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I’m a physician and this is one of the saddest treads I’ve ever seen. There is a reason why 96% of physicians are vaccinated, it is because they are safe and effective. In hospitals across the country, we are now experiencing a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Our ICUs are filled with unvaccinated people, on their death bed, using up valuable space and resources. At times, I can’t bring ventilated stroke patients, heart failure patients, septic pts to the ICU, who would have otherwise had a bed up there, because they are filled with people people dying from COVID. It’s extremely sad and frustrating for everyone in the healthcare field. If you don’t want to listen to the government, fine, don’t, but listen to the physicians who grew up in your communities and spent years of their life enduring rigorous academic training, sitting through entire courses on immunology and biochemistry. Use the medical professionals as your resource, go talk to your doctor, don’t be scared, stop making excuses, and just get vaccinated. Also, please, stop using memes to help make your decision.

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Is that you Khernke???? According to the MN dept of health the "facts" aren't really lining up with what you are telling us....

-According to the most recent data released today by the MN ministry of health we have 10,156 deaths across our state since the plandemic started
-Vaccines were not widely available here in MN until about 1/20/2021-2/1/2021. There was some availability before that, but not much.
-On 1/20/2021 MN had already had 6,509 deaths.
-That leaves 3,647 deaths Since vaccines have been available.
-According to the latest data from MN ministry of health on vaccine breakthroughs that hasnt been updated since 11/14.... 938 of those deaths were fully vaccinated people. Since they are more then 1 month behind that percentage will only climb. The number of total death in MN on 11/14 was 9,196.
-So if your keeping score since 1/20/2021-11/14/2021 its 1,749 unvaccinated v 938 vaccinated. Its not 90% here in MN.
-All data taken from MN ministry of health website

I’m a physician and this is one of the saddest treads I’ve ever seen. There is a reason why 96% of physicians are vaccinated, it is because they are safe and effective. In hospitals across the country, we are now experiencing a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Our ICUs are filled with unvaccinated people, on their death bed, using up valuable space and resources. At times, I can’t bring ventilated stroke patients, heart failure patients, septic pts to the ICU, who would have otherwise had a bed up there, because they are filled with people people dying from COVID. It’s extremely sad and frustrating for everyone in the healthcare field. If you don’t want to listen to the government, fine, don’t, but listen to the physicians who grew up in your communities and spent years of their life enduring rigorous academic training, sitting through entire courses on immunology and biochemistry. Use the medical professionals as your resource, go talk to your doctor, don’t be scared, stop making excuses, and just get vaccinated. Also, please, stop using memes to help make your decision.

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Thank you for your post and welcome to H-T

You raise some important issues and have clearly given thoughtful consideration to the subject of Covid

However, I view this thread as a "rough and tumble arena of ideas" rather than sad

If you read all of the posts you will find examples of thoughtful analysis and due diligence amidst the occasional juvenile histrionics

I am doubtful that many(if any at all) make their decision re:vaccine on the basis of SD's memes

Further, I have been impressed with the breadth of knowledge and grasp of the sciences by my non medical ,habitat brethren

I would modify your closing remark to read"Talk to your doctor, dont be scared, stop making excuse" and then make your own decision

Looks like that data came from Table 11 of that UK report. Which does show the increase more cases among some of the unvaccinated groups as shown in the graph SD posted. But that table also shows the lower rates of hospitalization and deaths for the vaccinated. So while your statement that more vaccinated are hospitalized, it would only be true because so many people in the UK have been vaccinated. When normalized (per 100k people), the rates show the benefit of getting people vaccinated.

We are both correct. UK hospitalization is 48% un-jabbed / 52% jabbed. Barring that context, we'd think we're in a pandemic of only the unvaccinated.
I just don’t see how anyone can separate covid from politics. It’s the politicians pushing mandates, masks and experimental injections. (There not vaccines, vaccines prevent illness. At best the injection lessons the illness or so we’re told).

The same political forces pushing the jab are the same political forces allowing tens of thousands of unvaccinated people cross our southern border almost daily and disperse all over the country. How is that supposed to make anyone believe that they really believe in the vax?

Also as a doctor do you care to comment on why the medical community and the government refuse to even mention natural antibodies that the covid cured have? It makes no sense to me that a manufactured drug is better then natural immunity.

