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Don't post much , but here it is for the ones saying its only flu , oh it will only take the elderly ect . There is not one person on this board that would willing give up their elderly relatives or neighbors so don't give me that bs about it doesn't matter , another note some say no more dangerous than common flu , flu deaths' are counted over a 12 month span give this virus 12 months and then post no more dangerous than common flu . We don't know how this will shake out but it may be a very poor time to be flippant about the peoples lives in our families that mean so much to all of us .

You are right we should shut down the country and quarantine everyone in their house for two weeks, problem solved. Basically this is what China did. There are solutions but not in a free country like ours. No one has said it doesn’t matter, sorry if I missed that. This will be crippling for our economy and people will die. Then we will turn the page like we have done for the last 244 years. Hopefully we learn a lesson. China isn't and never has been a friend. The fact all our drugs are produced there is pretty damn scary. I don’t have much confidence anything will change. This has turned into a political football and our politicians are incompetent. No more dangerous than the flu is a math problem. Total cases/deaths. The math says it is no more dangerous. If you are elderly or have a compromised immune system(which I have) take extra precautions. Live your life
bwoods in post #400 - My point is - you can't bitch about Hunter Biden making money in Russia and then give a pass to ANY Trump family member doing the same. That's the book definition of hypocrisy. I don't want ANY U.S. citizen doing business with a COMMUNIST country that in any way helps their economy. Dem or Repub. When I hear anyone whining about the "threat" posed by Cuba as many politicians have done - a pimple on the ass of the world in terms of military threats - and then turn around and support business with a COMMUNIST country like Russia or China - well I'm sorry ……...…… that is simply STUPID. Russia and China ARE military threats in the world, and Russia was just intercepted at our northern air space border by Norad and Canadian fighter jets. Our intelligence agencies have been reporting that Russia is planning a territorial grab in the Arctic. But we CAN'T believe our CIA, NSA, FBI, or any of the other U.S. intelligence agencies ……………… so says Trump. We need to believe in his "stable genius" on military and world affairs - and his "I know more than our generals ……. BELIEVE ME." comments. - - - - - - Just think about that for a minute. A man who's been living most of his life in - literally - gold-plated penthouse bubbles has more military knowledge than our military men & women who've spent their lives studying and LIVING the military life.

You are a TRUSTING man, bwoods. \

I have a question for you ..... why is it when a Dem is in the White House the Repubs are always spouting warnings about "the Communist threats" - but since Trump's been in there, he's all cozy with Putin, Xi, and exchanging "love letters" (Trumps words!) with Kim Jung Un???? He's believed Putin's commentaries and condemned our own U.S. National Security agencies. That's NOT how Reagan, or the Bush's acted toward those same countries. If a Dem president was doing and acting like Trump has been, you'd be throwing up blood …..... and you damn-well know it. That's called being a hypocrite.

Just how stupid do you think everyone is?? X=X Wrong for one side is wrong for the other as well.

Wooduck - You're correct. This is a totally new strain of corona virus. No history with it in the medical community - UNLIKE the "regular" flu's which have been around for years and we have vaccines for. This is uncharted territory and the top people in the microbial science world are worried. But it's much ado about "nothing" to some. There are only a few states left that don't have cases in them. I'm waiting to see how long the laughing lasts. God bless those who are affected.

They are ALL THE SAME. Lying, power hungry, self promoting nut jobs who are in power to push their own agenda, most of which is taking the country directly to hell. We can debate which will get us there faster, but they're all going there. And have been going there for some time. The middle of the country, the people who aren't dumb enough to get their blood pressure up over something they can't control, will carry the burden, get up, and go to work again tomorrow. The vocal minority on both fringes will bellow like braying jackasses, proclaim how great they are, and generally look like fools to everyone but themselves.

If you can't see that trump's a whacko, I can't help you.

If you can't see that Obama, sanders, or anyone else running for president is a whacko, I can't help you.

America needs to relax.
I think he's trying to control what he can control... Have you ever tried to hardball a woman into doing something she didn't want to do? I don't think that's a road any of us wish to go down.
Oh I get it, I grew up with all smokers and watched them all pay the price. Father in law going through it now. Smoking is my hot button. I made my kids promise two things, no smoking or motorcycles. If we were serious about fixing health care we would ban smoking or disqualify smokers from insurance.
Oh I get it, I grew up with all smokers and watched them all pay the price. Father in law going through it now. Smoking is my hot button. I made my kids promise two things, no smoking or motorcycles. If we were serious about fixing health care we would ban smoking or disqualify smokers from insurance.
Never touched one in my life. But I can't because if I have 1, i'd never quit.

