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Are you saying corn on corn for decades with nothing but synthetic fertilizers being applied are a good thing? Do you understand how many millions of gallons of water it takes to make ethanol? Ethanol is a terrible product and there is nothing anyone can say to change my mind about it. God put oil on this earth for one reason, To burn.

Much of the ground water in farm country MN, is on the verge of being undrinkable without processing due to elevated nitrate levels.
Maybe a wide brush. I know it is the worst thing for my area by a long shot. Our wells are all high in nitrates.

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You beat me to it.
Again, every area is different. Looking at a map provided by your state, it also looks like there are entire counties in the most productive areas that only had a few wells sampled in the 3-10 range, which is under threshold. In the worst areas, which also includes some more heavily wooded areas, they said more than 10% sampled wells were above 10. Then it can be for a variety of reasons. On sandstone? Shallow well? Old broken down well? Not every well is going to be pumping out Evian.
I will it say it again. I hope we learned our lesson with China. They totally screwed the world on this one. Looks like the numbers we are seeing don’t match theirs at all. Wonder how many they really had die? Our companies should pull all productions out of there, they can never be trusted. Only silver lining could be how we deal with China going forward.
WHELP... there goes the MLB...

You can have the NBA, but i love Indians baseball...
DOW shed off another 9.9% today. Feel sorry for those older folks living off their 401k's.
Again, every area is different. Looking at a map provided by your state, it also looks like there are entire counties in the most productive areas that only had a few wells sampled in the 3-10 range, which is under threshold. In the worst areas, which also includes some more heavily wooded areas, they said more than 10% sampled wells were above 10. Then it can be for a variety of reasons. On sandstone? Shallow well? Old broken down well? Not every well is going to be pumping out Evian.

Sandstone, limestone, old, new, or shallow don’t have a thing to do with Nitrates. Irresponsible farming practices have everything to do with it.

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Ok. The last word was yours.
I don’t need the last word.

The age of the well or the geological makeup of the soil don’t just manufacture nitrates.

If I’m wrong I’m all ears.

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DOW shed off another 9.9% today. Feel sorry for those older folks living off their 401k's.

That is the exact reason that I would like to see higher interest rates. Save till retirement but then have interest to help maintain it. I sure wont leave mine in the market when Im that age, easy come easy go. Don't see interest ever coming back though. Because it will slow spending.
Wonder if Buck still thinks the US is hiding a vaccine. Or if we planted it there to disrupt their economy. If that's the case I'd say the plan has backfired.
Wonder if Buck still thinks the US is hiding a vaccine. Or if we planted it there to disrupt their economy. If that's the case I'd say the plan has backfired.

China is telling the world that we planted it there. They are also threatening to cut the United States off from 90% of the drugs used in this country. I would say the relationship is awful at best. China is the #1 enemy of our country and this is gonna lead to a major decoupling eventually. Looks like I was wrong on the vaccine.

Maybe I missed something Bows. Who has ever claimed it was a lie?

This is a GREAT thread! Still amazingly civil....though starting to get testier and little more snarky and divisive. I can imagine Bill at home with his finger on the "LOCK" button kind of just monitoring and giving us all room to vent but keeping a close watch. :emoji_thumbsup:

that’s a pretty good summation of how it is exactly.

People have to discuss it. Let’s just keep it civil.
I still think it's being blown out of proportion, but it is getting closer to home with a few cases in neighboring county. Menards was full of people buying out toilet paper as the walmarts were sold out I heard. Will admit it gets a little more concerning as I had legionnaires disease when I was 21 (15 years ago) and wasn't expected to survive that ordeal and told I'll always have residual affects. I like to think what doesn't kill ya makes ya stronger but I'm also not a doc. Haven't had health insurance ever since that, maybe it's time I do what Obama wanted and buy some. Gotta live long enough to take advantage of the crash
Been an interesting thread to say the least. A bit surprised at the drama on this thread from this crowd but so be it. Personally I’m on vacation enjoying low crowds. My daughter and family leaves for CO next wk for ski trip. I leave in couple for west coast 2 wk vacation. You guys that are over worried, stay in your house with your Lysol if you choose. I’m not worried , exposed to more germs in a day than most in a year. Some of you should’ve crawled thru the swamps of Nam back in the day. Take your precautions and play safe. Peace.
No Lysol to be had, it’s all gone LOL. It is interesting at this point the whole US seems to be shutting down. I just wonder what will happen in a month, 2 months, next fall, next spring. You just can’t keep shutting down the entire Country and economy. At some point there will be pushback by individuals and business.
I have no idea how bad this will get, but the center of the problem (China) has around 4000 deaths, which could be a lie so lets say 10,000 deaths. That is far from 300 million. Yes, they took extreme measures, but even so, for this to be def con 1 serious you would need to see 100,000 or more deaths in China to get the million numbers global. It is possible that could happen, but I will bet it won't.

You're missing the point entirely. You can't prevent deaths after they happen.
You're missing the point entirely. You can't prevent deaths after they happen.

What are you talking about?
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