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My workplace just came out with their new OSHA mandated vax policy. My boss will not require everyone to get vaxxed, and will cover the costs of weekly testing for the unvaxxed. His numbers people say this will cost the company about $30K for a year's worth of testing.

Of course, the company and pretty much everyone at my location still hoping it gets shot down in court. It makes absolutely no sense now that Omicron is running rampant through the vaxxed.
Yep, vaxxed are free to carry and spread the covid all over but the unvaxxed have to test weekly and can't eat out at restaurants.

Gotta make it through the winter. I feel they are going to claim victory as the numbers taper off when the weather changes (remember when we had cold/flu season) because even their own are fed up with the BS and without claiming victory they don't stand a chance in the midterms. They will credit the vaccines, masks, and mandates instead of mother nature.
My workplace just came out with their new OSHA mandated vax policy. My boss will not require everyone to get vaxxed, and will cover the costs of weekly testing for the unvaxxed. His numbers people say this will cost the company about $30K for a year's worth of testing.

Of course, the company and pretty much everyone at my location still hoping it gets shot down in court. It makes absolutely no sense now that Omicron is running rampant through the vaxxed.

I’ve been getting tested weekly for a few weeks now. Makes zero sense to test the ones that will have noticeable symptoms while allowing the others to freely roam around possibly unknowingly spreading. I’ll take my chances even if it means losing my job (supposed to hear more after the new year but hoping these court cases move along quickly)

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So I've been doing a lot of post lately. I'm at home with the family on quarantine. I had my first 2 shots early last year.Wife and kids don't. My son tested positive and the next day my wife and daughter were +. I just became positive today. ( 4 days later).The family is all well. Wife is a little tired. So far with me, this is milder than the flu I would get once a year. Feeling a little warm here and there fever has not been over 100. I hope it stays this mild I'll be happy.
Any more stories about hospitals not testing people who are vaccinated? I've heard it mentioned numerous times. Just wondering how prevalent it is.

Like weekly testing or not testing people who have symptoms? Can’t speak for every hospital in the us but if you show symptoms we don’t ask about vaccine status you get tested. End of story.

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This guy is the worst pharmaceutical salesman I have ever seen.... He must have coughed 25+ times, said the word vaccine 100-200 times, boosted 50+ times....idiot keeps saying EVERYTHING IS FREE. 983 vaccinated corona deaths in MN as of 11/14/2021. 0 Omicron deaths in MN. They are crafting a response to a crisis that doesn't exist.

I heard on the radio yesterday that one of the big hospitals near me is attempting to call back all the help that they dismissed for not getting jabbed. Im sure that will go over well with the ones who decided against their better judgement to get jabbed to keep their job. Lol. Not to mention how they will need to over pay to get them back at this point.
Green bay is requesting national guard troops to help at the hospitals to compensate for the short staffing.
Kinda seems like a bad idea to have let them all walk now?
I just don’t see how anyone can separate covid from politics. It’s the politicians pushing mandates, masks and experimental injections. (There not vaccines, vaccines prevent illness. At best the injection lessons the illness or so we’re told).

The same political forces pushing the jab are the same political forces allowing tens of thousands of unvaccinated people cross our southern border almost daily and disperse all over the country. How is that supposed to make anyone believe that they really believe in the vax?

Also as a doctor do you care to comment on why the medical community and the government refuse to even mention natural antibodies that the covid cured have? It makes no sense to me that a manufactured drug is better then natural immunity.

For the record as I’ve said many times in this thread, I’m not anti vax. Anyone that wants it should get it. For me, no thanks. God vaxed me last January when I tested positive. Unless the tests are not accurate..

I am waiting for the doctor to respond on the natural immunity, post infection comment. Many in my rural community are not vaccinated and most have had corona. Two of my doctors are satisfied with no vaccine, post infection. I have to admit that I haven’t checked with one of them since April.

So, Doc, how many non vaccinated in ICU had a previous covid infection?

Could the government give us that data, or do they not trust their test results?

For the record, I have watched various strains of corona go through cattle for 40 plus years. The strains and the disease did change with time. Vaccines were somewhat effective. It was seasonal and also weather dependent. It also varied with housing and moisture in the air.

‘Housing dependent’ could be determined as gatherings in human terms.

Older animals with previous infections seemed to have some immunity. An occasional older animal would get very ill and perhaps die. They probably had other problems. There is a virus in cattle that can affect their immune system. Perhaps this is a factor. And cattle also get cancer and other health problems.

Does this sound familiar?

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Government has been telling us stories for decades. Never could trust our government. Two best presidents in our nations history were NOT career politicians. jmho.
I am waiting for the doctor to respond on the natural immunity, post infection comment. Many in my rural community are not vaccinated and most have had corona. Two of my doctors are satisfied with no vaccine, post infection. I have to admit that I haven’t checked with one of them since April.

So, Doc, how many non vaccinated in ICU had a previous covid infection?

Could the government give us that data, or do they not trust their test results?