If coffee and sugar had nicotine in it, i'd be a dead man.
1.25 million is nothing compared to the 300+ million that would probably die if the new virus was allowed to spread unchecked. The deaths have remained in the thousands because of the extreme measures to reduce deaths. Did you not see what they did in China? Mandatory quarantine of tens of millions of people for weeks. Apartment building doors welded shut. Empty streets. Complete lockdown.

Imagine how few car accidents there would be if the world's roads were closed. And remember that all the coronavirus deaths would be in addition to all the other deaths globally. And deaths from most other causes would skyrocket when hospitals got overloaded and hospital workers got sick.

The reason for the panic is the potential for a global catastrophe. The reason it hasn't happened yet is because of the extreme measures already taken to prevent the spread.

I have no idea how bad this will get, but the center of the problem (China) has around 4000 deaths, which could be a lie so lets say 10,000 deaths. That is far from 300 million. Yes, they took extreme measures, but even so, for this to be def con 1 serious you would need to see 100,000 or more deaths in China to get the million numbers global. It is possible that could happen, but I will bet it won't.
Bernie Sanders said right in front of the cameras yesterday he would have never closed the borders, no travel ban as that would be racist. He’s one of two people left the Dems are running for President. WOW. Really? Schumer, Cuomo, all the libs are saying the feds are dropping the ball. Incompetent they say. Well if the DEMs got a better idea , NOWS THE TIME. Let’s hear it.
They are ALL THE SAME. Lying, power hungry, self promoting nut jobs who are in power to push their own agenda, most of which is taking the country directly to hell. We can debate which will get us there faster, but they're all going there. And have been going there for some time. The middle of the country, the people who aren't dumb enough to get their blood pressure up over something they can't control, will carry the burden, get up, and go to work again tomorrow. The vocal minority on both fringes will bellow like braying jackasses, proclaim how great they are, and generally look like fools to everyone but themselves.

If you can't see that trump's a whacko, I can't help you.

If you can't see that Obama, sanders, or anyone else running for president is a whacko, I can't help you.

America needs to relax.

This is a great post. We don't want to replace on radical nutjob for another. But to actually view yourself as being so intelligent and important that you should run the USA, frankly you would have to be nuts.
On a side note did anyone see that bit when trump was at the cdc. Bragging about how people couldn't believe how he could possibly know soo much about the virus and he just had this natural ability and maybe he should have been a doctor. It cracked me up
Trump and some other Republicans talked about stopping flights a long time ago, back when they were trying to remove him from office. Cries of racism. Seriously, 330 million people, very diverse, no way no how is any president ever again going to make everyone happy. That some actually think everyone can be happy is lunacy. The Dems here want Trump to be just like them, or just like the talking heads from whom they get their info. Well duh. I get it. You have another chance in a few months. Better have a good candidate figured out and not some loony far left lib who is unelectable. Biden looks to be the guy. He already said Beta will be his gun guy. The both said they're coming for your guns. Newsflash, that's not moderate and it won't fly come election time. Of course come election time, I expect them to do some flip-flopping to correct to their mistakes and look better. Don't forget Trump is a lot more moderate than many of us would prefer. Still some big spending going on. Overall I think he's been doing a pretty respectable job. There's a lot of union guys who like him too, not that they shouldn't. And if you can believe the polls, there are some polls showing he's doing even better with minorities this time around. Commies, fascists, Russians, yada yada... just stupid twitter and 24 hour news channel talk. It's a big, complex world and no matter who is president, he's going to have to talk to the leaders of it and find where the common ground exists. You can't fault Obama for sitting down and having a meeting with Russians, and same with Trump. It's a nasty job I'd want no part of. Perfection doesn't exist. Most here, myself included, can't even manage their food plots, yet we all think we can manage coexisting with China and Russia and can do it better than Trump. At least he saw a problem with China and put the screws to them.

