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Division and control.
I don’t have anything to back up the 5 year claim except the current trends are so overwhelming, I feel confident making that claim. Also, yes, it would be pretentious to assume everyone on here makes their health decisions according to memes. I didn’t mean it like that, I can’t image many do. I regret the meme comment, I didn’t know it was a such a hot button topic.

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Some of us (me) are not having a good time right now. Memes are about the only funny thing I see on a daily basis. Them, and falling asleep to Everyone loves Raymond

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What trends are so overwhelming? The trend of the nearly 100% vaccinated nfl still testing positive and passing on this "deadly" virus?or the same trend in the nba? Or the same trend at many college campuses?
Or the trend of the thousands of americans who have had serious life threatening issues due to the "vaccines"? Or the thousands of Americans who have died due to the "vaccines"?
What about the trend of nearly 99% survivability of the virus?

I don’t know much about the NFL or NBA.

I’m talking about the trend in the hospital. Over 90% of patients who have been admitted to the hospital due to COVID since dec of 2020 are unvaccinated, in a community where 65% of people are vaccinated. That to me is overwhelming. You don’t need statistics, p-values, or complicated math to figure out that those numbers are statistically significant.

I don’t know where you’re getting your numbers from but I would check some other sources. Thousands are not dying from the vaccine. I’ve never seen anyone close to dying from the vaccine.

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^^^^ Hey Khrenke, mind if I call you out with the FACTS from here in MN?? I dispute your 90% bullshit.

-Widespread vaccines were not available in MN until roughly about Feb 1, 2021.
-MN dept of health has "breakthrough" data available for the vaccines up until November 14, 2021. (I have pulled all this data from their website)
-From Feb 1, 2021- November 14, 2021 there have been 19,287 hospitalizations in MN. 5,026 of those were in vaccinated people. Roughly 26% and its climbing signifcantly since your running out of unvaxed.
-From Feb 1, 2021-November 14, 2021 there have been 2,494 deaths reported. 938 of those were in vaccinated folks. Roughly 37.6%
-You also dont take into account that unvaccinated people likely have 10 times the exposure to other people since we arent scared Karen's hiding in the basement. If exposure was perfectly equal between vax and unvaxed the gap would close significantly. Some of us still need to go to work and give our kids something that resembles normal life
-My uncle Roger took his supposedly safe booster, IMMEDIATELY (as in mins) started having issues and with 8 days dropped over deader then hell from the safe vaccine.
-What are the 2, 5, and 10 year side effects of this experimental technology??

Feel free to research here...
^^^^ Hey Khrenke, mind if I call you out with the FACTS from here in MN?? I dispute your 90% bullshit.

-Widespread vaccines were not available in MN until roughly about Feb 1, 2021.
-MN dept of health has "breakthrough" data available for the vaccines up until November 14, 2021. (I have pulled all this data from their website)
-From Feb 1, 2021- November 14, 2021 there have been 19,287 hospitalizations in MN. 5,026 of those were in vaccinated people. Roughly 26% and its climbing signifcantly since your running out of unvaxed.
-From Feb 1, 2021-November 14, 2021 there have been 2,494 deaths reported. 938 of those were in vaccinated folks. Roughly 37.6%
-You also dont take into account that unvaccinated people likely have 10 times the exposure to other people since we arent scared Karen's hiding in the basement. If exposure was perfectly equal between vax and unvaxed the gap would close significantly. Some of us still need to go to work and give our kids something that resembles normal life
-My uncle Roger took his supposedly safe booster, IMMEDIATELY (as in mins) started having issues and with 8 days dropped over deader then hell from the safe vaccine.
-What are the 2, 5, and 10 year side effects of this experimental technology??

Feel free to research here...
I nominate this as the post of the year on the covid thread.
I don’t know much about the NFL or NBA.

I’m talking about the trend in the hospital. Over 90% of patients who have been admitted to the hospital due to COVID since dec of 2020 are unvaccinated, in a community where 65% of people are vaccinated. That to me is overwhelming. You don’t need statistics, p-values, or complicated math to figure out that those numbers are statistically significant.

I don’t know where you’re getting your numbers from but I would check some other sources. Thousands are not dying from the vaccine. I’ve never seen anyone close to dying from the vaccine.

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According to the site covid as of july there were 6,200+ deaths caused by the "vaccines" reprted to vaers . But whos counting...
I would be willing to bet its actually more, but all of a sudden the cdc cares about pre existing conditions, unlike covid deaths.
Sharpen your pencil fellas. There are statistics at play now. Have a read here. There's plenty of reason to not have any faith in VERS data. But the boys in the truth lab are hard at work tracking down the real stats. McCullough touched on this in his time with Rogan as well.

If you want the cliff notes, two studies from this article (all data sourced at the bottom of the article) estimate an underreporting factor of 31-41 times what's actually been documented. So if 6200 entries managed to make it to the end of the 30 minute-no save process of entering a VERS incident, it could actually be as high as 192,000-254,000, which would be quite scandelous when compared to the much lower 49,860 people with no comorbidities that the rona took. If such information were to get out, it might damage the cause. Imagine how much greater that spread would be if rachel and tony allowed discussion of an early outpatient treatment protocol.
If you wanna go way deep into the methodology, this was entered as evidence in a lawsuit brought by America's Frontline Doctors against the secretary of health and human services of the biden admin. Skip to the bottom of page 33 and give it a 20 second read.

What I said was far from ‘ban memes’. I said, please stop using memes to make your decision whether or not to get vaccinated. Similarly, I would say something along the lines of stop using the national inquirer as your primary news source. Memes and the national inquirer are entertaining, but I don’t think either are good resources for making medical decisions or as a daily news source.

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Many of us say the same of the New England Journal of Medicine

What I said was far from ‘ban memes’. I said, please stop using memes to make your decision whether or not to get vaccinated. Similarly, I would say something along the lines of stop using the national inquirer as your primary news source. Memes and the national inquirer are entertaining, but I don’t think either are good resources for making medical decisions or as a daily news source.

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See post # 5862

BBC said today that vaccinated and previously infected are both getting the newest model. It spreads quickly.

It doesn’t appear to make people as sick as delta.

I seriously doubt these home tests will arrive in time to make a difference.

Will a positive home test result in early treatment?

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I was never an Obama fan, but I always tried to have respect for the man , he was the president. This one though, the things this un-American douche bag says, the blatant in your face lies. The blatant in your face hypocrisy. I cant even begin to respect this. I seriously cant understand how anyone could.

I was never an Obama fan, but I always tried to have respect for the man , he was the president. This one though, the things this un-American douche bag says, the blatant in your face lies. The blatant in your face hypocrisy. I cant even begin to respect this. I seriously cant understand how anyone could.
He proved back in college that he can't think for himself. He's just beating a drum at this point.
BBC said today that vaccinated and previously infected are both getting the newest model. It spreads quickly.

It doesn’t appear to make people as sick as delta.

I seriously doubt these home tests will arrive in time to make a difference.

Will a positive home test result in early treatment?

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These test are not coming from the government until January 15. Meaning nobody’s getting them until February if they order them at all. The Omicron will be already on the Down slide at that point and nobody will care. I doubt many will use them and you’re right, what are they going to do if you test positive. Just tell you stay home. What a waste of tax dollars. We’ve had enough waste here in Ny already. The Governor the other day allocated 65 million dollars to help enforce mask mandates. LOL
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