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Good time to own land!
Now you are not supposed to touch your own face? Time to break out the bubble/pod and hibernate! I think i'll just go to work and "roll the dice". The lady on the boob tube lectures everyone to not touch their own faces and then licks her finger to turn the page.
Go read what I said and don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say they will. I said it is important to understand any loan document you sign and the risk you take. As Ikeman said above ^^^^ acceleration clauses are real.

Right now the average credit card debt is ~9k and average car loan length is 67 months. Their are people who have pulled all of their equity out of their home and good chance they are upside down in their mortgage. Not a good recipe to ride out an economic downturn.

If you have committed to the Dave Ramsey process, good for you as you are far ahead of many.

No offense but you are wrong. Credit cards can’t do jack but mark your credit if you don’t pay. I worked for one and unless they changed the laws it is not the case. When you sign the credit card receipt it is a promise to pay. It can not be enforced to make you pay. If you are handling bills for a deceased family member tell the credit card company to go pound. They have no legal way to make you pay. This is 20 year old info so my apologies if the law changed.
Youi bring up a good topic. I know nobody has a crystal ball but I don't know how long mfp payments can prop up the farm economy. It artificially keeps prices up for something that is not in high demand. South America is becoming a major producer in grains and I see support for ethanol disappearing. At some point farm land has to decrease in value. Time to change topics again:emoji_nerd:
Youi bring up a good topic. I know nobody has a crystal ball but I don't know how long mfp payments can prop up the farm economy. It artificially keeps prices up for something that is not in high demand. South America is becoming a major producer in grains and I see support for ethanol disappearing. At some point farm land has to decrease in value. Time to change topics again:emoji_nerd:

Ethanol production is destroying our soil and our water.
I went there once...but it sure wasn't as a missionary. More of an infidel!
We were in kurdistan. Took a couple blonde early 20 women with us. No problems. Could be a beautiful place.
No offense but you are wrong. Credit cards can’t do jack but mark your credit if you don’t pay. I worked for one and unless they changed the laws it is not the case. When you sign the credit card receipt it is a promise to pay. It can not be enforced to make you pay. If you are handling bills for a deceased family member tell the credit card company to go pound. They have no legal way to make you pay. This is 20 year old info so my apologies if the law changed.

Credit cards are unsecured debt. As I understand, they can try and collect directly, send you to collections, sue to get a judgement, or walk away depending on the amount of debt.
Roymunson - The news reports I've heard said both - over 50 and 60 or over. I don't have an agenda on something as serious as this. I don't care who would be in the White House at a time like this. They're also saying young kids don't seem to get it. Even the experts don't know why that is. Maybe God's teaching us "adults" a lesson??

Natty - I've seen and heard people saying that on live TV reports where people are being asked, "What do you think of the corona virus outbreak?" I listened as a woman told the reporter that she thinks it's all a big lie cooked up by Democrats to make Trump look bad. The reporter asked her and others with her if they thought this was all a lie and that the medical community was exaggerating. They all chimed in that yes they did, nodding in agreement. I've heard local people say the same things. Even guys in my camp think - or thought - it's all a lie. I don't know how they think NOW. (Most of the guys in my camp are over 50 and a number are over 60 - the target susceptible group). People in street interviews on TV say this is just another flu, so big deal. The FACT is - this is a brand new virus strain which the medical community is genuinely worried about. The other flu's we've had around for years / have vaccines for. (If you're a believer in vaccines and not a "fake news on vaccines" believer)

I think it's pretty F-in' sad that we're so divided that there's NO trust even on a global crisis. Nobody trusts anyone anymore. The scale of divisiveness and hatred just keeps ratcheting upward. Both sides have made death threats toward individuals over several recent topics. Both sides. Those stories are in the news in a variety of sources. People will believe what they CHOOSE to believe - even if it costs the lives of their parents, grandparents, or children (in other disease cases). People for decades swore up & down that smoking didn't cause lung cancer or emphysema - even the heads of the tobacco companies swore that under oath before Congress (on live TV!). But it turned out they were lying. Both my parents smoked and died of emphysema because of it. I listened to my teachers in school long ago and never even tried smoking ANYTHING - legal or otherwise. I believed them. The point is - at some point, we all have to sift out the truth - FACTUAL TRUTH - not what some mouth-flapping radical, self-appointed "expert" thinks or opines about. I'll defer to the real experts and not the overnight, self-appointed guessing types.

