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Haven't seen as many "mike will get it done" commercials lately.

LOL, that is so funny. Mini-Mike didn't make it, despite bashing Trump. I like how his ads say we created 500,000 jobs in NY, people are leaving NY in droves for Florida and other cheaper tax states. Comedy
I wish they would allow me to not pay into social security and invest the money myself. Its just a huge govt ponzi scheme.
i wish i could like this post 7000 times.

I'm working my tail off to not rely on SS. Wish more people had that point of view
I think (though arguing politics is great fun) you guys should maybe tend to your families especially any older family members and say your good byes now because I guarantee in a few months a certain percentage of them will not be here. Anyone with a 2 dollar calculator can read between the lines and do the math and see that this crap is not the common flu. It's not something the Liberals dreamed up or anything a guy in red ball cap is capable of fixing.
Im not one to buy into panic but when our politicians do not have any answers and are too busy fighting among themselves - what do you think they are going to tell the sheep - dont panic, all is well. trust us.... even out of just ignorance our government is capable of lying - they have proven that enough lately.
I hope to God Im wrong, but I dont thinks so.... this is going to ping pong around our country for a long time before it fades out. Right now globally this is running at an average death rate of 3.4% those numbers will l come down with the numbers of more mild cases. But those numbers are almost meaningless anyways.. Its about where you or a family member is standing when it hits and whom you spread it to. When you segment this apart it has a horribly high death rate (far beyond anything the flu is capable of -- FAR BEYOND) ... plus the severe cases are not focused on solely the elderly. If your under 14 be happy... I doubt any of you are.

Like I said I hope Im wrong - but I doubt it - its here and its there where you are now - might be time to stop thinking partisan politics.

Good luck....
I think the source might be a little misleading. Depends on what channel your watching to get the information from.jmo
We are living in a time where it's damn near impossible to get the TRUTH about anything. There are a lot of people who do actually care but nobody even knows what's real anymore----why is that?
I think (though arguing politics is great fun) you guys should maybe tend to your families especially any older family members and say your good byes now because I guarantee in a few months a certain percentage of them will not be here. Anyone with a 2 dollar calculator can read between the lines and do the math and see that this crap is not the common flu. It's not something the Liberals dreamed up or anything a guy in red ball cap is capable of fixing.
Im not one to buy into panic but when our politicians do not have any answers and are too busy fighting among themselves - what do you think they are going to tell the sheep - dont panic, all is well. trust us.... even out of just ignorance our government is capable of lying - they have proven that enough lately.
I hope to God Im wrong, but I dont thinks so.... this is going to ping pong around our country for a long time before it fades out. Right now globally this is running at an average death rate of 3.4% those numbers will l come down with the numbers of more mild cases. But those numbers are almost meaningless anyways.. Its about where you or a family member is standing when it hits and whom you spread it to. When you segment this apart it has a horribly high death rate (far beyond anything the flu is capable of -- FAR BEYOND) ... plus the severe cases are not focused on solely the elderly. If your under 14 be happy... I doubt any of you are.

Like I said I hope Im wrong - but I doubt it - its here and its there where you are now - might be time to stop thinking partisan politics.

Good luck....

On average 3,287 Americans die from car accidents PER DAY. So far we have a total of 4,000 deaths from Coronavirus worldwide, and 28 deaths in the US. So your odds are currently 1000x more likely to die from a car accident, than the virus. That could change, but you get the picture.
I think (though arguing politics is great fun) you guys should maybe tend to your families especially any older family members and say your good byes now because I guarantee in a few months a certain percentage of them will not be here. Anyone with a 2 dollar calculator can read between the lines and do the math and see that this crap is not the common flu. It's not something the Liberals dreamed up or anything a guy in red ball cap is capable of fixing.
Im not one to buy into panic but when our politicians do not have any answers and are too busy fighting among themselves - what do you think they are going to tell the sheep - dont panic, all is well. trust us.... even out of just ignorance our government is capable of lying - they have proven that enough lately.
I hope to God Im wrong, but I dont thinks so.... this is going to ping pong around our country for a long time before it fades out. Right now globally this is running at an average death rate of 3.4% those numbers will l come down with the numbers of more mild cases. But those numbers are almost meaningless anyways.. Its about where you or a family member is standing when it hits and whom you spread it to. When you segment this apart it has a horribly high death rate (far beyond anything the flu is capable of -- FAR BEYOND) ... plus the severe cases are not focused on solely the elderly. If your under 14 be happy... I doubt any of you are.

Like I said I hope Im wrong - but I doubt it - its here and its there where you are now - might be time to stop thinking partisan politics.

Good luck....
Are you saying you think this virus will kill more people than the flu?
Guess I fall somewhere inbetween.
Definitely not made up and something to keep an eye on. But also feel it is being overblown.

For me personally. I'm staying the F away from anyone or anywhere this crap may be. Although only in my early 30s. I'm of the type that would be vulnerable. Wife flat out told me she thinks I'd die if I got it.

Due to nasty asthma an allergies I tend to get bronchitis about every other year. Sometimes worse than others. At it's worse 2 years ago it stuck around for 3 months, 3 rounds of antibiotics and had to get a nebulizer for treatment to kick it. Close to turning into walking pneumonia.

