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Don't post much , but here it is for the ones saying its only flu , oh it will only take the elderly ect . There is not one person on this board that would willing give up their elderly relatives or neighbors so don't give me that bs about it doesn't matter , another note some say no more dangerous than common flu , flu deaths' are counted over a 12 month span give this virus 12 months and then post no more dangerous than common flu . We don't know how this will shake out but it may be a very poor time to be flippant about the peoples lives in our families that mean so much to all of us .

There is a 100% chance your elderly relatives are going to die whether or not they get sick with something.
and most on here are just repeating false foxnews crap. What’s your point?
I think you just proved it----now go vote for your man biden.
So now fox is false and cnn is correct? OK
Just looked at France's stats. 1,126 cases so far with 19 deaths. Death rate about 1.7% as of now.

Sorry, need to correct the fake news my wife read me off FB. It's more like 1,800 and 33.
Even if it would reach biblical proportions what good will it do to worry and get all bent out of shape---crying has never solved any problems either but people do it all the time.
Angela Merkel (Germany) said that up to 58 million Germans will get the Coronavirus. That is the highest prediction I have seen by far for any country? Where did she get her information?
Gosh that's almost a third the amount of deaths from guns in the U.S. Wait, maybe she got her info from Joe?
What a racist thing for her to say.
It's now officially a pandemic. Some schools are starting to close in my area and St Patrick's Day parades and events are being cancelled.

Schools close for 2" of snow and drunk Irish people shouldn't be walking in the street anyways.
Wait a minute----I'm part german!
Wait a minute----I'm part german!
As long as the part that's German isn't your Johnson you'll be fine!
I'll have to do the 23 and me to make sure otherwise I have been told amputation is the only solution.
NCAA tournament games to be played with NO fans in attendance. Same goes for NBA Golden State Warriors and MLB Seattle Mariners. The ways things are going I predict countries with travel bans will add the US soon and the stock market is nowhere near it's bottom. Overreaction or not, the fact is this is happening! Don't forget SARS only infected about 8,000 people worldwide. The spread of this thing is what's driving the madness, not the death rate as it's not terribly high as of yet. Zika and others have infected more but their death rates were next to nil. Hope this all blows over but unfortunately it looks like it's going to be a long couple months.
(2-4)months of Coronavirus panic... will make lots of investors millionaires. Investors /traders are buying up cheap shares of stock. Saw the oil execs are purchasing large quantities of their company stock.
(2-4)months of Coronavirus panic... will make lots of investors millionaires. Investors /traders are buying up cheap shares of stock. Saw the oil execs are purchasing large quantities of their company stock.

I’m piling into my 401K as fast as I can!!!

I’ve got 29.5 years until I can draw it, so a few months of losses only mean better buying prices for me!

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Being from Texas, I found this fitting.

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I’m piling into my 401K as fast as I can!!!

I’ve got 29.5 years until I can draw it, so a few months of losses only mean better buying prices for me!

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I'd have the cash ready at hand but wait until after this thing peaks before throwing it in. Below 20,000 for sure.
I’m piling into my 401K as fast as I can!!!

I’ve got 29.5 years until I can draw it, so a few months of losses only mean better buying prices for me!
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I'd have the cash ready at hand but wait until after this thing peaks before throwing it in. Below 20,000 for sure.

As smart as you guys are as investors, you do realize most banks who provide mortgages can call immediate payment of notes.

I assume you are both ready to pay principle & interest balance if you have a mortgage and they call that note. Or you have cleared all your debt.

Just askin as I am sure that everyone who is giving investment advice has zeroed out their debt, has a lot of cash reserves and have factored having all of their loans or debt (credit cards) being called into their planning.
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This has all been very entertaining. I think we probably run a bunch of issues together where this is no connection. Argue all you want about politics and which party has the better platform, the better presidents, the better candidates. There's probably little connection between economic functions and who's in power. If you think there is, then you underestimate the people who make investment decisions. My bet it's most of you on here. Oh, there can be a nudge here or one there. Some policies create winners while other policies create losers. If your just riding a wave, then you are a victim. Politicians. Rather than arguing one side or the other it would probably be best if we watched all of them closely.

The flu, viruses and other threats to humanity are real. It respect no political designation. How big a threat? This is an open question. We will only have answers when it's over. You might live. You might not. If it is the big one and you do live, it will affect your life. Circumstances will be different. Might be better for you and worse for someone else. Or, vice versa. We should debate the level of the response and the effort we put into diminishing the results. If it affects you, then I'm sure you will believe the response was too little. If you have no personal encounters, you will believe any response is too much, but right now none of us knows which side we'll be on! That might scare you...or it might not.

My belief is, that as a civil society we have an obligation, at some level to at least make an effort to stop your disease from affecting me. But, as I am in one of those high risk categories, I am left to wonder if we have ever had any civility, or, if we did, I wonder where it's gone.

Here are some numbers for you to chew one. Pandemics throughout history.

1. The Flu Pandemic of 1918 - 1920. An estimated 500 million people were infected. The death rate was around 20% with 25 million people dying in the first half of 1918.
2. The Sixth Cholera Pandemic 1910 - 1911 - 800,000 people died.
3. The Flu Pandemic 1889 - 1890. Death toll 1 million
4. the Third Cholera Pandemic 1852 - 1860. Death toll 1 million
5. The Black Death 1346 - 1353 Estimates put the death toll somewhere between 50 million and 250 million.

Sure. That was then and this is now. I trust our version of the corona virus will not be on the list. But, now, if the same percentage of the population dies the number will be stratospheric. And the big problem, too, is the speed at which viruses can move as the population moves freely around the world.

I'm not an alarmist, but, if you want to diminish the possible impacts from any of what's happening at the moment, then I wish you the best. I'll be taking the situation seriously, but with a level head.
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