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Looks like I have they China virus. Still waiting on test results but was up all night with fever, cough, and body aches. F-China

Welcome to the club!
Hopefully it’s a quick deal. On the bright side you’ll have antibodies.
Hate to hear that, Chummer.

On multiple other outdoor forums I've actually made a number of shares related to things one can do to temper risks, as well as shared info related to treatments outside hospitalization. With the caveat I'm NOT the MD in the family (just married to one but am with her most of each day) here's what I've shared...

First, to the person who spoke about getting outside likely being good for one's health.... turns out that low vitamin D (get it naturally from about 15 minutes of sun exposure per day) HAS been linked to poorer outcomes, so making sure to meet daily vitamin D requirements be it from sun or vitamin supplement is likely wise. Share immediately below speaks to mortality / low vitamin D link -- it reports quadrupled mortality with vitamin D deficiency.

One doctor who has been sharing very in-depth videos on covid from the outset is Roger Seheult, MD -- his focus has been on the mechanisms of the disease, updates on studies, treatments, etc, but he recently did this video as a guideline for some specific things to do once infected. Bear with it if you can make it the entire way through the video as he covers quite a few tips of varying nature.

Now for one that might have some folks immediately jumping to jokes about taking pet meds... but don't care... some of the findings have been quite interesting AND I'd add that my wife knows of a number of patients who were suffering from more severe symptoms to the point of weighing hospital visits (NOT asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic) and strongly felt that Ivermectin turned them around overnight. So here's the scoop -- last year several in vitro Ivermectin studies showed 5,000 fold reduction in covid within a 48 hour period. Here's a link to a summary of one of the studies.

And here's a video summary of some ivermectin tests in humans speaking to dramatic reductions in mortality due to Ivermectin. Similarly, if you search google or YouTube for "Medcram & Ivermectin" you'll find multiple discussions / updates from Dr. Roger Seheult as well speaking to the possibility of Ivermectin as an effective treatment. For those thinking of ivermectin only as a pet medicine or something little tested with humans -- quite to the contrary, our office REGULARLY prescribes it for scabies, lice and other human parasitic issues. The fellow doctors we've spoken privately with about ivermectin have seen it as a "little risk vs possibly greatly helping" early (versus waiting until crashing and in hospital) treatment and again, with the caveat that our own personal knowledge is a small sample size / anecdotal, we do WELL KNOW at least three individuals who were prescribed ivermectin and shared they saw a DRAMATIC improvement in their symptoms within 24 hours, to the point they went from being bed-ridden to being up / resuming normal activities at their homes.

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BBM, thanks for your posts. Since you mentioned Vit D, just curious if you take a daily multivitamin, and if so, which one? Not always easy to get in the sun this time of year, up here. We're currently on our 5th straight day of terrible ground fog.
Thanks for posting. I have a call into my dr. I have an auto immune disease so I would rather not wait around. The nurse response left a little to be desired.
BBM, thanks for your posts. Since you mentioned Vit D, just curious if you take a daily multivitamin, and if so, which one? Not always easy to get in the sun this time of year, up here. We're currently on our 5th straight day of terrible ground fog.
Being in the over-50 age bracket where mortality risks start to go up, I've been taking a multivitamin with at least 100% daily D since the outset of covid, Mortenson.

Haven't studied different brands closely enough to advise one over the other though would only add that chewables (vs liquid D alone) often have some sugar added in for flavor so might be an issue to weigh if diabetic. If sugar's an issue I would compare amounts in whatever options you have. And not that D alone is going to cure the virus, though there is per the earlier share some pretty compelling data speaking to it tempering mortality... so mostly see it as a really easy "low risk vs potential great gain" thing to do.
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Thanks for posting. I have a call into my dr. I have an auto immune disease so I would rather not wait around. The nurse response left a little to be desired.
Hope ya get to feeling better chummer! Good luck with the doc also, I hope they are receptive to your situation.
Thanks for posting. I have a call into my dr. I have an auto immune disease so I would rather not wait around. The nurse response left a little to be desired.
Not surprised, Chummer, and one of the reasons for the share relating to at-home options to immediately weigh. With it really hard to reach Docs directly (my wife is in exam rooms about 90% of time), one often is reaching someone who either isn't isn't in the position to be able to offer in-depth advice or is so busy dealing with phone lines / daily patient needs they can't.