For the record as I’ve said many times in this thread, I’m not anti vax. Anyone that wants it should get it. For me, no thanks. God vaxed me last January when I tested positive. Unless the tests are not accurate..
Like the Fauch said at the onset of the dreaded omicron, " absolutely not, natural immunity will not work against omicron. BUT , we are reasonably sure that the "vaccines" will be very effective"
You cant make this shit up.
Get a shot thats 99% survivable, to save me from a virus that 98% survivable.....
I believe ill take my chances.
Of course if you take out ALL the misreported deaths the survivability of the vid might be 108% ?
I work at one of the largest hospitals in my state. Looking at exact numbers, our last COVID inpatient count as of 12/20/2021 was 67 (with 23 in the ICU) since December of 2020, more than 90% of our hospitalized COVID patients have been unvaccinated. So, that is not saying 90% of our hospitalized pts are unvaccinated, just 90% of those hospitalized for COVID. In Iowa, currently 64% of our population has received at least one vaccine.

In the ICU, there all all different ages, I recently took care of an otherwise healthy 5-month-old who was intubated because of COVID. Many of the intubated icu patients do have co-morbidities (high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity) but so does a large portion of our population.

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So you work at one of the largest hospitals in your state and you have 23 COVID patients in your ICU? How does that compare to the number of patients in your ICU with flu/pneumonia during December of 2019? Of those 23, how many were healthy with strong immune systems before contracting COVID?

From the very start, before there were even any cases reported in the US, reports from China said it mainly affected those who were old with co-morbidities. The entire effort from that point on should have been to develop or refine existing treatments for those types of patients, instead of wasting billions of dollars on ineffective prevention efforts.

Eat right and exercise would have been much more helpful advice than get jabbed, and mask up.

Instead of outlawing ivermectin, they should have outlawed corn syrup, partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, and sodium nitrate.
Lockdowns kill..... funny you hardly ever hear a peep about it on state run media from all the "science" worshipers. Its entirely acceptable to be killed off by the pharmaceutical industry. Same people telling you the vaccines are such a wonderful thing are the same people that okayed legalized smack. How many people in this country got hooked on this shit and eventually died the last 20 years?? In San Francisco drug over dose deaths are beating corona deaths 3 to 1. If Brandon and the other govt goons gave 2 shits about the American people dying they would fricken do something about the disaster at the border. Instead they ENCOURAGE it.

I wrote this really long thought out post. Seemed contrived, couldn’t get it right without potentially bunching panties.

I’ll go with this,
Carry on SD.
-On December 19, 2021 US reports 72,470 cases of corona (Source- New York Times).

-On December 20, CDC says Omicron is now 73% of all cases

-Also on December 20, Reuters reports first Omicron death and its in a "compromised" patient. That's a death rate of 1 in 52,903 people.

-Omicron looks like a cold. Wait until Brandon scares the serfs tomorrow and threatens us with the pharmaceutical experimentation or loosing our freedoms.


Thats a great video tap. Scary as hell also.
Seems like alot of people have been singing the global totalitarianism for a long time now...
Just heard the NFL has changed its covid protocol so they dont have to reschedule games. Now they will only test those dirty unvaxed every day . Meanwhile the vaxed who pose a greater threat to everyone wont even be rested when they are showing the symptoms. Yeah, we should all be terrified of the vid.
I wrote this really long thought out post. Seemed contrived, couldn’t get it right without potentially bunching panties.

I’ll go with this,
Carry on SD.

I know most everyone knows Covid isn’t a joking matter, but I think everyone is just fed up with everything about it, that it is still carrying on, and the stupid rules and mandates. Allowing a bunch of grown ups the chance to get a few laughs each day seems to help, some. This gives us all a place to vent, laugh, and complain about new laws, rules, and mandates.

This past weekend our 3 year old granddaughter stayed with us, she had a cough, and yesterday my wife and I got sore throat’s, today mine is totally gone, but my wife can barely talk, she feels totally fine, but can’t talk. Being she works in a hospital she stayed home today because she sounds very horse. But if this is all Covid is today, we need to get on with our lives. I have no intention on getting tested, and my wife’s work said if she is better tomorrow, come in.
Any more stories about hospitals not testing people who are vaccinated? I've heard it mentioned numerous times. Just wondering how prevalent it is.
My workplace just came out with their new OSHA mandated vax policy. My boss will not require everyone to get vaxxed, and will cover the costs of weekly testing for the unvaxxed. His numbers people say this will cost the company about $30K for a year's worth of testing.

Of course, the company and pretty much everyone at my location still hoping it gets shot down in court. It makes absolutely no sense now that Omicron is running rampant through the vaxxed.
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