BTW - I'm as calm as calm can be typing this. I don't hate anyone - regardless of their views. I hope we all get through this unscathed.
Haha, ethanol can be debated from many different viewpoints. People looking to get their hands on some hand sanitizer today should have a favorable opinion of ethanol. Don't forget the American lives lost and hurt fighting to protect the flow of oil in the Middle East. Impossible to put a value on that. Don't forget cancer causing oxygenates in gasoline. Don't forget about the feed byproduct ddg's. We live in corn country, and tested the water coming from a large tile main and it was practically drinking water levels, like a ppm below the cutoff. Every area is different. I get some of the beef against it, and agree that certain areas and parcels should NOT be in corn production. If farmers all strived to be a little more efficient and farm with lower costs in mind (where it economically makes sense) we could cut some inputs and production and still be better off. The twitter farm showoffs of the world love braggin up some 300 bu corn.
PLEASE NO, not this! We have enough mis-truths already on this thread. Don't start more!!!!
Are you saying corn on corn for decades with nothing but synthetic fertilizers being applied are a good thing? Do you understand how many millions of gallons of water it takes to make ethanol? Ethanol is a terrible product and there is nothing anyone can say to change my mind about it. God put oil on this earth for one reason, To burn.
We live in corn country, and tested the water coming from a large tile main and it was practically drinking water levels, like a ppm below the cutoff.
I call bullshit and the level is several parts to high.
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Good for you, call whatever you want. I'll say it again, every area is different and I know that particular main on that day was almost drinking water.
Are you saying corn on corn for decades with nothing but synthetic fertilizers being applied are a good thing? Do you understand how many millions of gallons of water it takes to make ethanol? Ethanol is a terrible product and there is nothing anyone can say to change my mind about it. God put oil on this earth for one reason, To burn.
You know exactly what I am saying, there is already enough total bullshit in this thread already with out you painting with such a broad brush.
Natty - I've seen and heard people saying that on live TV reports where people are being asked, "What do you think of the corona virus outbreak?" I listened as a woman told the reporter that she thinks it's all a big lie cooked up by Democrats to make Trump look bad. The reporter asked her and others with her if they thought this was all a lie and that the medical community was exaggerating. They all chimed in that yes they did, nodding in agreement. I've heard local people say the same things. Even guys in my camp think - or thought - it's all a lie. I don't know how they think NOW. (Most of the guys in my camp are over 50 and a number are over 60 - the target susceptible group). People in street interviews on TV say this is just another flu, so big deal. The FACT is - this is a brand new virus strain which the medical community is genuinely worried about. The other flu's we've had around for years / have vaccines for. (If you're a believer in vaccines and not a "fake news on vaccines" believer)

Ah, I see. I agree. Yeah, hard to believe anybody could think this thing is a lie. Just got to take those people with a grain of salt. Put them in the same camp with those that think the US is controlling behavior of its citizens with chemicals dispersed via jet contrails or that Epstein killed himself.
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NHL just suspended their season. MLB next in line and will be announced soon. Blood bath on Wall Street continues today. Sure are some weird times. No matter how it plays out this is going to be one of the most historic moments occuring in our lifetime.
Brownsbucks--you may not trust anyone, I do...I have full trust in Trump/Pence/Pompeo/Kudlow, the entire crew. I trust my local health officials. Don't make a broad statement "Like no trusts anyone". False.

Democrats are simply trying to make this a Trump issue, they are trying very hard. Read the Star Tribune (MN) comments today. The liberals are all blaming Trump, and one actually posted that he was praying Trump would get the virus
Some liberals are trying to get positives to shake Trump's hand.

Rahm Emanuel said it best. "You never let a serious crisis go to waste." Speaks for itself.
Good for you, call whatever you want. I'll say it again, every area is different and I know that particular main on that day was almost drinking water.

On that day.

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Are you saying corn on corn for decades with nothing but synthetic fertilizers being applied are a good thing? Do you understand how many millions of gallons of water it takes to make ethanol? Ethanol is a terrible product and there is nothing anyone can say to change my mind about it. God put oil on this earth for one reason, To burn.
You know exactly what I am saying, there is already enough total bullshit in this thread already with out you painting with such a broad brush.

Maybe a wide brush. I know it is the worst thing for my area by a long shot. Our wells are all high in nitrates.

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