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Thanks guys. The covid fear is real and alive. My wife simply has a predetermined answer for everything. I told her some facts from Germany, and she just says "well they're healthier over there." Told her people are walking around England with 4 jabs already and she says "well that's not my plan but we'll address it later." She doesn't want to get that that's exactly the plan, every so many months you aren't considered vaxxed any longer! She reads a lot from some lady called Your Local Epidemiologist, who, to me, seems partial and vested and is an Assistant Professor and a blogger.

My old friend from childhood has rona right now. He's sheltering in house, away from his wife and 7 yr old. He's double vaxxed but upset that he didn't get his booster when he became eligible for it over Thanksgiving, and same with his wife's brother who my friend gave the vid too. Both of them basically feel fine, a week since they tested positive. Mild cold symptoms. My friend told me he woke up the night after he tested pos. and couldn't breathe and nearly went to the ER, then he calmed down and realized he was just having a panic attack, and everything got back to normal. Makes me wonder how many people just worry themselves sick straight to the hospital. He told me his 7yr old had his 1st jab and soon the 2nd. I asked if his mom gave her approval of that, since she has a master's in nursing and has been a pediatric nurse for 40 years. His exact text was, "I haven't asked her specifically, but pretty sure she's in favor of covid vax for children. Not something she would've researched probably but she trusts in the science I would guess." I think that answer left something to be desired. It was predictable though, just thought it was an odd answer and didn't help sell me.

My sister's son (17) and daughter (14) are both double jabbed. I just texted her now about getting it done for her 10 yr old. Answer - "I think we are. I just have to schedule it. A lot of my K-5 students have already gotten it."

Seems like everyone has the same two responses. The 1st one is that the jab will keep them alive and hopefully out of the hospital. The 2nd one is that they're afraid of Long Haul vid and having messed up health forever. I'm just not personally worried about that stuff other than a tiny bit, but I have a lotta other crap to worry about too and rona isn't high on the list.
The new magic number is 6.

Fast forward to about 40 seconds and watch about 1 min of this video from yesterday.... This is the guy that got 81 million votes (12 million more then Obama) and is gonna lead us out of the pandemic?? Good thing the teleprompter is the real president. Brandon will be at 400,000+ covid deaths very soon. Last year he said that nobody that had 200,000+ covid deaths had any business being president. Brandon has had 2 "life-saving" vaccines available to save us and couldnt get the job done. Jimmy Carter is probably the happiest guy alive.

What a horrifying thought if we have to go to the bullpen on this one.

How insane is the left? That's the best they could come up with? Rigged election to ruin our country and hand the power over to China and Russia. Only 3 short years to go and probably about 6 more "variants".

It’s been a few months since I’ve sifted through the CDC website regarding Covid things. I heard a report (on CBS I think) that a “large majority of Covid deaths were recalled due to inaccuracies and the CDC admits the number of people that died FROM Covid is only roughly 10% of the current total”.

So I go to the CDC website and start digging again and sure enough. To anyone that’s been following this stuff knows that the comorbidities were accurate all along, or at least a lot closer to the real number. The CDC just worded it in such a way that it could be interpreted either way. People like me were saying the total number of Covid deaths includes everyone that died WITH Covid whether they were shot in the head and tested positive and actually died FROM Covid.

The real number of people that died FROM Covid is 76,821 total since 2019.

At least now it’s clarified, I doubt it will make any difference to those that already have the fear engrained, and I’m doubtful the mainstream media will even mention this. I have no idea when this changed on the CDC website tbh, they stated earlier that comorbidities were 94% of the deaths and they had at least 4 major health conditions prior to contracting Covid. The CDC listed Terminal Cancer as the example, I’ve said this in this thread many times and can look back to find those comments if anyone doubts it.

As always look for yourselves here:

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It’s been a few months since I’ve sifted through the CDC website regarding Covid things. I heard a report (on CBS I think) that a “large majority of Covid deaths were recalled due to inaccuracies and the CDC admits the number of people that died from Covid is only roughly 10% of the current total”.

So I go to the CDC website and start digging again and sure enough. To anyone that’s been following this stuff knows that the comorbidities were accurate all along, or at least a lot closer to the real number. The CDC just worded it in such a way that it could be interpreted either way. People like me were saying the total number of Covid deaths includes everyone that died WITH Covid whether they were shot in the head and tested positive and actually died FROM Covid.

The real number of people that died FROM Covid is 76,821 total since 2019.

At least now it’s clarified, I doubt it will make any difference to those that already have the fear engrained, and I’m doubtful the mainstream media will even mention this. I have no idea when this changed on the CDC website tbh, they stated earlier that comorbidities were 94% of the deaths and they had at least 4 major health conditions prior to contracting Covid. The CDC listed Terminal Cancer as the example, I’ve said this in this thread many times and can look back to find those comments if anyone doubts it.

As always look for yourselves here:

100% agree. Been beating that same drum since this started.
Open eyes, go outside and see what really is happening. Dont sit insids allowing the crooked media to tell you the democrats version of whats going on.

Lol, so its slightly more deadly than the original version?
Here they contradict the 10% number but it’s clear they reiterate what they said in previous writing in the past as I have commented on here “over 5% of these deaths Covid was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to Covid-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.” (I typed it out because I had to take a picture of my screen so maybe not readable)

Here they contradict the 10% number but it’s clear they reiterate what they said in previous writing in the past as I have commented on here “over 5% of these deaths Covid was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to Covid-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death.” (I typed it out because I had to take a picture of my screen so maybe not readable)

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Am i reading that wrong or does that say only 5% were from covid?
Am i reading that wrong or does that say only 5% were from covid?
No sir you read that right, in the old Comorbidities section it was worded kind of the same "just over 5% only had Covid listed as the cause of death" or something similar.
Less as I understand. As viruses mutate over time they become more contagious but less deadly.
Yes I understand that.
No sir you read that right, in the old Comorbidities section it was worded kind of the same "just over 5% only had Covid listed as the cause of death" or something similar.
Lol.. i guess not funny at all, but at the same time it makes all the idiots walking around with masks on look all the more funny
People never did get to the point of realizing the masks they were wearing were NOT doing any good. Chain link fence to keep out mosquito's was the closest example I noticed.
^^^^The idiot in New York is making the serfs put the mask back on. The "vaccine" is failing. Brandon couldnt stop corona like the teleprompter told him he would.
They just need 10 more boosters, then they are protected until next week.
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