And if your Doc is involved in any way with the rollout of vaccinations and the complexity of scheduling two shots needing to be perfectly spaced time-wise apart, they're likely stressed more than they've ever been in the past. Due to the high number of aged folks in Florida, quite the crazy time down our way with the vaccination rollout and not for any lack of effort or for that matter efffective planning -- just somewhat a mission impossible at this time due to a limited supply vs strong demand among the many aged folks we have.
And with Knehrke having lobbed an earlier out-of-the-blue insult/insinuation that I was a racist for not specifically addressing the micro-focus topic of outcomes among the black population (wish I could share wedding photos of my groomsman party with him / put him in contact with my very best friend for life since high school, have him compare my hiring history in comparison to other biased managers who surrounded me, etc... as he might / honestly should apologize)...

Vitamin D deficiency is almost certainly one of a number of issues that have impacted mortality among the black population as the darker the skin the more challenging it is for the body to produce vitamin D. The link below speaks to the issue, sharing, "In a recent prospective cohort study of 14,319 subjects, an estimated 65.4% of non-Hispanic Blacks were deficient in Vitamin D, compared to 29% of Hispanics and 14% of non-Hispanic Whites." Couple that with the earlier share I made that pointed to a 4-fold mortality risk with low vitamin D levels and you would think that the gov would be doing a huge education push on the issue, which is but one of many reasons I've stressed that I believe politicians have exercised numerous "power trip" control meassures versus scientifically and economically sensible measures (uber-focused measures targeting those with highest risk factors vs simply trying to control/scare the crap out of everyone including those with near 0% mortality risks).

Lest Knehrke run to attack vitamin D as not being a lone wolf, again I wish to stress I'm not saying it is -- surely some socio-economic factors involved (quality of care access) as well as other physiological variances (retention of salts / higher rates of high blood pressure, etc), but a number of journal articles that my wife has read and shared with me point to vitamin D deficiency almost certainly playing a measurable/noteworthy role in the higher mortality rate as this article also supports.
And.... my wife has been feeding me vitamin D since my outdoor hunting time dropped off towards the end of November. She always takes it. Maybe that helped contribute to the light case we both had.
I am not sure anyone is getting quality care unless they are wealthy. My doctor never called me back today. Nurse told me they don't prescribe anything that isn't "approved". Not sure what that means but she told me if it gets to the point I can't breath I should go to ER. So I guess they don't use therapeutics until you can't breath. I loaded up on zinc and vitamin d. I have never had the flu but if this is close to the flu I don't want that either. I would describe it as your worst hangover x10. Wifehad a very low fever for two days so it looks like we got both ends of the scale. No symptoms in the kids yet.

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Are you having trouble breathing? When I had it my farmer lungs had a real issue if I was laying on my back. On my stomach or sitting up was much better.

So your wife was in a cube masked up working with another person that was masked up?
You guys are lucky, i got ot on the other end. Couldnt get more than 10 feet from a toilet for a week straight. Worst diarrhea I've ever had.
Was weird though, my lungs are full of scar tissue from chronic bronchitis and pneumonia but i never had any breathing issues.
Hope its short lived for you chummer.
I am not sure anyone is getting quality care unless they are wealthy. My doctor never called me back today. Nurse told me they don't prescribe anything that isn't "approved". Not sure what that means but she told me if it gets to the point I can't breath I should go to ER. So I guess they don't use therapeutics until you can't breath. I loaded up on zinc and vitamin d. I have never had the flu but if this is close to the flu I don't want that either. I would describe it as your worst hangover x10. Wifehad a very low fever for two days so it looks like we got both ends of the scale. No symptoms in the kids yet.

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I was sick for 2-3 days. On Sunday night, I decided I would go to doctor the next morning. Monday morning I turned the corner and didn’t go in.

My doctor was switching clinics so I didn’t have one at the time.

Keep us posted on how you are doing. Many react in different ways.

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Sorry to hear chummer. I was informed that I was pretty much on my own unless I had trouble breathing and then it was just go to the ER. My son is an RN and he gave me some advice with breathing exercises and would check on the wife and I daily. It’s a strange virus but all in all we didn’t get it too bad luckily.
Hopefully you’ll be the same.
I haven't heard of anyone getting the flu(seasonal every year until now for some reason) or anyone thinking they have a cold---everyone is now only getting sick with the kung flu.
NBC reported this week the flu is down 98%. So if the educated scientists are correct, and the masks are kicking butt, then what happens when we take them off and our fragile little baby immune systems start getting bombarded with flu and cold germs again? Probably be another pandemic. Masks forever. These masks are a Godsend.
Personal bubbles will be the next big thing. Think "hampster ball"
Most kids rolled their hamsters down the steps in their ball. Probably another metaphor.
Personal bubbles will be the next big thing. Think "hampster ball"
No $hit!
At my beach town. The big hotel. Which is now closed. But stayed open through New Years weekend.

This heated bubble on the lawn was $150. Just to sit in there and order dinner. Probably $75 a plate for the meal after that.. Could have come to my house for better food with supermarket ingredients.
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