Good thing is spring is around the corner and I shouldn't have to interact with the general public for quite some time once work gets rolling. Planting season and some tractor time will be my best friend. Doesn't hurt I live in the boondocks either. Feel I should be able to ride this one out.
I'm definitely making choices to do my best to avoid this thing. A group of college friends are meeting for dinner at a restaurant in a Chicago suburb on April 4th. I won't be attending. And the wife and I had planned to attend the Midwest Horse Fair in Madison an April 19th. But not anymore.

My wife is a smoker with a crappy immune system, so no chances will be taken if unnecessary.
On average 3,287 Americans die from car accidents PER DAY.

I get the point you're making bwoods. But I think you might have a bad source, or a bad calculator. Pretty sure there are only something like 35,000 deaths per year due to car accidents in the US. That's about 96 a day. :emoji_thumbsup:
I get the point you're making bwoods. But I think you might have a bad source, or a bad calculator. Pretty sure there are only something like 35,000 deaths per year due to car accidents in the US. That's about 96 a day. :emoji_thumbsup:
Sorry I should have put auto accidents worldwide... still a lot, but I see that would change the odds. The number injured or disabled is extremely high for auto related accidents.
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The one thing nobody here has mentioned is that this corona virus is a NEW virus. The flu viruses have been around and we have some vaccines to at least mitigate the effects for several strains. Not so this corona strain. THAT'S why the extra safety measures to contain it. Only a few states left that don't have some cases. Since there aren't enough test kits to test people - even Pence had to admit that on national TV - there may be lots more infected people and they just aren't known yet.

RoyMunson post #382 - Work your tail off to not be dependent on SS??? I've been doing that along with my wife for over 40 years with great results. I sit tight and let the storms pass. The only caveat - no 401-K is guaranteed. Stock market is a gamble - nothing more. One has to learn to balance the risks among several asset classes.
We are living in a time where it's damn near impossible to get the TRUTH about anything. There are a lot of people who do actually care but nobody even knows what's real anymore----why is that?
Great point. This is exactly where Putin wants us. What comes next? APATHY. When people give up searching for the truth and don't care anymore they look to Individual's to tell them the truth. Dictators, Authoritarianism, propaganda, Putin, Trump, CNN, Fox News, Its your responsibility as a citizen of this free nation to search for the truth. There aren't 3 versions of the truth. The truth is the truth. A democracy without a free press is doomed. Our forefathers understood this and wrote into the constitution. Some of the facebook Russian Bot stories that MAGA cult members spew like the above that Biden and Sanders can't stand for 2 hours scare the hell out of me. How gullible have we become as a nation? What's scary about this flu is that its new and its unknown. Scientists don't like unknowns.
I think (though arguing politics is great fun) you guys should maybe tend to your families especially any older family members and say your good byes now because I guarantee in a few months a certain percentage of them will not be here. Anyone with a 2 dollar calculator can read between the lines and do the math and see that this crap is not the common flu. It's not something the Liberals dreamed up or anything a guy in red ball cap is capable of fixing.
Im not one to buy into panic but when our politicians do not have any answers and are too busy fighting among themselves - what do you think they are going to tell the sheep - dont panic, all is well. trust us.... even out of just ignorance our government is capable of lying - they have proven that enough lately.
I hope to God Im wrong, but I dont thinks so.... this is going to ping pong around our country for a long time before it fades out. Right now globally this is running at an average death rate of 3.4% those numbers will l come down with the numbers of more mild cases. But those numbers are almost meaningless anyways.. Its about where you or a family member is standing when it hits and whom you spread it to. When you segment this apart it has a horribly high death rate (far beyond anything the flu is capable of -- FAR BEYOND) ... plus the severe cases are not focused on solely the elderly. If your under 14 be happy... I doubt any of you are.

Like I said I hope Im wrong - but I doubt it - its here and its there where you are now - might be time to stop thinking partisan politics.

Good luck....

You can't believe the 3.4% mortality rates when the fact is that most healthy individuals will have nothing more than cold symptoms, let alone be tested for Corona. More hype....
Still believing the Putin Russia BS. You sure believe BS spewed by the Liberals. Putin invaded Crimea in 2014 under Hope & Change. What did they do? Nothing,,, watched.

Putin would love to see Biden get in, dementia and all. He makes deals with foreign companies for cash to his family.
I agree with Freeborn in post #366 about our own citizens and veterans not being taken care of. I think our own should get first dibs on the care.

jsasker at post #374 - Then should all those who said Obama wasn't their President have left the country as well?
This is the kind of childish sh*t that Putin and Xi just love. Name-calling, finger-pointing, labels ……………. remember ………...…… there's a second half to United We Stand...………..

Remember another thing - there are several folks out there who make tons of money by constantly stirring the pot of discord. The more stirring, the more hate - the more they make. Hate-fueled ratings = money for the conspiracy mongers.

We can self-destruct to the great delight of Putin and Xi ………………….... or we can act like sensible men.
bwoods11 - Post #397 - And Trump has deals for real estate development in Russia !!!! Who are you shittin' ???
bwoods11 - Post #397 - And Trump has deals for real estate development in Russia !!!! Who are you shittin' ???

He’s got deals all over the world. Your point?
Did his boy get $86,000 a month salary from Burisma?
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