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Catscratch got me started on the prepping. I, too, didn't want to be a bad dad and not have pedialyte and kid medicines on hand if there's a run on goods. Turns out, in my case, Coronavirus is good for the economy. I spent $500 on emergency supplies at Wally. Extra toothpaste, food with long shelf lives, peanut butter, much more bottled water, etc. Not so much because of Corona, but after seeing the TN tornado damage, just made me think I need a better stash in the basement. FEMA says you should have 14 gallons of emergency water for each family member and pet, stored in cool, dark place. Does anyone know if I need a UTV or a compact tractor?
Catscratch got me started on the prepping. I, too, didn't want to be a bad dad and not have pedialyte and kid medicines on hand if there's a run on goods. Turns out, in my case, Coronavirus is good for the economy. I spent $500 on emergency supplies at Wally. Extra toothpaste, food with long shelf lives, peanut butter, much more bottled water, etc. Not so much because of Corona, but after seeing the TN tornado damage, just made me think I need a better stash in the basement. FEMA says you should have 14 gallons of emergency water for each family member and pet, stored in cool, dark place. Does anyone know if I need a UTV or a compact tractor?
How in the world could you dig out and get to your water supply if you didn't have a new tractor? And since tractors are slow you'll need a new UTV to go help the neighbors who were less prepared. Common sense really, and basic human nature to want to help your brothers down the street. Who could argue against that?

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This has been a great time killer while boiling maple syrup.... very smooth transitions also. Think we'd all keep a bar conversation till bar close easily!

I do remember a few things from high school. One was that SSI was designed when average lifespan was 62. Never was it designed for people to retire unless they lived longer than average
Went shopping with the wife last night and Walmart shelves were very sparse in the grocery department. Completely out of stick butter, brown sugar, regular sugar, coffee creamer, nasal spray, and who knows what else that we weren't looking for. We bought some stuff we didn't really need at this point in fear it may be gone when we need more, like toilet paper.

Didn't see anyone going crazy with carts full of stuff, so wondering if the shortages were due to supply chain disruptions?
Catscratch got me started on the prepping. I, too, didn't want to be a bad dad and not have pedialyte and kid medicines on hand if there's a run on goods. Turns out, in my case, Coronavirus is good for the economy. I spent $500 on emergency supplies at Wally. Extra toothpaste, food with long shelf lives, peanut butter, much more bottled water, etc. Not so much because of Corona, but after seeing the TN tornado damage, just made me think I need a better stash in the basement. FEMA says you should have 14 gallons of emergency water for each family member and pet, stored in cool, dark place. Does anyone know if I need a UTV or a compact tractor?
Hard to beat a compact.


  • 20180321_101240_Burst01.jpg
    485.3 KB · Views: 20
The ultimate prepper survival food ... 5 year shelf life :emoji_wink:

View attachment 28304

That's gotta be better than beans and rice. I'm heavy on the peanut butter because as it ages out, I can use it on my trapline. I run about 75 mousetraps in a few different buildings.
That's gotta be better than beans and rice. I'm heavy on the peanut butter because as it ages out, I can use it on my trapline. I run about 75 mousetraps in a few different buildings.

I try to ambush mine in transition zones between food and cover using perimeter access

Little bastards follow terrain features......

I personally know a guy that died from corona. He has worked for me several times through the years doing various small jobs on larger projects. He was in Mexico on vacation with his wife and ended up dying on Thursday night when he fell over a railing. Not good.
Yikes! Ya see... and that's why corona sales are down. It's not dumb people as being reported. It's actually smart people! Lot less railing spillovers by coffee drinkers.
I just listened to a woman at a rally say she thinks the corona virus is a lie made up by Democrats. She said she doesn't believe the people in the state of Washington actually died. What a piece of poetic justice if Corona virus broke out in her locale. It won't be a lie when it bites you or a loved one in the ass.

Does she - or anyone else - also think that the Dems actually went around the world to fabricate a world-wide lie to numerous other countries who would also lie to support the Dems??? Are all the world-wide deaths fake?? AAAAAA-HHAAAAA-HHAAAA-HAAAA-HHAAAAA !!!!! LOL !!!

Are store shelves empty of hand sanitizer, toilet paper, Clorox bleach, face masks because they believe it's just a big Dem LIE ???????

