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Getting infected with the virus is more or less the same thing as getting vaccinated. God equipped us with an amazing body capable of fighting off most anything.

Get exposed, build antibodies, game over.

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It was my understanding if you can prove you’ve had the virus you don’t need a test to get on a plane, or maybe that’s just an idea floating around that I heard. I assume it would be the same with the vaccination.

Business' don't accept risk by asking you if you are ok, they want evidence of you denying you can present risk by agreeing to there terms.

Once again there is no evidence, long term or clinical, that if you have had the virus, you are not a risk.

They are going to ask you to deny what you can't verify ....
Getting infected with the virus is more or less the same thing as getting vaccinated. God equipped us with an amazing body capable of fighting off most anything.

Get exposed, build antibodies, game over.

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One way or the other getting the virus, game is over. For younger people with a much lower chance of complications becoming infected might seem OK. It may be, but for us older people getting infected is likely not the best route. Good question SD51555 do we go back to enjoying gatherings with everyone or just those in our circle who we know have been vaccinated. I fully intend to gradually get back to our old ways once my vaccinations will have taken hold. Otherwise why take the risks perceived or real related to vaccinations?
One way or the other getting the virus, game is over. For younger people with a much lower chance of complications becoming infected might seem OK. It may be, but for us older people getting infected is likely not the best route. Good question SD51555 do we go back to enjoying gatherings with everyone or just those in our circle who we know have been vaccinated. I fully intend to gradually get back to our old ways once my vaccinations will have taken hold. Otherwise why take the risks perceived or real related to vaccinations?
I'm really after what care providers are advising once people have received their full vaccination. The health system here sent out a letter to all saying people need to continue to where masks and social distance after getting the shots. There's been no promise of being able to take the masks off, and nobody has claimed it's safe for the at-risk crowd to begin venturing out. Are people getting this information as they're run through the chute?
I won't be getting the vaccine unless I am forced, and before we get there I feel confident that King Cuomo will force us to. He already changed the religious exemption or any exemption by making law that every child that attends public school must be up to date on all required vaccinations or they can't go to any public school here in NY. Also, I am a State employee that works at a State College, but I do have a condition that I feel is misdiagnosed by a few doctors that they called Vasovagal Syncope. For some it happens from heights, water, dark places, tight quarters etc. My "triggers" are mostly needles or shots whether its getting stitches or an IV and I have had my whole life, I just didn't discover that my heart stops until I had knee surgery in 1992 and was hooked to a monitor. The nurse let me keep the tear strip of the flat-line which felt a bit morbid lol I think it is misdiagnosed because several times throughout my life I have been hooked to a heart monitor when I passed out and every time it happens I also go into cardiac arrest. I have joined countless VS social media and online groups to hear their stories and find someone like me with that side effect and I have never found anyone that also goes into cardiac arrest. There is a tilt table test for it and I passed the test which only makes me think it isn't correctly diagnosed. I just got tired of making doctor appointment and not getting anywhere. Some people just get dizzy or faint, some go into convulsions. I had a motorcycle accident roughly 10 years ago and came to as they were loading me into the ambulance. I was hooked to a heart monitor and fainted 4 times that day between the IV's and stitches and each time I went down, my heart stopped for between 8-15 seconds so it is well documented, but I still don't think that will stop them from forcing me to get vaccinated for "the greater good" if they can force people to get vaccinated for other things against their personal or religious beliefs.
Anytime the government infringes on peoples rights and freedoms it is in the name of safety. Gun rights are a shining example. When they make a law restricting gun rights, law abiding citizens (that would never commit the very crimes laws are meant to target) will follow it whether they agree with it or not. Criminals will ignore the old and new laws, because they don't obey laws, they don't buy guns in gun stores so what good are background checks? With a completely spotless criminal record I was denied buying my daughters first gun in 2005, I failed the background check, because I had gotten a Medical Marijuana card through my doctor and shortly after the Supreme Court ruled that having a MM card can prevent you from getting a gun and NY ran with it.
Gosh I can ramble lol sorry guys. Nobody can claim the Covid vaccine is safe, it takes many years of trials, studies and reviews to determine that.

JNJ vaccine is falling short. What happens with the folks who've gotten that version? Will the JNJ people lie and try to get the Pfizer or Moderna version too? If 1/3 of JNJ recipients are still potential spreaders, can we relent on any civil precautions, or risk exposing the vulnerable?
Since this has taken an apolitical turn, I will chime in with one reason why having more folks resistant to the disease is a good idea.

The virus can mutate. We've all heard about these UK and Brazilian variants that are either more infectious or more deadly or resistant to convalescent plasma, depending on who you ask.