I think anything is on the table with this coronavirus. I don't know a single person who thinks it's fake. I'm not about to say my goodbyes to old people yet, however. It's my opinion today that in a few months it won't be much of a thing, and even less so next year. I may change my mind tonight, who knows.

Lots to debate. Never going to make everyone happy. Everything is relative (my favorite line). No new taxes. lol
On a side note did anyone see that bit when trump was at the cdc. Bragging about how people couldn't believe how he could possibly know soo much about the virus and he just had this natural ability and maybe he should have been a doctor. It cracked me up

He's the guy who's wife catches him cheating, then when she's irate, takes a call from a third chick. Just doubling and tripling down on large quantities of "Lets whiz people off"
Whiz people off kinda like Obama sticking his nose in the air to all us peons?

There is no doubt that many liberals want Trump to die from the Coronavirus or assassination they do not care. Several have posted that on social media, including many liberal Hollywood freaks.
I don't think Trump is humble.
You are right we should shut down the country and quarantine everyone in their house for two weeks, problem solved. Basically this is what China did. There are solutions but not in a free country like ours. No one has said it doesn’t matter, sorry if I missed that. This will be crippling for our economy and people will die. Then we will turn the page like we have done for the last 244 years. Hopefully we learn a lesson. China isn't and never has been a friend. The fact all our drugs are produced there is pretty damn scary. I don’t have much confidence anything will change. This has turned into a political football and our politicians are incompetent. No more dangerous than the flu is a math problem. Total cases/deaths. The math says it is no more dangerous. If you are elderly or have a compromised immune system(which I have) take extra precautions. Live your life
I just have to ask where in the post i made did it say ANYTHING about closing borders , The math is not complete on the common flu vrs covid 19 give it 12 months then the picture will be complete
It's now officially a pandemic. Some schools are starting to close in my area and St Patrick's Day parades and events are being cancelled.
What I was trying to say is - take the politics out of this... and tend to your families;

This is a new disease - its not the flu; its SARS-CoV2 a recent coronavirus that made a jump likely from a bat... humans do not have enough of a long term exposure to it to have good immunity. It induces flu like symptoms to the majority of its host because like a good virus it doesnt want to kill off most of its hosts... the majority of the severe cases are not the elderly but healthy people - critical people develop the full blown disease COVID-19 and tend to be co-morbid but not always. 70-80 year olds are running a mortality rate of 15-18%. All you need to look at is Kirkland. It doesnt care if your a democrat, a republican or a independent.

Side note: it takes along time to die from COVID-19. You slowly suffocate over days and weeks from the disease. And as side note to the side note they are starting to find evidence of permanent damage to the heart and lungs for those severe cases that eventually recover. Not like the flu.

This is a highly contagious disease - may folds over compared to the flu. It has a prolonged contagious time... is easily transmitted by droplets and likely aerosols - and is strong enough to stay alive on surfaces for a long time. EVERYTHING points to this being a big deal. Not as bad as measles but worse than the Spanish Influenza rates.
Im not going to argue the numbers beyond simply saying they are off the scale compared to the flu so its pointless talking about lighting strikes, earthquakes or parrot bites. As far as the flu - if this hits the same numbers of exposures - so we are talking an even playing field ( which as mentioned about its more contagious and deadly) then yes it is very capable of killing more people than the flu.... it is already much more deadly if you get it - across all ages apart from the kidos which again sets it apart from the flu. That is just a general fact.
So you can do the math on your own ----- multiply any number of people you want by .001 for the flu and .034 for covid-19 and if you have a bunch of old people you like multiply their numbers by .18 and paint a black x on their foreheads the next time you see them. For those that call bs on the percents pick any number you want from .002 to .20 I dont care - anyone of them will be worse than the flu - significantly worse.

I dont know where this will go but what I do know is no one and I mean no one you believe or have been told is prepare, is prepared in anyway for this... your hospitals are not, your EMS people are not and our government is not.

Which reverts back to the simple point I was trying to make - tend to your families.
Depends on where you get your "version" of the "truth". So far several people are sure about repeating the crap from cnn as "truth". Does believing it's the end of the world help anything?
Depends on where you get your "version" of the "truth". So far several people are sure about repeating the crap from cnn as "truth". Does believing it's the end of the world help anything?
and most on here are just repeating false foxnews crap. What’s your point?
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