AAAAAAAAAAA - HHHAAAAAAAAAAA - HAAAAAAAAA - HAAAAAAA - HAAAAAA !!!!!!! Lemmings. Lemmings going over the cliff. I F-'in LOVE IT !!!!!!! Drink that "FAKE" Kool-aid.

That's gotta be better than beans and rice. I'm heavy on the peanut butter because as it ages out, I can use it on my trapline. I run about 75 mousetraps in a few different buildings.

You need a cat ...
I just listened to a woman at a rally say she thinks the corona virus is a lie made up by Democrats. She said she doesn't believe the people in the state of Washington actually died. What a piece of poetic justice if Corona virus broke out in her locale. It won't be a lie when it bites you or a loved one in the ass.

Does she - or anyone else - also think that the Dems actually went around the world to fabricate a world-wide lie to numerous other countries who would also lie to support the Dems??? Are all the world-wide deaths fake?? AAAAAA-HHAAAAA-HHAAAA-HAAAA-HHAAAAA !!!!! LOL !!!

Are store shelves empty of hand sanitizer, toilet paper, Clorox bleach, face masks because they believe it's just a big Dem LIE ???????

AAAAAAAAAAA - HHHAAAAAAAAAAA - HAAAAAAAAA - HAAAAAAA - HAAAAAA !!!!!!! Lemmings. Lemmings going over the cliff. I F-'in LOVE IT !!!!!!! Drink that "FAKE" Kool-aid.

I will see you one wack a do and raise you entire media and half of Congress that told me Trump was a Russian asset for three plus years.
I just listened to a woman at a rally say she thinks the corona virus is a lie made up by Democrats. She said she doesn't believe the people in the state of Washington actually died. What a piece of poetic justice if Corona virus broke out in her locale. It won't be a lie when it bites you or a loved one in the ass.

Does she - or anyone else - also think that the Dems actually went around the world to fabricate a world-wide lie to numerous other countries who would also lie to support the Dems??? Are all the world-wide deaths fake?? AAAAAA-HHAAAAA-HHAAAA-HAAAA-HHAAAAA !!!!! LOL !!!

Are store shelves empty of hand sanitizer, toilet paper, Clorox bleach, face masks because they believe it's just a big Dem LIE ???????

AAAAAAAAAAA - HHHAAAAAAAAAAA - HAAAAAAAAA - HAAAAAAA - HAAAAAA !!!!!!! Lemmings. Lemmings going over the cliff. I F-'in LOVE IT !!!!!!! Drink that "FAKE" Kool-aid.


Calm down. A dem might win in another 5 years or so, but I doubt it. There's always cuba. I'm sure some will start boarding rafts any time and paddle that way.
Sounds like several companies and universities think they have a vaccine for cornonavirus. Moderna a biotech company based in Massachusetts seems to be the furthest along and is gonna be testing shortly. Sounds like a widespread vaccine is still months away at best. While most of the market tanks some of these biotech stocks are gonna be on fire. I would imagine most of the planet wants this vaccine when available.

I just listened to a woman at a rally say she thinks the corona virus is a lie made up by Democrats. She said she doesn't believe the people in the state of Washington actually died. What a piece of poetic justice if Corona virus broke out in her locale. It won't be a lie when it bites you or a loved one in the ass.

Does she - or anyone else - also think that the Dems actually went around the world to fabricate a world-wide lie to numerous other countries who would also lie to support the Dems??? Are all the world-wide deaths fake?? AAAAAA-HHAAAAA-HHAAAA-HAAAA-HHAAAAA !!!!! LOL !!!

Are store shelves empty of hand sanitizer, toilet paper, Clorox bleach, face masks because they believe it's just a big Dem LIE ???????

AAAAAAAAAAA - HHHAAAAAAAAAAA - HAAAAAAAAA - HAAAAAAA - HAAAAAA !!!!!!! Lemmings. Lemmings going over the cliff. I F-'in LOVE IT !!!!!!! Drink that "FAKE" Kool-aid.


I will see you one wack a do and raise you entire media and half of Congress that told me Trump was a Russian asset for three plus years.

I'm in, another wackado raise ... Dem douche bag Adam Schiff had irrefutable evidence of that Trump was a Russian spy ...
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