But in order for the virus to mutate, it has to have a host. The less people get infected, the less chance of a mutant emerging. So while your getting sick is unlikely to have severe consequences personally, you've made yourself a petri dish for viral evolution.

That having been said, this is a new type of vaccine and you need to make up your own mind as to whether it's right for you. Frankly, the mRNA that the vaccine contains is identical to a small piece of a larger mRNA from the SARS-CoV2 virus itself, and so it isn't anything you wouldn't experience if you got the disease (it just doesn't make the entire protein, and so is non-functional). The technologies used to stabilize the mRNA is proven in other contexts. The larger concern IMHO is the delivery system, but that's another conversation. We are seeing ~20% of folks having an adverse reaction from the second dose that lasts 24-48 hours, akin to a cold. My wife got a swollen lymph node under her armpit. My buddy felt wobbly on day 2. I've had no reaction at all. Still, no one should be forced to take the vaccine if they don't want to.

And I swear that my radio always tuned to a Chinese station itself when I walked by, before I had the vaccine lol.
Just because you get the vaccination doesn't mean you cant still spread the virus to other people. A co workers wife works for mayo. Early this year she had a blood test for antibodies, she had them. They say just because you have the antibodies it doesn't mean you are in the clear. Mayo to her that "her time was up" and should get vaccinated. She wasn't buying it so she went and donated blood. When you donate blood they test it for the antibodies at no cost to you (mayo charges) Well guess what, she still has the antibodies.

If you think you need the vaccine, go get it. If not, don't buy into all the garbage info that is out there. A year later and we still don't know the truths of what the hell is going on.
My parents got round one and said the process was easy. I had the virus and it was no picnic but nothing crazy. I will get the vaccine if I can get it while on humara. There is some question if I can. I am not worried about the vaccine. No way it is as bad as other stuff that has went into my body over the last 45 years.

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My parents, mid 70s, are both on the list to get it. My dad could get it at the VA today if he wanted to drive 90 minutes to chicago, but they can't do it at the local one. He's going to wait. At this point in time I still do not intend to get it. I think my wife would get it right away when available.
Since this has taken an apolitical turn, I will chime in with one reason why having more folks resistant to the disease is a good idea.

The virus can mutate. We've all heard about these UK and Brazilian variants that are either more infectious or more deadly or resistant to convalescent plasma, depending on who you ask.

But in order for the virus to mutate, it has to have a host. The less people get infected, the less chance of a mutant emerging. So while your getting sick is unlikely to have severe consequences personally, you've made yourself a petri dish for viral evolution.

“The less people get infected”. You see the problem with that. Maybe you could shed some light on that because according to the experts and the science getting the vaccine or the actual virus itself in no way prevents you from getting the virus or again and therefore everyone is still capable of spreading the infection. It’s ultimately never ending.
The vaccine(s) that are out there either: 1) prevent you from getting the virus or 2) reduce the severity when you do get it. Either way, your "incubator" status is reduced. Not eliminated, but reduced. The idea that these things "in no way prevent" is very much mistaken. They absolutely do prevent. But not entirely. So, the question becomes whether we fight the war, knowing that we can't win a decisive victory, or just give up.

There has already been one major pharma company that scraped their vaccine because it didn't approach the efficacy of other vaccines. So, there is good testing in place to determine whether these things are effective, and in particular populations where they may not be as effective.

One very interesting aspect of the new type of mRNA vaccines is that adapting to viral mutants may be as simple as plugging a few new letters into a string of code on a computer, since it's a synthetic reagent. While we hope that there will be lasting immunity, as many on here have pointed out, we don't know what's going to happen in the long term. We may need to reimmunize on some schedule, the longer the better.

Ultimately, most medicine is focused on treating symptoms rather than disease. We can't cure cancer, we can't cure Alzheimers, and we can't even cure the common cold. But man, I know this seems like it's never going to end, but a vaccine is a step toward normalcy. I'm not one to drink the Kool Aid - I didn't think we'd have vaccine until later this year, if ever (never gladder to be mistaken) - but I want to believe.
My wife has a pregnant friend who is about 30 years old. Her workplace told it's employees they had to get the vaccine or they wouldn't cover costs if anyone got covid. She spoke with her doctor, who told her it was ok to get it. She got the first Moderna shot, and now a week later is in the ICU with covid.

Count me out.
The vaccine(s) that are out there either: 1) prevent you from getting the virus or 2) reduce the severity when you do get it. Either way, your "incubator" status is reduced. Not eliminated, but reduced. The idea that these things "in no way prevent" is very much mistaken. They absolutely do prevent. But not entirely. So, the question becomes whether we fight the war, knowing that we can't win a decisive victory, or just give up.

There has already been one major pharma company that scraped their vaccine because it didn't approach the efficacy of other vaccines. So, there is good testing in place to determine whether these things are effective, and in particular populations where they may not be as effective.

