We let it go to far with the first round of lock downs. This never has nor ever will be a severe enough sickness to warrant this level of idiocy.New checkpoint today. Now have we let this go too far?
On The Heels of Austria and Germany Locking Down The Unvaccinated, EU Leader Calls For Throwing Out Nuremberg Code In Favor of Forced Vaccinating All Dissenters | The Gateway Pundit | by Julian Conradson
On Wednesday, Ursula Van Der Leyen – the chief of the European Union (EU) Commission – told the press that she would like to see the long-standing Nuremberg Code ignored completely in favor of allowing countries to force vaccinate anyone who is refusing to take the experimental jab.www.thegatewaypundit.com
My brother up in Saginaw and family got the vid. Went to their Dr. and he wouldn't give them anything. Told them if they had trouble breathing to go to the ER...My brother did an online consultation with a Dr. in FL that got them ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and doxycycline. Said they are all feeling much better but still have body aches and a little shortness of breath. Unfortunately the online Dr is in FL, so he can't just switch.
How sheltered do you have to be to get your news from npr?!?![]()
Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates. Misinformation is to blame
An analysis by NPR shows that since the vaccine rollout, counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump have had more than twice the COVID mortality rates of those that voted for Joe Biden.www.npr.org
That explains why they won’t allow ivermectin.![]()
Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates. Misinformation is to blame
An analysis by NPR shows that since the vaccine rollout, counties that voted heavily for Donald Trump have had more than twice the COVID mortality rates of those that voted for Joe Biden.www.npr.org