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Let's just hope they're not chippendales!
New checkpoint today. Now have we let this go too far?

We let it go to far with the first round of lock downs. This never has nor ever will be a severe enough sickness to warrant this level of idiocy.
My brother up in Saginaw and family got the vid. Went to their Dr. and he wouldn't give them anything. Told them if they had trouble breathing to go to the ER... :emoji_rolling_eyes: My brother did an online consultation with a Dr. in FL that got them ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and doxycycline. Said they are all feeling much better but still have body aches and a little shortness of breath. Unfortunately the online Dr is in FL, so he can't just switch.

Please PM me details of this Dr as I like how he rolls.

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How sheltered do you have to be to get your news from npr?!?
Thats not slanted at all.....
That explains why they won’t allow ivermectin.
I believe if NPR were correct they would gleefully stop pushing the vax and let the smelly trump voters die.
But I'm the eternal skeptic.
You do have to love the hypocrisy though.
Point out that its mostly blue srates exploding with covid right now and your making a "pandemic" political.
But hey whatever helps you sleep i guess
This makes sense that Omicron has only showed up in vaccinated in Israel since they have 82% vaccination rate (last I checked) but still you would think at least some of the cases were with those unvaccinated. It just seems crazy to me that they are, as I type, considering a 2nd booster shot and expecting a different result.

From the link (above) to Israeli Health in the middle of SD's meme's above
"The four newly identified cases were vaccinated with a booster shot, with two of them returning from France, one from the US and the fourth person returning from South Africa."
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