One very interesting aspect of the new type of mRNA vaccines is that adapting to viral mutants may be as simple as plugging a few new letters into a string of code on a computer, since it's a synthetic reagent. While we hope that there will be lasting immunity, as many on here have pointed out, we don't know what's going to happen in the long term. We may need to reimmunize on some schedule, the longer the better.

Ultimately, most medicine is focused on treating symptoms rather than disease. We can't cure cancer, we can't cure Alzheimers, and we can't even cure the common cold. But man, I know this seems like it's never going to end, but a vaccine is a step toward normalcy. I'm not one to drink the Kool Aid - I didn't think we'd have vaccine until later this year, if ever (never gladder to be mistaken) - but I want to believe.
I vote give up.

100% capitulation.


Dear God I want the unsafe life back.

Is there gonna be a vote?
Nope, no vote , no alternative thought process, no actually following the science that shows masks do nothing, the virus is a huge nothing, on and on.
We will be ruled by the perpetually offended and easily scared. God help us all. This country is f'd with a capitol F.
I'm not getting the vaccine. My wife isn't getting the vaccine. None of my adult children are getting the vaccine. We have all focused on health and nutrition our entire lives. I'm not looking to the govt. for guidance on my health
My wife has a pregnant friend who is about 30 years old. Her workplace told it's employees they had to get the vaccine or they wouldn't cover costs if anyone got covid. She spoke with her doctor, who told her it was ok to get it. She got the first Moderna shot, and now a week later is in the ICU with covid.

Count me out.
I hope your wife's friend recovers OK. I was concerned when I went for my shot. It felt like it put me in the most likely circumstances to be exposed to the live virus. I was in an enclosed building for maybe 45 minutes and people were coming in and out and walking by me as I waited for my Medicare paperwork to be straightened out (which I had screwed up). This put me among more people than I have seen in the last three months. Everyone wore masks and social distanced and the staff kept all surfaces disinfected but still a pharmacy is where people do come to pick up medicine for all types of ailments, not a great spot to hang out.
One very interesting aspect of the new type of mRNA vaccines is that adapting to viral mutants may be as simple as plugging a few new letters into a string of code on a computer, since it's a synthetic reagent.

Ha ha. That is in a nut shell exactly why I don’t want it. Shooting me with the fashioned dead virus like doctors have done for 100 years, sign me up.

Shooting me with a synthetic reagent that is going to let me get the virus but teach my body to fight the virus, no thanks. (And I understand and accept your premise that the vaccine will reduce the viral load and severity of infection)

Again, I don’t want to talk anyone out of it. I’m just not a very trusting guy. I’d like to wait (several) years to see if Mr. Reagent man teaches peoples body’s to fight something they might actually want. Or possibly teach it to ignore something that might kill them.
One very interesting aspect of the new type of mRNA vaccines is that adapting to viral mutants may be as simple as plugging a few new letters into a string of code on a computer, since it's a synthetic reagent.

That sounds like GMO. Must be tough decision for those hate GMO in farming and food to take this stuff direct.

Ha ha. That is in a nut shell exactly why I don’t want it. Shooting me with the fashioned dead virus like doctors have done for 100 years, sign me up.

Shooting me with a synthetic reagent that is going to let me get the virus but teach my body to fight the virus, no thanks. (And I understand and accept your premise that the vaccine will reduce the viral load and severity of infection)

Again, I don’t want to talk anyone out of it. I’m just not a very trusting guy. I’d like to wait (several) years to see if Mr. Reagent man teaches peoples body’s to fight something they might actually want. Or possibly teach it to ignore something that might kill them.

Bill, not appropriating your right to make decisions for yourself, but I want to make sure that you realize that the mRNA which comprises the core of the vaccine is a small piece of the same mRNA that would be made if you were to catch the disease. This method of vaccinating is conceptually similar to inoculation with dead virus, except that we leave out most of the virus. And it's been around for decades, though not in widespread use.

As for GMO, you'd think so, right? But in fact the mRNA isn't incorporated into your genome, it never even enters the nucleus where the DNA resides, and it only gets into somatic cells not germ cells, so it can't be passed on. Moreover, it's degraded fairly quickly. So it doesn't qualify as GMO any more than eating meat, which contains an animal's mRNA, does.

I will be the first to admit that nothing is 100% safe or completely understood when it comes to biology. Nature is always knocking us back on our heels. But from the perspective of someone who has studied, taught, and worked with this stuff for many years, I have a difficult time envisioning how using a small piece of a virus to induce an antibody response is going to cause a synthetic effect years later. But you gotta do what's right for you, of course. I'm off to ice fish in below zero weather now. I hear it'll make me COVID-proof lol.
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