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This is getting comical. I cant take anyone serious that comes along with the RUSSIA and PUTIN bullshit. Who gives a flying phuck about Russia!! They are NOTHING. They are the equivalent of the neighbors 3lb barking dog.

Why dont one of you guys go and find me 5 people that changed their votes because of Russia and the couple million dollars they spent on fakebook ads. ****ing Bloomberg spent $750 million and could only muster a few measly delegates from American Samoa. You want the real Russia collusion?? Here, I found it for you.

Edit: to my above post, spoke to soon, just reported the first 5 cases in the state.

As one of my favorite quotes goes.
Hold on to your butts.
Samuel L J, JP
You only have weeds in your food plot if you call them weeds.
Gunna have to call bs on that one Kevin. Not sure what u would call Canada thistle/smooth broom/ reed canary grass. But some problems are introduced. And mother nature is not sure what to due with em' yet.
I'm definitely making choices to do my best to avoid this thing. A group of college friends are meeting for dinner at a restaurant in a Chicago suburb on April 4th. I won't be attending. And the wife and I had planned to attend the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison an April 19th. But not anymore.

My wife is a smoker with a crappy immune system, so no chances will be taken if unnecessary.
Come down on the 4th and we can go cast spoons for coho on Lake Michigan.
They should let Tulsi debate. Doesn't she check off a lot of the boxes the party says it stands for? She's still in the race, and strong enough to not require a chair.

That, and she is damn sure a whole lot easier on the eyes than the other 2 old geezers she's up against. Is that sexist? Probably is. I don't care. She's smart. She's athletic. She's a US Army Officer. She's a combat vet. Yeah, and she's hot. I was really hoping to get behind her when all the Dems began getting in line for the primary ticket. Thought maybe as a vet she'd have some commons sense, more moderate views...then I read her platform and she's just way too liberal for me. Hawkish on terrorists and terrorism. But otherwise of the same ilk as the other progressive liberals.
Honestly, it probably doesn’t matter who runs against trump. if they beat him, leading up to the election, he’ll say it’s rigged, a witch hunt to get him out of office and he’ll deem the election results invalid and just stay in office.

It’s the next big Trump thing do.
Come down on the 4th and we can go cast spoons for coho on Lake Michigan.

Don't share time and location or else you may have an ex mennonite kid from Ohio waiting at the dock for you. :D
Honestly, it probably doesn’t matter who runs against trump. if they beat him, leading up to the election, he’ll say it’s rigged, a witch hunt to get him out of office and he’ll deem the election results invalid and just stay in office.

It’s the next big Trump thing do.

For the record, I won a bet with a guy who was convinced Obama was going to declare a state of emergency or some sort of Marshal Law and remain in office for a 3rd term like FDR.

He still hasn't paid up on his $1000... lol... He was so convinced.
Honestly, it probably doesn’t matter who runs against trump. if they beat him, leading up to the election, he’ll say it’s rigged, a witch hunt to get him out of office and he’ll deem the election results invalid and just stay in office.

It’s the next big Trump thing do.
Because that would be allowed to happen. You really need to turn off CNN.
Average age of death for Corona in the US is 80. Under 60 has a lower death rate than the flu. I know numbers get in the way of a good story. There will be thousands of cases in the next few months and then we will move on to the next thing.
That, and she is damn sure a whole lot easier on the eyes than the other 2 old geezers she's up against. Is that sexist? Probably is. I don't care. She's smart. She's athletic. She's a US Army Officer. She's a combat vet. Yeah, and she's hot. I was really hoping to get behind her when all the Dems began getting in line for the primary ticket. Thought maybe as a vet she'd have some commons sense, more moderate views...then I read her platform and she's just way too liberal for me. Hawkish on terrorists and terrorism. But otherwise of the same ilk as the other progressive liberals.

Yes, she's still very liberal. The party is moving more to the left all the time, and leaving moderates behind. And I'd be careful about google image searching her name followed by the word bikini while wearing loose-fitting shorts in public.
I'm definitely making choices to do my best to avoid this thing. A group of college friends are meeting for dinner at a restaurant in a Chicago suburb on April 4th. I won't be attending. And the wife and I had planned to attend the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison an April 19th. But not anymore.

My wife is a smoker with a crappy immune system, so no chances will be taken if unnecessary.
I am sorry but your wife is a smoker with a crappy immune system so you are not taking any unnecessary chances? Did you read that out loud before you posted it. Smoking has a much higher chance of killing her than Coronavirus.
Honestly, it probably doesn’t matter who runs against trump. if they beat him, leading up to the election, he’ll say it’s rigged, a witch hunt to get him out of office and he’ll deem the election results invalid and just stay in office.

