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Stillbirths pre-Jab in his area: 3 per 6 months.

Stillbirths post-jab: 86 per 6 months.

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^^^^The idiot in New York is making the serfs put the mask back on. The "vaccine" is failing. Brandon couldnt stop corona like the teleprompter told him he would.
$1k fine if you get caught in public without it. Any other crime is fine but you better have your mask on. she is expecting the county health officials to enforce it. Liberals really are stupid.

$1k fine if you get caught in public without it. Any other crime is fine but you better have your mask on. she is expecting the county health officials to enforce it. Liberals really are stupid.
Are you serious about the fine?
Here is our insanity.

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A whole bunch of politicians and ‘health experts’ need to be booted out of office.

People need to demand the right of choice.

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Numbers aren’t any worse now than in the last year and we have a very high vaccination rate. This is a counter move to DeBlasio’s mandate for private business to vaccinate and 5 year old mandate. He will be running against her next year. Republicans don’t matter in this state so they are competing for the far left vote. The rest of us get screwed. 9 more years and I am out of here.
Im not sure how it is in other states but in wisconsin they are reporting that hospitals are at 95to 98% capacity. Funny thing is the hospitalation rate is about half or less than it was last year at this time. Then they were reporting running about 75% capacity if memory serves.
Kinda seems like it may be tied to the firing or quiting of alot of staff ?? Weird
Im not sure how it is in other states but in wisconsin they are reporting that hospitals are at 95to 98% capacity. Funny thing is the hospitalation rate is about half or less than it was last year at this time. Then they were reporting running about 75% capacity if memory serves.
Kinda seems like it may be tied to the firing or quiting of alot of staff ?? Weird
NY fired 34k health care workers a couple weeks ago. Since then they have cancelled elective surgeries and every hospital is at full capacity. What they don’t tell you is they take beds out of capacity because there are no nurses to tend them. Now they run at 100% capacity but have way less beds. This governor is a real danger to the state. She has no one pushing back on her after the embarrassment of throwing Cuomo out. The press will not damage the party any further. Just laying the ground work for mail in ballots next year.
Bed capacity = staff to maintain the amount of beds. You can have 100 beds, but only have staff to run 20 beds. Therefore 20 beds is 100% capacity. Staff being fired, or quiting has everything to do with it.

My wife works at a clinic/hospital in one of the bigger towns in the area, and they have 4 beds being used from Covid patients, and they are old people.
Some good sets here on pg 288. Appreciate the hard work.
Numbers aren’t any worse now than in the last year and we have a very high vaccination rate. This is a counter move to DeBlasio’s mandate for private business to vaccinate and 5 year old mandate. He will be running against her next year. Republicans don’t matter in this state so they are competing for the far left vote. The rest of us get screwed. 9 more years and I am out of here.

yep, this is all about the election. Hochul is a no name from Western NY and she realizes that the key to winning is the votes of the loonies in NYC. It’s all a move to one up Diblasio to get name recognition because nobody downstate even knows who she is. They thought she would be better than Cuomo but, power has went to her head in just the few months she’s been Governor With the loonies fighting to be the most far left this would be a good chance for a Republican to get in but, alas there just aren‘t any. Not with enough name recognition anyways.
Back to the mandates, I thought the legislature ended the Emergency declarations and any future executive orders would need approved by the legislature. I haven’t heard a peep from them other than our local guys.
There was a story in late 2020 I followed as it unfolded and forgot to post here. The question to answer is, how are Covid deaths counted? Each State decides for itself how these are counted and submitted to the CDC.

This actually happened in a rural area of Colorado and was only noticed because it is such a small population and the coroner (Brenda Bock) saw the Covid death number increase by 2 (they only had 2 Covid deaths prior to this) around Thanksgiving 2020. She did all the autopsies and filled out the Death Certificates for this county and knew there had not been 2 Covid deaths so she looked into it.

What happened - On Thanksgiving Day 2020 there was a murder- suicide with a gun. The guy shot his girl to death and then turned the gun on himself. She hadn't even submitted the Death Certificates to the State yet but the State counted those 2 deaths as Covid deaths. She contacted the State and asked why, this is their answer. "Anyone who died within 30 days after testing positive for COVID is included in the count regardless of official cause of death." She has been fighting them to change the deaths to not represent Covid deaths, she contacted the Governor and he agreed this isn't how Covid deaths should be counted, it didn't matter.

I would rather people find it for themselves but will post a link anyway.
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