For the record, I have watched various strains of corona go through cattle for 40 plus years. The strains and the disease did change with time. Vaccines were somewhat effective. It was seasonal and also weather dependent. It also varied with housing and moisture in the air.

‘Housing dependent’ could be determined as gatherings in human terms.

Older animals with previous infections seemed to have some immunity. An occasional older animal would get very ill and perhaps die. They probably had other problems. There is a virus in cattle that can affect their immune system. Perhaps this is a factor. And cattle also get cancer and other health problems.

Does this sound familiar?

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Many Countries accept a previous infection as an alternative to the vax. Somehow this Country doesn’t even want to discuss it. South Africa is proof one on this as they had so many prior infections that this Omicron didn’t last long there. Everyone already had immunity without being vaxed. This discounting of natural immunity could finally be the downfall of people like Fauci People are waking up.
The physician vaccination rate of 96% was long before mandates. The lack of ICU beds is in part due to staff shortages. Some nurses quit the ICU because of burnout, some quit because of the vaccine mandates, some were fired, I don’t know percentages but if were to guess more quit because of burnout.

I have no idea about Cornell College. I work in and around the ICU, I do know almost all people in our ICU that are dying from COVID are unvaccinated, it’s sad. In my professional opinion, I think you should get vaccinated. I’m not going to comment on all this other political stuff.

Psychologists have a term for the refusal to believe evidence that contradicts a preexisting belief: cognitive dissonance. It is sustained by another activity called confirmation bias, in which a person overlooks all evidence that rejects his or her belief system and grasp the isolated bits of information that confirm it.

I own a piece of land, I’ve done a handful or projects on it. I’ve spent countless hours on project threads and have learned a lot from everyone on here. I have always been hesitant to post on this forum because I’m not a habitat expert. There are so many people on here that know much more than me when it comes to habitat improvement. That’s why it blew my mind to see thousands of post about the Corona Virus on a habitat forum.

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Good input bud, thank you for the reply. I didn't mean to go political if it seemed that way, much of Covid has become politicized and it wasn't my intent. Covid has effected everyone in the world so yessir even us habitat guys talk about it. I fight confirmation bias nearly daily so I can relate. Are you familiar with the FLCCC Alliance (Front Line Covid Critical Care)? Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Paul Marik and Dr. Peter McCullough are some of the more well known of the group in the medical community.

Most of us are just tired of the constant government overreach regarding Covid, there are other options but all we hear is vax vax vax that aren't achieving whatever imaginary goal we are going for. No talk about herd immunity or natural immunity let alone treatments like steroids etc. Treatments that have multipal peer reviewed trials and studies are never spoken about in the media and when they are, they are referred to as "horse dewormer" despite the WHO having it listed as a "essential medicine" for it's use in humans. It also was given the Nobel Prize in 2015 for it's uses in humans, and has been found (before Covid) to have anti-viral properties.

Being a Dr I figured I would ask is all good sir, again thank you for the reply!

Dear Dr. Coonrod,
For the purpose of full disclosure, I have never attended medical school. However, when I was a young man in the Marine Corps, I did perform various amounts of freelance gynecology. I liked to refer to my patients as Nurse Goodbody. In return they called me Dr. Stiffrod, or to borrow from the Motley Crue classic, Dr. Feelgood. You need to know the majority of the people on Habitat Talk are skeptical of government solutions. Most are live and let live types. I think men should decide for themselves whether to be vaccinated. Personally, I don't care if it's a baby aspirin, if the government tells me I have to, I am not taking it. Now you know the rest of the story. Good day.
For me and the vaccine, I started out thinking it was rushed, and not tested well, but I will sit back and see how it works with others. Short term my observations are, the majority of people are not dropping like flies from the vaccine. But, it just doesnt seem to have any benefit to taking it.

What I would consider benefits,
would all this end, if I got the shot- NO
Will this protect me from getting sick if I get it-NO
Will it prevent me from getting others sick, if I was sick-NO
Would it make it so I wouldnt have to wear a mask-NO
If I got the shot, would it shut the government up, so they get off my back- NO, I would then need a booster
Will it prevent me from getting sicker, or dying if I get the shot-cant be proven

I have never been one to do as I am told, and threatening me, bribing me, punishing me and constantly hounding me will only make me dig in my heels more. Want me to get one, show me how it would be a benefit. Show me it works.

As for it being political, well stop the politicians from abusing their self proclaimed powers, and using scare tactics, and bribes to follow along with their demands. Something that is good, and beneficial, you shouldnt have to bribe someone to take it, or punish, and take away things to get them to take it, or threaten them they will lose their jobs, or freedom if they dont take it, or have to use scare tactics, that you will die if you dont take it, if it is a good thing, people will see that on their own, and willingly take it.

The scare tactic is such a lie, when proof shows the overall virus deaths are less then 1% unless you are in bad health. I am pretty sure the people that want the shot, already has gotten it. The ones who dont, dont plan on getting it. Force it, and it may start the next revolution in this country.

I am not getting it, and if I die because of my choice, I will own up to it, and pay the price, but it was my choice!
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