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I am waiting for the doctor to respond on the natural immunity, post infection comment. Many in my rural community are not vaccinated and most have had corona. Two of my doctors are satisfied with no vaccine, post infection. I have to admit that I haven’t checked with one of them since April.

So, Doc, how many non vaccinated in ICU had a previous covid infection?

Could the government give us that data, or do they not trust their test results?

For the record, I have watched various strains of corona go through cattle for 40 plus years. The strains and the disease did change with time. Vaccines were somewhat effective. It was seasonal and also weather dependent. It also varied with housing and moisture in the air.

‘Housing dependent’ could be determined as gatherings in human terms.

Older animals with previous infections seemed to have some immunity. An occasional older animal would get very ill and perhaps die. They probably had other problems. There is a virus in cattle that can affect their immune system. Perhaps this is a factor. And cattle also get cancer and other health problems.

Does this sound familiar?

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An immune response to the live virus is likely similar, if not better than the immune response you get from the vaccine. I would say both are ‘natural’ immune responses. The problem is the live virus can kill you. I tested positive for COVID over a year ago. I still got the vaccine and booster to provide additional immunity to the virus.

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So you work at one of the largest hospitals in your state and you have 23 COVID patients in your ICU? How does that compare to the number of patients in your ICU with flu/pneumonia during December of 2019? Of those 23, how many were healthy with strong immune systems before contracting COVID?

From the very start, before there were even any cases reported in the US, reports from China said it mainly affected those who were old with co-morbidities. The entire effort from that point on should have been to develop or refine existing treatments for those types of patients, instead of wasting billions of dollars on ineffective prevention efforts.

Eat right and exercise would have been much more helpful advice than get jabbed, and mask up.

Instead of outlawing ivermectin, they should have outlawed corn syrup, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, and sodium nitrate.

In my mind, 23 is a crazy high number, multiple bays are filled with COVID pts. I don’t know numbers but I think it would be reasonable to guess 5 people in Dec 2019 had a bed in the ICU because of the flu/pneumonia.

I’m not going to comment on on ivermectin. The act of analyzing primary research papers is very difficult. To be honest, a lot of studies suck and you have to look at all their data with a grain of salt. I’ll leave the analytics up to the statisticians and professionals. Until I see a consensus from a respected medical journal, who will likely be looking at double-blinded, placebo controlled, large trails, I don’t know how helpful, if at all, ivermectin is. What I can tell you is, if you get COVID and your lungs get hit hard (which can happen very quickly) and you develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), ivermectin won’t save you.

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The only thing I remember from the last 5 pages is some new guy wants to ban memes. I would rather lick the subway seats than loose SD’s memes.

Nobody said anything about banning memes.

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Dear Dr. Coonrod,
For the purpose of full disclosure, I have never attended medical school. However, when I was a young man in the Marine Corps, I did perform various amounts of freelance gynecology. I liked to refer to my patients as Nurse Goodbody. In return they called me Dr. Stiffrod, or to borrow from the Motley Crue classic, Dr. Feelgood. You need to know the majority of the people on Habitat Talk are skeptical of government solutions. Most are live and let live types. I think men should decide for themselves whether to be vaccinated. Personally, I don't care if it's a baby aspirin, if the government tells me I have to, I am not taking it. Now you know the rest of the story. Good day.

I hear you, I’m not pro vaccine mandate, I’m not saying ‘get in line’, I’m not a politician. I will say this in confidence, you have a higher 5 year mortality risk if you have not not been vaccinated, just like you’d have a higher 5 year mortality risk if you were obese and smoking. If you’re okay with that, I agree, that’s your choice.

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Why is pfiizer asking for 75 years to determine if their vaccine is safe? If they won't know for 75 years why are we trusting it now?
Pretty sure you did.

What I said was far from ‘ban memes’. I said, please stop using memes to make your decision whether or not to get vaccinated. Similarly, I would say something along the lines of stop using the national inquirer as your primary news source. Memes and the national inquirer are entertaining, but I don’t think either are good resources for making medical decisions or as a daily news source.

