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Sounds like several companies and universities think they have a vaccine for cornonavirus. Moderna a biotech company based in Massachusetts seems to be the furthest along and is gonna be testing shortly. Sounds like a widespread vaccine is still months away at best. While most of the market tanks some of these biotech stocks are gonna be on fire. I would imagine most of the planet wants this vaccine when available.

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Gilead stock is going up too.
Teladoc has been on fire last three weeks. I looked at getting in months ago and picked something else. Wish I had that one back.
These company’s may be good short term but remember SARS and MERS. They ramped up processes for a vaccine but the virus waned once the cold and flu season ended and never came back. The funding dried up fast and they never even produced the vaccine. The Coronavirus may or may not extend into next year. Nobody knows but, these company’s always face the realization that all their work will just fade away with the virus. Something to remember when investing in individual stocks.
Nobody knows but, these company’s always face the realization that all their work will just fade away with the virus. Something to remember when investing in individual stocks

I have been using Investipedia's simulator for the more volatile stocks. Gilead is probably going to take a big hit when Truvada gets taken by the federal government. It's fun to test my intuition without risking real money.
A change of topics,.. to stocks,..

Sweet, I have been short on Wynn since Jan 29th and made a bundle. Short it all at this point.
Sounds like several companies and universities think they have a vaccine for cornonavirus. Moderna a biotech company based in Massachusetts seems to be the furthest along and is gonna be testing shortly. Sounds like a widespread vaccine is still months away at best. While most of the market tanks some of these biotech stocks are gonna be on fire. I would imagine most of the planet wants this vaccine when available.

View attachment 28310

I love dice rollers ... they increase the pot!
I know a Democrat (AOC) that thought a solution to global warming would be trains over the oceans.
I think AOC just likes pulling trains
Telemark, post #341 - Why look and wait for a vaccine for a big Dem lie??? Corona virus is a big Dem Fake story !!!! Biotech companies aren't making a vaccine - that's all hogwash too. It's all lies and fakery. The cruise ships with sick passengers waiting to dock at sea ……………. all fake.

Some moron from Michigan on C- Span just said he's sick of the Democratic lies about the existence of corona virus …………...…… even as Republican senator Ted Cruz and another Republican senator are self quarantining themselves this week because they came in contact with a corona-positive person at a conservative conference last week. Maybe Ted and the other Republican senator are aiding the Dems in their corona conspiracy??? !!! Maybe Ted and the other guy are traitors …………...….

Swat1018, post #338 - I AM calm Swat !! I'm relaxing and enjoying this circus my friend!!!!!!! Laughter is the best medicine they say.

I just love when these intellectual stalwarts open their mouths.

Putin and Xi are sitting back, sipping on fine champagne, puffing on hand-rolled cigars, erections throbbing - while they watch us eat ourselves alive with stupidity and hatred.

Enjoy boys ………...……… enjoy.
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NOW ……………. "godly man" disgraced televangelist Jim Bakker is peddling his very own "cure" for corona virus. "Silver Solution" it's called.

AAAAAAAA-HHAAAAAAAAA-HAAAAAAAA-HAAAAAAAAA-HHAAAAAAAA !!! Pass the raisinettes …...….. popcorn too …………….
Telemark, post #341 - Why look and wait for a vaccine for a big Dem lie??? Corona virus is a big Dem Fake story !!!! Biotech companies aren't making a vaccine - that's all hogwash too. It's all lies and fakery. The cruise ships with sick passengers waiting to dock at sea ……………. all fake.

Some moron from Michigan on C- Span just said he's sick of the Democratic lies about the existence of corona virus …………...…… even as Republican senator Ted Cruz and another Republican senator are self quarantining themselves this week because they came in contact with a corona-positive person at a conservative conference last week. Maybe Ted and the other Republican senator are aiding the Dems in their corona conspiracy??? !!! Maybe Ted and the other guy are traitors …………...….

Swat1018, post #338 - I AM calm Swat !! I'm relaxing and enjoying this circus my friend!!!!!!! Laughter is the best medicine they say.

I just love when these intellectual stalwarts open their mouths.

Putin and Xi are sitting back, sipping on fine champagne, puffing on hand-rolled cigars, erections throbbing - while they watch us eat ourselves alive with stupidity and hatred.

Enjoy boys ………...……… enjoy.
Last year 45 MILLION people contracted the flu virus. Over 90,000 people died of the flu virus. The media yawned. This year, an election year this virus is the end of the world Made for tv by?????? Why the media Of course. The virus is real. The panic is made up by overzealous media No doubt about it.
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Is the media in the rest of the world also against overblowing the virus? I guess its just our "liberal" media. How about the rest of the world Economy??? Are they just overreacting to CNN? No wonder the markets and everyone is panicking. We have a President wearing a goofy truckers hat holding a campaign rally at the CDC. He loves the chaos and the group of lackeys he's surrounded himself with but sooner or later it catches up. Can the fool just act like an adult who is in charge once?? Don't worry his uncle went to MIT. Good grief.
I talked to my cousin who is working in china this morning. One of his comments was "Heard all you pussies are freaking out about COVID-19 now"

"when you own the information, you can bend it all you want"- John Mayer
Dems are happy. This virus is early enough they can fit in another Russian hoax before the election. Stock market going down is an added bonus for them. To bad they are running a guy that can’t complete a sentence.
Buy stocks now and then look at what you paid for them in the future. Reminds me of 08 when everyone panicked and then the big boys gobbled up all the shares, then they wonder why the $$$ gap widens?

Some of these stock prices are just ridiculous cheap.
Timing the bottom is the trick.
Timing the bottom is the trick.
That isn't to big of a deal if you feel comfortable guessing what it will return to.
They have free health care now,..

They just go to the hospital and rack up huge emergency room visit bill,.. that we all pay for.

What the dems are saying is if they have health care they will be given a cheap inhaler for the asthma,.. so you do not end up in the expensive emergency room.

Or insulin for the diabetes, instead of in insulin shock in the emergency room

Or cheap high blood pressure medicine vs a heart attack emergency room visit

Its called preventative medicine and saves our country money.

Look I know you hate illegal mexicans,.. but sometimes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

People that are citizens of the US are expected to follow laws every day, or pay fines and penalty's if they don't, it's basic law and order. When one group is allowed to do everything illegal and cost us taxpayers for things like healthcare, then people are understandably upset. Free healthcare to illegal aliens shouldn't be a thing if the citizens themselves don't get it. Yes it's true, a hospital can't turn away a patient in need of medical help, even if they are here illegally. The right thing to do is to get them patched up, pay the bill (because someone has to and we are going to anyway), and call ICE to detain and deport. Here in NY we don't even comply with Federal Regs to report crimes by people here illegally. Obviously that lowers the crime committed statistics and NY isn't the only ones doing it.
When Dem's all raised their hands on stage during that debate, the question wasn't "how many of you would offer free inhalers or insulin shots to illegals" the question was "how many of you support free healthcare to illegals". Here in NY we give them Drivers Licenses and refuse to call ICE when an illegal has broken a law and was caught. If we were actually proactive we wouldn't have illegals showing up in hospitals or needing free healthcare.

So you feel that only citizens of Mexico are walking across the border?
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