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The Coronavirus kills people, but so does the regular Flu and we have proper knowledge and experience dealing with the Flu, agreed? We have vaccines that prevent the Flu and still roughly 40,000 people die in the US yearly. This year since October 1 2019 between 20-51,000 US citizens have died from the Flu.
I do not get the Flu shot, neither does my daughter and we haven't gotten sick once this year. Last year we both got sick once and it lasted about 4 days.
I have certainly enjoyed the political back and forth. Although I probably don't vote the same as Bows, I bet I could learn a few things about habitat improvements from him. I appreciate the fact he stands up for what he believes in. Furthermore, he's man enough to voice his fantasies about puffing on cigars and throbbing erections.
Sounds like more of a private matter.
Hey Ghilliehunter - I look for common sense. When there are bear tracks in wet snow - NOBODY is going to tell me they're rabbit tracks. All this hub-bub is amusing to me. We fight among ourselves like little kiddies when there are much bigger fish to fry. And incidentally …………… I DO NOT believe in free giveaways either. To label all Dems that way is just bulls**t. It makes some very insecure people feel good to attach labels. So go ahead and attach them. Do they feel big and tough now??? People acting superbly silly amuses me to no end. Keep on calling names boys - it makes you look REALLY BIG AND MANLY. Really adult.

Trump has been caught in so many lies WHILE SPEAKING ON LIVE TV and VIDEO - only to try and deny he said those very things later. He's been seen in meetings and pictures smiling and with his arm around people he claims later he never met and doesn't know. And he's been trying to deny the scope and seriousness of this corona virus thing - contrary to every world health official because he needs to be seen as in TOTAL CONTROL of everything at all times. That's not possible for any human being - let alone an insecure narcissist like him. Public adoration, fawning over him, and stroking his ego are things he NEEDS - like a drug - and so he cannot be seen as having anything negative attached to him. So he denies the seriousness of the corona virus spread. All of our U.S. health officials have said this is going to get much worse before it gets better - and Donny-boy says the exact opposite, making light of the seriousness of the disease, it's spread, and what's needed to combat it. "People are getting better by just sitting around, maybe going to work ….." Are you sh*ttin" me???? (BTW - If he was a Dem. - I'd still say he was an idiot. Stupidity knows no boundaries.)

The puffing cigars and throbbing erections comment is about Putin and Xi watching us tear ourselves apart politically. Could we DO them any bigger favors??? We must look like spoiled little kiddies to them. Sowing political discontent and discord are Putin's stock-in-trade as a former KGB agent. And we're doing it to ourselves!!!! (Human beings ARE the smartest things on the planet …………… right???)

What if a really serious war broke out with a Russian invasion somewhere, or China or N. Korea launched some missiles at us. If Dems. and Repubs. were on a ship together, or in a battalion together - are we gonna shoot at the Ruskies/Chinese ……………...…. or each other????

Now where is my popcorn ...………...….
”And incidentally …………… I DO NOT believe in free giveaways either. To label all Dems that way is just bulls**t. It makes some very insecure people feel good to attach labels.”

You‘v got to be pulling our leg. The entire Dem agenda is giveaways to buy votes. Did you not watch the debates man! It’s a contest who can give away more!
I agree with Buckley on this one. The current Democratic Party does not look at all like the party of my father, the DFL party of Hubert Humphrey. Back in the day the DFL party supported workers and were patriots. Today I Don't see much evidence the DFL party cares about workers or the people who built this country. How on earth can we fund illegals when so many of our own countryman (many vets) live in the streets.
All I know is all this hype on TV is getting old.

Never thought I’d long for the days of Russia, Russia, Russia.....
Is the media in the rest of the world also against overblowing the virus? I guess its just our "liberal" media. How about the rest of the world Economy??? Are they just overreacting to CNN? No wonder the markets and everyone is panicking. We have a President wearing a goofy truckers hat holding a campaign rally at the CDC. He loves the chaos and the group of lackeys he's surrounded himself with but sooner or later it catches up. Can the fool just act like an adult who is in charge once?? Don't worry his uncle went to MIT. Good grief.