It’s the next big Trump thing do.
I am sorry but your wife is a smoker with a crappy immune system so you are not taking any unnecessary chances? Did you read that out loud before you posted it. Smoking has a much higher chance of killing her than Coronavirus.

I think he's trying to control what he can control... Have you ever tried to hardball a woman into doing something she didn't want to do? I don't think that's a road any of us wish to go down.
Don't post much , but here it is for the ones saying its only flu , oh it will only take the elderly ect . There is not one person on this board that would willing give up their elderly relatives or neighbors so don't give me that bs about it doesn't matter , another note some say no more dangerous than common flu , flu deaths' are counted over a 12 month span give this virus 12 months and then post no more dangerous than common flu . We don't know how this will shake out but it may be a very poor time to be flippant about the peoples lives in our families that mean so much to all of us .
bwoods in post #400 - My point is - you can't bitch about Hunter Biden making money in Russia and then give a pass to ANY Trump family member doing the same. That's the book definition of hypocrisy. I don't want ANY U.S. citizen doing business with a COMMUNIST country that in any way helps their economy. Dem or Repub. When I hear anyone whining about the "threat" posed by Cuba as many politicians have done - a pimple on the ass of the world in terms of military threats - and then turn around and support business with a COMMUNIST country like Russia or China - well I'm sorry ……...…… that is simply STUPID. Russia and China ARE military threats in the world, and Russia was just intercepted at our northern air space border by Norad and Canadian fighter jets. Our intelligence agencies have been reporting that Russia is planning a territorial grab in the Arctic. But we CAN'T believe our CIA, NSA, FBI, or any of the other U.S. intelligence agencies ……………… so says Trump. We need to believe in his "stable genius" on military and world affairs - and his "I know more than our generals ……. BELIEVE ME." comments. - - - - - - Just think about that for a minute. A man who's been living most of his life in - literally - gold-plated penthouse bubbles has more military knowledge than our military men & women who've spent their lives studying and LIVING the military life.

You are a TRUSTING man, bwoods. \

I have a question for you ..... why is it when a Dem is in the White House the Repubs are always spouting warnings about "the Communist threats" - but since Trump's been in there, he's all cozy with Putin, Xi, and exchanging "love letters" (Trumps words!) with Kim Jung Un???? He's believed Putin's commentaries and condemned our own U.S. National Security agencies. That's NOT how Reagan, or the Bush's acted toward those same countries. If a Dem president was doing and acting like Trump has been, you'd be throwing up blood …..... and you damn-well know it. That's called being a hypocrite.

Just how stupid do you think everyone is?? X=X Wrong for one side is wrong for the other as well.

Wooduck - You're correct. This is a totally new strain of corona virus. No history with it in the medical community - UNLIKE the "regular" flu's which have been around for years and we have vaccines for. This is uncharted territory and the top people in the microbial science world are worried. But it's much ado about "nothing" to some. There are only a few states left that don't have cases in them. I'm waiting to see how long the laughing lasts. God bless those who are affected.
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Foreign policy is better under invasions like Russia in 2014(Crimea). No daily beheadings by ISIS like under Hope & Change. Trump took out the Iranian terrorist leader. Afghanistan is much better situation now, several major trade deals...China for instance and they gave in...the only trade deal Obama had was Bergdahl for 5 known killers.

It is just better under Trump. How can you argue any different? China left Obama on the tarmac remember? Why do you want to go back to Hope & Change part 2? If Biden has good ideas why didn't he use them in 8 years under Obama?
Sorry I should have put auto accidents worldwide... still a lot, but I see that would change the odds. The number injured or disabled is extremely high for auto related accidents.

1.25 million is nothing compared to the 300+ million that would probably die if the new virus was allowed to spread unchecked. The deaths have remained in the thousands because of the extreme measures to reduce deaths. Did you not see what they did in China? Mandatory quarantine of tens of millions of people for weeks. Apartment building doors welded shut. Empty streets. Complete lockdown.

Imagine how few car accidents there would be if the world's roads were closed. And remember that all the coronavirus deaths would be in addition to all the other deaths globally. And deaths from most other causes would skyrocket when hospitals got overloaded and hospital workers got sick.

The reason for the panic is the potential for a global catastrophe. The reason it hasn't happened yet is because of the extreme measures already taken to prevent the spread.
And I'd be careful about google image searching her name followed by the word bikini while wearing loose-fitting shorts in public.

LOL! Yeah, I'll have to be careful I don't accidentally do that!
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