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Seems that you have opinions on Memes and the Enquirer. What’s your take on getting daily news from CNN. Seems that’s the problem the Country’s having now. You’re talking Memes but, the main stream media are the ones pushing the trash propaganda. Is CNN credible medical advice?
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I hear you, I’m not pro vaccine mandate, I’m not saying ‘get in line’, I’m not a politician. I will say this in confidence, you have a higher 5 year mortality risk if you have not not been vaccinated, just like you’d have a higher 5 year mortality risk if you were obese and smoking. If you’re okay with that, I agree, that’s your choice.

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Do you have anything to back up the higher 5 year mortality risk claim?
What I said was far from ‘ban memes’. I said, please stop using memes to make your decision whether or not to get vaccinated. Similarly, I would say something along the lines of stop using the national inquirer as your primary news source. Memes and the national inquirer are entertaining, but I don’t think either are good resources for making medical decisions or as a daily news source.

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Kind of pretentious assuming everyone here makes their health decisions according to memes dont you think?
Do you have anything to back up the higher 5 year mortality risk claim?
Nope, nothing can be proven before it happens. Sounds good though.
An immune response to the live virus is likely similar, if not better than the immune response you get from the vaccine. I would say both are ‘natural’ immune responses. The problem is the live virus can kill you. I tested positive for COVID over a year ago. I still got the vaccine and booster to provide additional immunity to the virus.

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Thank you. My doctor also felt the immune response to the disease was probably better than vaccine. I also agree, as the natural response to infection probably gives wider coverage than vaccine to just a spike protein.

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Kind of pretentious assuming everyone here makes their health decisions according to memes dont you think?

I don’t have anything to back up the 5 year claim except the current trends are so overwhelming, I feel confident making that claim. Also, yes, it would be pretentious to assume everyone on here makes their health decisions according to memes. I didn’t mean it like that, I can’t image many do. I regret the meme comment, I didn’t know it was a such a hot button topic.

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The point of a meme is to get someone to start thinking.
The point of fear is to get someone to stop thinking.

And memes cut through fear like a broadhead through brisket.
Well I get back to watching HEE HAW Re-runs and making some shine. Y'all have a good one now.
I don’t have anything to back up the 5 year claim except the current trends are so overwhelming, I feel confident making that claim. Also, yes, it would be pretentious to assume everyone on here makes their health decisions according to memes. I didn’t mean it like that, I can’t image many do. I regret the meme comment, I didn’t know it was a such a hot button topic.

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What trends are so overwhelming? The trend of the nearly 100% vaccinated nfl still testing positive and passing on this "deadly" virus?or the same trend in the nba? Or the same trend at many college campuses?
Or the trend of the thousands of americans who have had serious life threatening issues due to the "vaccines"? Or the thousands of Americans who have died due to the "vaccines"?
What about the trend of nearly 99% survivability of the virus?
you have a higher 5 year mortality risk if you have not not been vaccinated, just like you’d have a higher 5 year mortality risk if you were obese and smoking.

Based on what? A study done by a company, person or entity who's dollars align with pharmaceutical manufacturers and gov't spending?
I don’t have anything to back up the 5 year claim except the current trends are so overwhelming, I feel confident making that claim.

Surely you'd require a consensus from a respected medical journal, who will likely be looking at double-blinded, placebo controlled, large trails before signing on to such an assessment?

I’m not going to comment on on ivermectin. The act of analyzing primary research papers is very difficult. To be honest, a lot of studies suck and you have to look at all their data with a grain of salt. I’ll leave the analytics up to the statisticians and professionals. Until I see a consensus from a respected medical journal, who will likely be looking at double-blinded, placebo controlled, large trails, I don’t know how helpful, if at all, ivermectin is.

Surely we've got a similar and overwhelming trend in the safety and effectiveness of ivermectin when administered at the onset of rona symptoms?

You see why nobody is buying this double speak any longer? Do you see the incongruity in your standards between state propaganda and applied medicine?
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