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I can get just the covid vax that way. I was looking for the chart that compared all those vaccines as shown above.
I am still looking for that link, I tried again today and couldn't get to it on the WHO's vigiaccess but I did find this on US VAERS but it won't take me to a chart comparing just Covid jabs to all others in the history of jabs. I hate that things like this are so difficult to find accurate answers.

I also hate that we rely on VAERS at all given it's know deficiencies and inaccuracies. I am getting closer to finding it though lol

Someon explain this tidbit of idiocy to me.
My son plays middle school basketball, one of the schools they play is still covid crazy.
When we play there, the players have to mask, even while playing, and all spectators have to mask.
Now when they come to our school to play no one wears masks, no players, no coaches no spectators.
How in the the wide, wide world of sports does that male any sense whatsoever?
In case anyone isn't sure what I mean by saying VAERS has known deficiencies and inaccuracies. The CDC paid Harvard Medical School $1million in 2006 for a study that concluded in 2010.

In the "results" section:
"Likewise, fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported."

Someon explain this tidbit of idiocy to me.
My son plays middle school basketball, one of the schools they play is still covid crazy.
When we play there, the players have to mask, even while playing, and all spectators have to mask.
Now when they come to our school to play no one wears masks, no players, no coaches no spectators.
How in the the wide, wide world of sports does that male any sense whatsoever?
We have seen the exact same thing over the past couple of years. There isn't a single part of any of these procedures that have made any sense whatsoever.
Someon explain this tidbit of idiocy to me.
My son plays middle school basketball, one of the schools they play is still covid crazy.
When we play there, the players have to mask, even while playing, and all spectators have to mask.
Now when they come to our school to play no one wears masks, no players, no coaches no spectators.
How in the the wide, wide world of sports does that male any sense whatsoever?

Our district had strict covid protocals to start the fall the year. By spring we had a campus wide mask burning party, the students loved it! As a coach I experienced frustration when the school cancelled one of our competitions last year due to the host team not requiring masks. I wasn't happy about it but at least the district was staying consistent. Currently most schools send out an email stating that people can wear masks if they feel it's warranted. I've got nothing for the logic of requiring masks at their home games but not at away games except that maybe the district has a rule about following other schools protocol's? Doesn't make sense from a transmission of disease standpoint, but it does make sense if you are looking at writing procedures (which seldom reflects real life).
There's still hope. I think giving him a loaded single shot for Christmas would be a nice gift to America.
Priceless! Now we need the little video of congress giving the standing ovation---SD?
Great news "science" lovers. The science changed again. This is not a fcking vaccine. This is a "science" experiment. I will give all the "science" dip$hits a little tip. YOU CAN NEVER EVER "VACCINATE" YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS SHIT SHOW.

When will any of you admit you have been horribly wrong???

My nervous nelly wife is up at Walgreens as we speak getting covid tested again. She wants to jab the kids, so I'm in a bit of a debate.
Great news "science" lovers. The science changed again. This is not a fcking vaccine. This is a "science" experiment. I will give all the "science" dip$hits a little tip. YOU CAN NEVER EVER "VACCINATE" YOUR WAY OUT OF THIS SHIT SHOW.

When will any of you admit you have been horribly wrong???

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Thet will NEVER admit they were and are wrong.
On the news the other day Little lord fauchi was saying they had no confidence that natural immunity would be effective against the dreaded omnicron but thet were very sure that the vaccines would be highly affective.
How the f does that work,a supposedly new "variant" and you just know all of a sudden that the fakeccines you've been forcing that dont work on ANYTHING else suddenly will work? And the natural immunity which has proven at every turn to be highly effectively suddenly won't???
Wtf is wrong with anyone who would believe any of this bullshit he keeps spewing?
My nervous nelly wife is up at Walgreens as we speak getting covid tested again. She wants to jab the kids, so I'm in a bit of a debate.
Stay strong my friend.
No telling what the long term effects on the kids will be. Way to risky to be giving to the young.
My nervous nelly wife is up at Walgreens as we speak getting covid tested again. She wants to jab the kids, so I'm in a bit of a debate.

If you are talking pure stats corona posses ZERO threats to kids!!! The number of kids in MN killed by gunfire far exceeds corona deaths. Dont let her do it. Nobody knows the LONG TERM effects of this "science" experiment. Not one damn person on the planet can tell you what the 2, 5, or 10 year effects are of the Pfizer vaccine. The planet can never "vaccinate" fast enough to stop this stuff from morphing. Its logistically impossible.
My nervous nelly wife is up at Walgreens as we speak getting covid tested again. She wants to jab the kids, so I'm in a bit of a debate.
I'd imagine she'd like to be a grandmother someday, maybe worse than anything else. To many of "the right kind of people" are having a hard time procreating. This could be just another thing to reduce the chances.
Sounds to me like a good money maker for the vaccine companies. The mass of people a scared batshit crazy over this crap, and will jump for their shots as soon as they are told to go in.

My inlaws refuse to come see our new house we built, and they didnt invite us over for Thanksgiving, or Christmas. They follow the recommended guidelines to a T! Wear a mask today, but tomorrow you dont need to, maybe next week you should put it back on. They walk into a restaurant wearing their masks, but as soon as they sit down, they take it off. I called them out on that one, and I was told that it is safe to not wear one while seated. I asked them to explain that one to me, they said there are smarter people then them that have tested it. Sure they are in their upper 70's early 80's, and being cautious is wise at their age, but they are unable to use common sense. Yes, they are bleeding liberals!

My wife has taken her shots, for work, and they didnt even invite her for the holidays because I am not vaccinated. That sure tells me the vaccine is worthless, but they cant connect the dots. Dont get me wrong, I love these people, but damn!
My nervous nelly wife is up at Walgreens as we speak getting covid tested again. She wants to jab the kids, so I'm in a bit of a debate.
That is a tough one bud, with spouses and parents this can be a difficult conversation/decision, sorry to hear it. Children are not at any risk from this stuff and honestly I get a little pissy hearing the commercials for ages 5-12 being elegible for the jabs. It just reaffirms to me that it is nothing more than a money grab at everyone's expense health wise.

The best way I have found to open people's eyes are to have them research a few basic questions for your specific situation and talk about it after they looked them up.

Is it safe? (According to the ONLY adverse reaction reporting system we have they clearly are not. In fact they are by far the least safe ever forced on the US public)

Is it effective? (A vaccine by definition provides IMMUNITY to getting and spreading the disease which is why nobody gets Polio. Covid jabs don't stop transmission or prevent infection) Definition of a vaccine -->a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

Would they be using it if we weren't still under Emergency Use Authorization? (Absolutely not, the average time it takes to pass normal safety standards averages 10 years to study the long term effects)

What was the 2nd fastest a vaccine has ever been created? (Mumps took 4 years, but Mumps has been around since Jesus walked the Earth and there were many failed attempts at a vaccine before they found one that worked AND was safe)

What is the risk for children if they get it? Up to you to decide my friend.

Hope that helps bud!
My nervous nelly wife is up at Walgreens as we speak getting covid tested again. She wants to jab the kids, so I'm in a bit of a debate.
Have her spend a few minutes on Lew Rockwell.

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