You just proved your own hypothesis as wrong ... the only thing this virus, and every other event that happens, is a vehicle to attack and dis-credit Trump.

You lost all credibility in 3-5 short sentences just like the media constantly does. No focus on the issue and identifying solutions, just attack Trump ...
Donald discredits himself with his actions and his tweets. Actions and words matter. The "Liberal" media can't even make this shit up. The public, markets and world are looking for stability and calm. All they get from the Donald is more chaos and name calling. The party of Lincoln and Reagan is dead. In a two party democracy its a sad state of affairs.
Did you notice how fast the liberals will quit saying “Thanks Obama” when it comes to the economy, when the stock market went down.

The market will roar back, and they won’t know what to say.
So who is planning their next cruise?

I am curious,.. bet prices are great? Give is some good scoop.
Donald discredits himself with his actions and his tweets. Actions and words matter. The "Liberal" media can't even make this shit up. The public, markets and world are looking for stability and calm. All they get from the Donald is more chaos and name calling. The party of Lincoln and Reagan is dead. In a two party democracy its a sad state of affairs.

You must've missed where Gavin Newsom praised President Trump for how well he's handling and helping California. "He said everything I could have hoped for," said Newsom. I guess actions and words matter for them, too.
So who is planning their next cruise?

I am curious,.. bet prices are great? Give is some good scoop.

I am suppose to go on Disney cruise in April. Have not cancelled yet but they are letting people cancel up to 24 hours before cruise. You have to book in the next year if you cancel. Similar cruises at same time next year are 2-3k cheaper. We are 90% sure we will cancel for this year but hoping they will give full refunds. They have had my 10k for a year, don’t really want to give them a two year loan. This was also going to be our last Disney cruise because of the kids ages so I would rather have the money back and put it towards a trip somewhere else.
Dems are a pathetically desperate group there is no doubt----you can see it in their actions since the day Trump was elected. On his first day in office people saying "he's not my president"----then get the hell out of this country! Just my opinion.
I think Trump says stuff just to rile people up, and he is part narcissist. His overall plans seems simple; ask big business what they need to prosper (they said cut government regulations and EPA), and a foreign policy of not being weak. Of course I think he is quick to buddy up to anyone who can give him what he wants, and quick to get rid of anyone who doesn't follow along.

I'm really confident the economy will rebound once this coronavirus passes through. I have not been impressed with the Democratic runners. They aren't giving much to be excited about. Once Biden wins the nomination he will prove incompetent (just basing this off his recent speeches) and it will be a Bloomberg/Hillary ticket by election time. :)
The Democrats are now going to allow chairs during the debate because Bernie and Biden can't stand for 2 hours. Funny stuff. Biden literally cannot debate 5 minutes without a major gaffe, or mumbled sentence. He thought his wife was his sister or vice versa the other day, and also thought half the US was killed by gun violence.
They should let Tulsi debate. Doesn't she check off a lot of the boxes the party says it stands for? She's still in the race, and strong enough to not require a chair.
Can't stand for 2 hours? And the American people want someone that physically weak and tired to run the country? WTH
Biden’s people are now limiting his speeches to 7 minutes. I’m not sure if they think that’s all he can take or it’s all they can take.

‘As for the cruises, problem is if one person gets sick then you might get stuck on that ship for a long time and then get quarantined another 2 weeks after that. Your 7 day cruise might end up being 4 weeks. I wouldn’t want to take that chance

The markets do what they do but, history shows that these extreme drops in the market due to events like the Gulf war, 911, SARS Lead to a period of significant gains in the following 3-6 months. Couple that with an economy that is just really good right now.

Just about every health expert they have had on, including the doom and gloom journalists have noted most people will have mild to no symptoms even if they do get the virus. They stress the most vulnerable is the elderly and underlying health conditions. That’s where the focus is. I think calmer heads are starting to prevail even the doom and gloom crowd.
Haven't seen as many "mike will get it done" commercials lately.
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