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Have no fear. The new administration will lead us to the Promised Land!!:emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Truth will be oozing from every orifice!
Mortensen, you have to remember the same liars who are telling us that flu is down because of masks are telling us the covid is up because not enough are wearing masks.
It almost seems as if they are talking out of both sides....
Mortensen, you have to remember the same liars who are telling us that flu is down because of masks are telling us the covid is up because not enough are wearing masks.
It almost seems as if they are talking out of both sides....

It only makes sense to the sheep, that cant think for themselves.
Nurse told me they don't prescribe anything that isn't "approved". Not sure what that means but she told me if it gets to the point I can't breath I should go to ER. So I guess they don't use therapeutics until you can't breath. I loaded up on zinc and vitamin d.

Chummer, the nurse might well be sharing the truth, that the local healthcare system is following some limited protocol, but... that doesn't make it not idiotic. Due to the rapid research/developments, "protocols" are all over the map and changing constantly. Even as relates to hydroxychloroquine, it was praised, villainized, and then praised again, villainized again, and by year-end. some of those who'd villainized it were almost silently consenting with use.

Here's a specific protocol a number of doctors have been using called I-MASK+ that clearly identifies Ivermectin use and even speaks to dosage info.

I-MASK+ Protocol.jpg

The link below has a second page relating to weights/dosage conversions.
Chummer, even if you only know a veterinarian close enough to pull strings I'd be reaching out to them if in your shoes.

Survival so depends on preventing progression to the "crashing" later phases.

Working in medicine I want to avoid thinking that pushes for extremely limited options are in good-faith versus profit-driven, but that said I know MUCH more money is on the table for new drugs versus old... and absolutely appreciate that the big players are jockeying for giant monetary skin in the game.

That, and much as with other draconian methods, I think the powers-that-be are approaching things with an all-or-nothing mindset, thinking that if they give an inch folks will take a mile, thus limiting options largely to hospitalization and/or vaccination driven by fears that folks won't opt for getting vaccinated if they feel they have treatment options, which by the way I'll go on record saying I'm not against vaccines at all / have already had the first round. But if infected with covid, I'd be willing to spend every waking moment pushing for the treatment course outlined above versus waiting to be hospitalized before getting any care.
Video I can't encourage forum members enough to watch... can jump to 1:20 mark to hear Doctor start speaking PASSIONATELY about ivermectin, describing Ivermectin as "MIRACULOUS" and with "mountains of evidence" and "mountains of data." He shares lots of data pointing to both incredible prophylactic and treatment properties.

And Chummer, if you see the shares above on a personal note I'd just add that of the doctor friends we've spoken with about Ivermectin only approximately half even were aware of it as a treatment option / aware of the data regarding its incredible anti-viral properties.

Those who were aware again had provided it to a number of patients that saw DRAMATIC / nearly immediate improvement.

On a funny note, one who hadn't kept up on reading, emerging studies, etc... and who honestly is fairly to the left of the political spectrum became a quick believer when her son contracted covid, was symptomatic, and turned around overnight after she saw that he received a prescription.
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The only ivermectin I’m familiar with is in liquid form and injected foe cattle and swine. Is there a pill form now? That you get from a pharmacy
Same drug, but has absolutely also been used extensively with humans since discovery in 1970s. Wife regularly prescribes it for scabies and lice and is most commonly pill form for humans.

Founders of the drug won the nobel prize in 2015 for use around the world effectively treating numerous human diseases.
Thank you for all the replies. After two days of hell I turned the corner today. Fever finally broke. Here is where It becomes confusing. I got my test results back last night and they were “nothing detected”. Despite all the symptoms and sleeping with someone that tested positive and working in an office with 5 positives my test doesn’t detect. Makes no sense to me. I don’t see any way I don’t have it but at least it keeps me out of the states data base.
Thank you for all the replies. After two days of hell I turned the corner today. Fever finally broke. Here is where It becomes confusing. I got my test results back last night and they were “nothing detected”. Despite all the symptoms and sleeping with someone that tested positive and working in an office with 5 positives my test doesn’t detect. Makes no sense to me. I don’t see any way I don’t have it but at least it keeps me out of the states data base.
I had the same thing, whole family tested positive but me. I got tested again and I was positive the second time.
Thank you for all the replies. After two days of hell I turned the corner today. Fever finally broke. Here is where It becomes confusing. I got my test results back last night and they were “nothing detected”. Despite all the symptoms and sleeping with someone that tested positive and working in an office with 5 positives my test doesn’t detect. Makes no sense to me. I don’t see any way I don’t have it but at least it keeps me out of the states data base.
Glad you’re feeling better.

Cain creek is probably on to something. May have been tested before it built up in your body. (That’s sheer uneducated speculation)
Thank you for all the replies. After two days of hell I turned the corner today. Fever finally broke. Here is where It becomes confusing. I got my test results back last night and they were “nothing detected”. Despite all the symptoms and sleeping with someone that tested positive and working in an office with 5 positives my test doesn’t detect. Makes no sense to me. I don’t see any way I don’t have it but at least it keeps me out of the states data base.

I had the symptoms for 2-3 days and the test was negative. My neighbor had an experience like you and the retest was positive. I never had a retest.

From my experience with cattle, you don’t always find the corona virus, but when you do, any sick cattle in the herd are then considered to have had it.

Is anyone else wondering what is the purpose of these tests?

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The tests are just to create the numbers they want to keep us all locked down and separated from each other. Then they want to force everyone to get their information from cnn. Brainwashing. Control. Dumb down our own people and mail in ballots that can't be controlled(hence dead people voting and changing the votes to what they want). I won't waste my time voting again. Very good chance we never see another republican president.
I think Mike Pence said it right when he asked Harris during the debate "will you stop playing politics with peoples lives?" Media made sure that conversation never got started because they would not allow anyone to bring it up. The takeover has begun a while ago. Common sense is a thing of the past and that is what shocks me the most---people can't decipher fact from fiction for the most part. The guilty accuse is the best label i can put on our leaders at this time. It's every man for themselves. I think we're going to revisit the 20 something different genders all over again. Probably go back to 99 weeks of unemployment also. Remember when people drawing unemployment actually had to prove that they were actively looking for employment? Now they just apply and get it. There is no "normal" anymore. Don't forget the "we're all in this together" bullshit.
Cuomo finally figured out he can’t continue the lockdown or there will be no business left to reopen. I am sure it has nothing to do with Biden taking over next week. This POS has held us hostage for months. More proof of the dems using COVID as a political weapon. We sat around for months locked down with virtually no cases. Election is over so we can reopen despite highest cases to date. Of coarse no push back from the media, the King has changed his mind and they just keep smiling and patting themselves on the back for taking down the mean orange guy.
I had the symptoms for 2-3 days and the test was negative. My neighbor had an experience like you and the retest was positive. I never had a retest.

From my experience with cattle, you don’t always find the corona virus, but when you do, any sick cattle in the herd are then considered to have had it.

Is anyone else wondering what is the purpose of these tests?

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The test are for building a DNA data base.

Not for use in diagnostic procedures?

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Yup, I knew once Trump wasnt in charge anymore, the country would open back up. Even look at the commy state of MN, magically, a week before Biden takes office, bars and restaurants, open, kids can now go back to school next week. Give me a break! Dont get me wrong, I think everything should be back open, and I am glad they are finally getting the chance, but seems a little suspect, all get to open the week of Biden taking office.
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