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Great read by Dr. Simone Gold, America's Frontline Dr.s founder:

It does amaze me that Epstein‘s friends get no blow back. They went after Trump for it but once they found out that he threw him out of Mara Logo everyone else gets a free pass. Anyone in his circle should be investigated, houses should be raided, computers should be seized, they should be dragged out in cuffs, lives should be ruined, oh wait that is only friends of Trump that get that treatment. 5 years of made up Russian hoax but raping minors is no big deal.
I honestly never looked at the JFK assassination information at anytime in my life, I heard all the folks that spoke about the 2nd shooter on the grassy knoll get called crazy my whole life.

Last night I watched JFK Revisited by Oliver Stone. Stone did his first documentary about it called JFK in the 90's, since then a lot of new information became unclassified. HOLY S**T.

If you haven't seen JFK Revisited.... you really should, it was released last month. I'm not sure what channel I recorded it on but it is out there and a must see for all Americans honestly. JMO
It does amaze me that Epstein‘s friends get no blow back. They went after Trump for it but once they found out that he threw him out of Mara Logo everyone else gets a free pass. Anyone in his circle should be investigated, houses should be raided, computers should be seized, they should be dragged out in cuffs, lives should be ruined, oh wait that is only friends of Trump that get that treatment. 5 years of made up Russian hoax but raping minors is no big deal.

Epstein was an Israeli spy, along with Maxwell. Their job was to corrupt the wealthy and powerful and get the dirt on them (Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, etc.) In return he got to masquerade around the world as some successful financier. The only reason he was successful was cause of insider information. They set this bastard up to get the dirt on everyone. Then they kept the secrets by mutually assured destruction. A giant group of wealthy child molesters. The Israeli govt has used US politicians like hand puppets for decades. Remember Colin Powell at the UN with Saddam's mobile biological weapons labs and all the WMD???? Yeah, that shit didnt exist. But a bunch of my friends ended up in that goat filled shit hole anyways. We dont hear shit about Epstein's "friends" cause its all the most wealthy and powerful people in the world. All we hear about is Juicy Smollet, white people bad, Kim Potter, Derek Chavuin, etc. The elites dont want anyone looking at the real criminals. The serfs gladly gobble up the bullshit propaganda that they are served while the elites slither away.
At what point do people start questioning "the science" or feel lied to????? The UK is about 70% fully "vaccinated". The vaccine is the equivalent of wearing condom with a giant hole in it. When will the "scientist" stop blaming unvaccinated people for spreading this bioweapon across the planet???

You there Khernke??? Feeling lied to yet or still following the science??

At what point do people start questioning "the science" or feel lied to????? The UK is about 70% fully "vaccinated". The vaccine is the equivalent of wearing condom with a giant hole in it. When will the "scientist" stop blaming unvaccinated people for spreading this bioweapon across the planet???

You there Khernke??? Feeling lied to yet or still following the science??

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Unfortunately those who see through the bull shit saw through the bull shit from the start. Those who are willfully ignorant remain willfully ignorant. They are still sure that they are smarter, better, more caring than the rest of us.
Thats just my experience. I have 2siblings who are completely bought in on this shit and the more you show them they are wrong the harder they dig their heels in.
What it comes down to imo is if you havent seen it yet, you will never see it.
I was sicker than all get out about 2 years ago right before this all cam out. (My entire area was) We were all sick about 5-6 weeks. Since then I haven't had as much as a sniffle. Have had people in my house and others close to me get it that I was around. Try convincing me that natural immunity isn't better than this hoax of a "vaccine".
I’ve said, as well as many others from the beginning. Who or what are you going to blame when the majority of people got the Vax and numbers don’t change? . Right now in NY State according to the CDC. 94% of those 18+ have gotten the Vax. Yet they are pushing Vax mandates as the answer. It’s still those pesky non vaxed. Lol. How can it be? People are waking up now as they see it unfold. These politicians haven’t a clue. Vax and mask mandates because 6% aren’t vaxed? There’s a good number of Counties now in NY that are simply saying we’re not doing any more mandates. The Governor said simply the local health dept. is responsible for enforcement. Lol. They admit they wouldn’t even begin to have the resources to enforce. Hopefully most of upstate will just not comply. At least I live on the border so I can just go to the end of the road to have somewhat no restrictions or mandates. We’ll see if anything changes.
Guy on the radio today claimed he called the NY gov and was told there is no mandate on anything currently. Heard it on the radio so who knows?
I was sicker than all get out about 2 years ago right before this all cam out. (My entire area was) We were all sick about 5-6 weeks. Since then I haven't had as much as a sniffle. Have had people in my house and others close to me get it that I was around. Try convincing me that natural immunity isn't better than this hoax of a "vaccine".
I had the same thing except mine only lasted abut a week or 10 days. I was just finishing reffing a 2 day holiday wrestling tournament and felt it in my lungs during my final. I rode home with my buddy and he never got sick. I haven't been sick since and I also reffed all last season in and out of high schools.
What's everyone's opinion that watched Rogan's interview with Dr Peter McCullough
YouTube removed the interview within hours.
Here is another link:
I think everyone should listen to it. If you have someone in your circle that is vulnerable, you can get some advice on simple early treatment that can save lives at home, early treatment that the government has eagerly tried to shut down. You also get a real sense of the scope of the evil we're up against.
Laid in bed and listened to most of it last night, and my wife wouldn't even give it a chance. She typed on her phone the whole time trying to debunk everything the doctor said. The fear campaign did it's job. She does not think the Front line doctors are credible. Does not believe in early treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. She's a staunch Trump supporter and a conservative, so it's not political.
Laid in bed and listened to most of it last night, and my wife wouldn't even give it a chance. She typed on her phone the whole time trying to debunk everything the doctor said. The fear campaign did it's job. She does not think the Front line doctors are credible. Does not believe in early treatments like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. She's a staunch Trump supporter and a conservative, so it's not political.
This is why the msm should be tried convicted and hanged for peddling the fear porn.
What im really sick of is the so called conservative media towing the fear line.
To now know the vaccine is mostly "maybe" to protect from hospitalization and severity of covid....not much, if any, to reduce contraction and spread of covid...the government is trying to mandate it. This is super disturbing.

Additionally, we all know or have loved ones die of think 50%-85% of their lives could have been saved if we were allowed to use outpatient treatment has me so f'ing pissed at the system. SOBs could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives over last 2 years, but all they have done is turn this great country upside down.

I totally accept getting it wrong for the first few months, but those bastards never did and still have not followed the science!
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