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biden campaigned on "unity", yet the first chance he got he threw out the baseless claim that BLM rioters would have been treated different than Trump rioters at the capital. Pure speculation of what could/would have happened stated as fact. Unity is the last thing he wants and he's implementing it before he is even inaugurated. I fear it's going to be a long and bumpy ride.
He is right they would be treated differently. They would have been allowed to burn the building down and take what ever they wanted. The FBI is systematically hunting down the Capitol peaceful protesters and charging them with felonies. I wonder if Camela will bail them out and encourage them to keep at it like she did with the mostly peaceful BLM rioters. I also don’t remember the cops shooting any members of BLM so they are 1-0 on that score card too.
Funny, it hasn't rained here in a couple of months but my leg is soaking wet. I just found out our governor walz gave the indians another 61,000 acres takes up the southern half on mille lacs lake and then some. Brilliant! More land that isn't taxed so everyone else gets to pay more to make up the lost revenue from the indians. They should own the state of minnesota in 10-20 years.
How are people that are a sovereign nation allowed to vote for anything in the usa? Might as well let china vote in our elections also---huh.
How are people that are a sovereign nation allowed to vote for anything in the usa? Might as well let china vote in our elections also---huh.
Do you really think it matters? I think it is quite obvious after this past election that the peoples votes don't matter. We caught the dems with their pants down and were able to steal the election away from what they considered a sure bet. They will not let that happen again. EVER!!!
Funny, it hasn't rained here in a couple of months but my leg is soaking wet. I just found out our governor walz gave the indians another 61,000 acres takes up the southern half on mille lacs lake and then some. Brilliant! More land that isn't taxed so everyone else gets to pay more to make up the lost revenue from the indians. They should own the state of minnesota in 10-20 years.
IL did that a couple years ago. There were a couple thousand acres of privately owned land in my neighborhood, a few of which I had been actively trying to buy for a few years. Locals would've bought every single acre. It would've stayed with the TAXPAYERS. IL got involved and bought it all. With what money I haven't a clue, since our state is hundreds of billions in debt.
Guy on the radio n Milwaukee said it best, " the only thinv Republicans did on election day was show the democrats how many votes they had to manufacture on election night"
This will not stop until we the people make it stop.
And always remember, its not just the dems that do it, Republicans do it also, we just aren't as good as they are at it. They have more practice i guess.
jsasker,i would implore you not to talk or think that way. That is a losing proposition for everyone involved.
Appreciate the advice---DON'T CARE.
I have had enough of people telling me how to think or what to say. So free speech is gone too?
Not at all, dont get me wrong im not saying wha you think at all.
Just saying that violence is not they way to change this. We will lose in that scenario, dont forget they have the military , the cia ,the fbi, most state and local police. We cannot win that way.
That is the unfortunate tuth right now.
Just went into the bedroom to check on my wife. She was crying laying in the fetal position shivering and thinks she needs to go to the ER. We have another friend that works for a different clinic. She told us this morning that they get two paid days off after receiving the second shot cause so many have been getting sick.
Just went into the bedroom to check on my wife. She was crying laying in the fetal position shivering and thinks she needs to go to the ER. We have another friend that works for a different clinic. She told us this morning that they get two paid days off after receiving the second shot cause so many have been getting sick.

I heard from a credible source that the original guidelines for the two approved corona vaccines said that people who had the disease should NOT get the vaccine. CDC did not include this statement with the guidelines.

I hope your wife turns the corner. After recovery, some needs to check on why the CDC did not include the above warning.

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I'm in and out of various boards, and don't remember if I've posted this here before - and I'm not going to read back through 178 pages to see...
It's not being reported in the legacy media anywhere that I've seen, but there's strong -and mounting- evidence that antibodies & immune cell populations elicited by the MMR II vaccine appears to have a strong effect on decreasing the incidence of COVID disease.... doesn't prevent infection, but folks with high mumps antibody titers from the MMR II vaccine have mild or no clinical disease when infected with COVID 19 (not so for high mumps titers from infection with the disease or earlier vaccines on the market before MMR II, licensed in 1979). This may also explain why children and young adults mostly don't appear to have very severe COVID disease.
There's a major study, with 30,000 participants, looking at this phenomenon, right now, but 'results' are a year or more out from being reported
Lots of info here, for anyone who wants to read:

If you're over 40 and have not had MMR II vaccination, it's probably something to consider - looks like a low-risk/high potential gain scenario to me, and this vaccine has been on the market for 40+ years... any side-effects are minimal and well-known. My physician wanted me to have titers run... all were 'protective' for measles, rubella, mumps (>300)... but I'm 63... those antibodies are either from actually having the diseases - I remember having mumps as a kid - or from earlier vaccines, though I don't remember having them (and my mom is no longer here to ask). So... my wife and I, and my siblings and their spouses, have all taken a 2-dose series of MMR II vaccines.
We'll probably take the COVID vaccines when they become available, but it may be months, and MMR looks to be a safe alternative in the meantime that may save lives or even keep us out of the hospital if we get exposed.

For now. When Buck started this tread it was apolitical. I know politics are everywhere.
But let’s talk about the silliness or not of corona.

Less the joe Biden sucks.
Which I have an opinion on that I won’t share.

I’ll probably lock this soon again, but I’m trying ;)
They are saying that masks are only about 50% effective and are recommending to double up to see 75% effectiveness and if you triple up on masks they are 90% effective.

Honestly, one mask is more than I can handle!

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My buddy works in the ER. He’s been forced to wear an N95 under a surgical mask from day one.
Of course he’s in a hotter zone JQ Public.
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