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Work has an interesting idea about squestering 3 crews of operators at the plant for 2 weeks at a time. We think it would only come to that in a FEMA mandated scenario but who knows. They would also have to test everybody and with a 2 to 14 day gestation period, some people show very little symptoms etc I dont see it working like some big wig thinks it would. But we added up the money and think it would be about $50k per operator. Ill stay onsite for 2 weeks for that.

Fwiw they cancelled school here. Half my son's 1st grade class has influenza.
Just crossed the business news wires this morning.


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China also hinting at cutting off pharmaceuticals to the US.
They certainly know their position, always have. Hopefully Congress wakes up on this and starts requiring a certain percentage of drugs to be made here. We’ll see. I just don’t see China doing that though. They do care about their economy and that just wouldn’t go well around the world.
Extremely sad that Bernie Sanders (Communist) would try to scare people in the US into a comparison of WW2??
For political reasons... he should be ashamed.
Mortenson in post #522 - S. Korea has been testing 10,000 people a day over there. They are WAAAY ahead of the U.S. in number of tested people. They took EARLY and AGGRESSIVE action to prevent the spread. They even have drive-by, in-your-car testing with results within hours, - for anyone who wants to drive up.

Dr. Anthony Faucci, our top viral and microbial expert in the U.S., said yesterday in a news conference that "......…… this is a failing. Let's call it what it is." If we can't take Dr. Faucci's word on the situation as it stands, our lack of early interventional steps, and shortage of test kits and testing of people - who can we trust?? (BTW - Dr. Faucci has served under several R and D administrations at the NIH and I believe the CDC.) Dr. Faucci said that S. Korea got it right in how they handled it - and ARE handling it - there.

Maybe the local rumor mill has more expertise than Dr. Faucci.

To others' points about China - I think we should be OUT of China entirely in every way. Why do we want to trust a COMMUNIST enemy country with our pharmaceuticals and electronics that are used in our defense systems??? The Joint Chiefs of Staff warned of these things years ago - for anyone old enough to remember. They said relying on overseas shipments of materials vital to our defense was "lack of vision" to the possibilities. (I read those articles back then.)

As bwoods and Roymunson said above - if Bernie is a "communist" and can't be trusted - why on God's green earth should we have factories there & be dealing with COMMUNIST China - an enemy state??? You can't pick and choose like it's a menu. (Bernie is an enemy, but China's OK because of the poverty labor - for those who don't understand the concept.)
Extremely sad that Bernie Sanders (Communist) would try to scare people in the US into a comparison of WW2??
For political reasons... he should be ashamed.
It's sad, but no surprise. Fear for votes is the gold standard even at the most basic level of politics; vote more taxes or your kids won't get a good education, vote more taxes or we'll cut fire departments, vote for what we want so it won't be bad for you, etc... It's standard political playbook moves. Define something as bad then promise to fix it yourself. "Orange man bad and I'm the fix".

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Brownsbucks--I listened to Dr. Faucci this morning, he said the US has the best medical facilities in the world, which is accurate. His statement was that we were not prepared nationally with test kits, but said the kits are now available, with approximately 1 million available by next week.

As much as you want this to be a Trump issue so he will not be re-elected, I don't think that will happen, I'll predict the virus will slow way down in a month and the market and economy will come back strong. It has been another real good attempt by the left to discredit Trump.
Mortenson in post #522 - S. Korea has been testing 10,000 people a day over there. They are WAAAY ahead of the U.S. in number of tested people. They took EARLY and AGGRESSIVE action to prevent the spread. They even have drive-by, in-your-car testing with results within hours, - for anyone who wants to drive up.

we have had drive up testing for a week now.
We have drive up testing in our area too, and there is not even a case close to us yet.
best medical facilities in the world, which is accurate. His statement was that we were not prepared nationally with test kits, but said the kits are now available, with approximately 1 million available by next week.

Im in the medical field at the front lines - we dont have the best, we were not prepared and still are not and wont be for a long time, and there are virtually no tests available where they need to be.

Keep living the dream......

Hospitals are already at full capacity, we and they have no supplies for this, and testing is so far behind and will not be available like we need it for an extended period of time. That is the reality we and my co-workers are walking in.
Im in the medical field at the front lines - we dont have the best, we were not prepared and still are not and wont be for a long time, and there are virtually no tests available where they need to be.

Keep living the dream......

Hospitals are already at full capacity, we and they have no supplies for this, and testing is so far behind and will not be available like we need it for an extended period of time. That is the reality we and my co-workers are walking in.

What countries are better than the US... Why do people fly into Mayo from all over the world? Where are you with all the Coronavirus patients filling up all the hospital beds?
Im in the medical field at the front lines - we dont have the best, we were not prepared and still are not and wont be for a long time, and there are virtually no tests available where they need to be.

Keep living the dream......

Hospitals are already at full capacity, we and they have no supplies for this, and testing is so far behind and will not be available like we need it for an extended period of time. That is the reality we and my co-workers are walking in.

I wont come get tested then.
What do you do for work cavey? My wife is an emergency room RN. She tested 4 more people last night. If they call in they drive up and she runs out and swabs them and sends them home to self quarantine. Results are taking 24-30 hours I guess.

Bowsnbuck post 549. I couldnt possibly agree with you anymore. How in the blue phuck did our slut politicians let our national security be outsourced to a bunch of communist thugs?? Some things just cant ever be trusted to be outsourced. Food, medicine, steel, energy.
Newsweek magazine Top 10 medical facilities in the world...
1.Mayo Clinic
2.Cleveland Clinic
4. John Hopkins Hospital
6. Massachusetts General Hospital

4 of top 10. No other country had more than (1) in the top ten.
All our local K-12 schools just announced today will be the last day of school until at least April 6th.
Mayo clinc in Rochester Mn. has a couple of empty floors waiting for shit to hit the fan and are preparing to shut down all elective procedures to free up even more room if needed.
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