PM wife has tested positive. My wife took care of a guy last night that they tested and then shipped off to the city. We should know tomorrow if he test positive.

That guy has a wife. I guess I would have guessed him to be more of the “life partner” type.

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From Dr Tedros WHO General
While media reports have widely circulated fears that asymptomatic people are silently spreading COVID-19 around communities and countries, there is little data to back that up. In fact, asymptomatic cases appear rare and potentially misclassified.
For COVID-19, the data indicates that people coughing and sneezing are the biggest drivers of the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Moreover, the thrust of the epidemic in China has been from the spread of the virus through households and close contacts, not unconnected community members.

At least this is somewhat reassuring that we don’t have a asymptomatic people carrying the virus undetected As a big concern.
In light of what I have been reading on various news websites, I want to point out that it was China's fault. China did this to the world. Their cultural and political "idiosyncrasies" caused a global pandemic and economic crisis. It has happened before, and it will happen again if we don't point the finger at those responsible and demand change.
No kidding? I was there a few years ago. Erbil was in great shape and improving every day. Did one of those blonde women happen to stay and teach English for a few years?
No on the teacher thing. She was part of our group and came home with us when we were done. The camps are mind blowing in their immensity and just how hopeless it is for folks to get back to life. But their attitudes are incredible. It's the hand they've been dealt and they're going to make the best of it. The Yahziti side of things was absolutely terrible.

Erbil was a cool town. We flew into there but spent most of the week north of there in Dahuk.
We all have our perspective ... we can either let events control our minds, or control our minds to deal with the events.

We may not agree on everything, but if i were face to face with you, i'd shake your hand on this one (Unless you're worried about transmitting COVID-19). Worry about what you can worry about, control what you can control, and let the chips fall where they may. If you get sick from this, you'll probably recover quicker if you didn't get your blood pressure up about it in the first place.

I just wish I'd waited to get into the market until now. I did it last tuesday and it's done nothing but drop since then... Good thing I have 25 years to let it recover.

Also, I'm planning on being on a plane to florida tuesday morning with my wife and kids. I guess if they're gonna cancel Ohio schools for 3 weeks, we may as well quarentine in the Florida sunshine.
just a thought, but as a business owner, am I allowed to ignore my incoming mail, particularly anything that looks like a bill or an invoice? I mean, who knows who's handled that and sneezed on it. I'm not taking any chances. Youll just have to wait, Capital One
I personally am not too worried about Coronavirus. I'm taking basic precautions, but certainly not too worried. But I will say's exactly times like these that I have prepared for for almost my entire adult life. My wife and kids live out in the boondocks. Chest freezers full of food. Pantries full of canned foods and dry rice. Got a root cellar full of produce. I've got a river and deer and turkeys in my back yard. Medicine and first aid supplies. And enough ammo to last a decade or so! :emoji_thumbsup:

Hope this blows through with minimal carnage and all the hype will be for naught. If it doesn't and this thing just ping pongs across the globe for the next year, I'll be fine, as I'm sure most of you guys will as well.
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