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Yeah chummer, thats how they have it all set up. Dems take all the credit for the vaccine and the reopening, and Trump gets all the blame for everything else. And the sheep will eat up all of it because the crooked media tells them so. Really feel for Trump right kow. Fantastic president, handled(or tried to handle) the fake pandemic the correct way, took America to great heights economically and socially. And what does he get? Run through the mud by the accomplice media, and impeached by the criminal democrats, maybe twice.

Just pathetic what the American government has become.
Thank God it wasn't political! Money is the root of all evil---we all just witnessed exactly that. What bothers me the most now is the fact that half the country knows we are and have been getting screwed by the government(more than normal) and doesn't look like anything will happen about it. Bidens last list of people he wants to help are listed by importance and there is no mention of any white people what so ever. Hypocritical to nth degree!
Supposedly if they impeach him a second time that would eliminate him being able to run again.
It would. Thats what this is all about. Sending a message to him and anyone else with thoughts like him, dont do it or we will destroy you.
It will only get worse now that the dems have all 3 branches.
It will only get worse now that the dems have all 3 branches.
^^^ This! At least the SC might be a stumbling point for them... unless they decide to pack it. I'm hopeful that they don't try to set that precedence (just to keep Republicans from returning the favor someday). I truly hope that a lot of what they promise is lip service and not worth the effort to them. Gun control being a hot topic to me and much of the country could very well get them unelected next time around if they are successful at it. I think they know enough to only "try" for some of this stuff so that they can keep their people on their side and not completely push fence sitters off the edge. They've won, now they need to just not piss everyone off to the point of no return. If they can do that they can keep their cushy jobs and live in their own bliss. Keep pissing 60% of the country off and things will get tough for them. Best strategy in the world for some of these people is to make promises they know they can't keep, but claim "we tried". Am I fool for hoping this is the case? I think that's biden's plan, not sure harris has the same outlook...
They can do whatever they want and cannot be stopped if they are allowed to rig elections. They will win every one no matter how anyone votes.
Unfortunately I fear your right
They can do whatever they want and cannot be stopped if they are allowed to rig elections. They will win every one no matter how anyone votes.
I would ad that the sc will not be much of a barricade. The justices have already shown an unwillingness to go against tbe will of the criminal dems (purely out of fear of retribution i hope). And yes one of the first things on the agenda is to pack the court. Right after coming after our guns. The Ukraine kid has already said as much on more than one occasion.
Scary times we are going into here.

On a lighter note, got into a discussion with a liberal. He went on and on about all the laws Trump broke. Until i asked him to name one......... curious
My wife works in the ER and ICU at one of the local hospitals. Yesterday she received the second round of the Pfizer vaccine. Today she is completely miserable. Headaches, chills, severe body aches, nausea and unable to go to work. Been exposed to corona many times. Good thing they cured her.
Am I fool for hoping this is the case? I think that's biden's plan, not sure harris has the same outlook...
Biden doesn't have a plan. Biden doesn't have a cell left in his brain. He only reads what they put on the prompter for him.
My wife works in the ER and ICU at one of the local hospitals. Yesterday she received the second round of the Pfizer vaccine. Today she is completely miserable. Headaches, chills, severe body aches, nausea and unable to go to work. Been exposed to corona many times. Good thing they cured her.
We have heard similar stories from a few RNs and many CNAs we know. Local nursing homes/adult living places have decided to only vaccinate a portion of their residents at a time. There's no way for them to deal with an entire population of elderly people who are very sick from the vaccine.
Modern day democrats ARE the enemy of America. Open your eyes. They drive the division, they want to fundamentally change America from a great, free soceity to a socialist hell hole. So yes, Dems ARE without a doubt the enemy of America.
We have heard similar stories from a few RNs and many CNAs we know. Local nursing homes/adult living places have decided to only vaccinate a portion of their residents at a time. There's no way for them to deal with an entire population of elderly people who are very sick from the vaccine.

She is in a group message with several other co workers that got the vaccine yesterday. NONE of them are able to make it to work today. 6 out of 6 people all home sick with the same side effects from their vaccine.

An that 6 people that had little to no chance of getting sick if they actually caught the china plague.
biden campaigned on "unity", yet the first chance he got he threw out the baseless claim that BLM rioters would have been treated different than Trump rioters at the capital. Pure speculation of what could/would have happened stated as fact. Unity is the last thing he wants and he's implementing it before he is even inaugurated. I fear it's going to be a long and bumpy ride.
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