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sandbur, the answer is yes you can make yourself very sick wearing a mask all the time. As it gets saturated its harder to breath tbrough which is hard on respritory. Then you start rebreathing all the shit you have exhaled. Its not good for you and can have long lasting lung issues from it.
Either way now we are in the states data base and will need clearance from the county to leave the house.
Did she get tested for work? I'm not getting tested unless I require hospitalization. Do you really need clearance from the county to leave your house?
Friend and I were talking the other day about how crazy it is that life can be so dramatically different now based on what side of a state line you live in.

Same business on one side of a state line - open with employees able to earn livings, life somewhat normal, and sick simply asked to isolate but with no "Big Brother" monitoring/dictates. Move across that line, and same business is shuttered to point of bankruptcy, laid-off having to live on the dole, almost all normalacy lost, and "Big Brother" IS watching you once sick even if completely asymptomatic.

Thanking God I live in one of the (R) states with a sane governor / even more thankful not having to scrape by in whatever world his competitor, out-of-the-bisexual closet and drug rehabbed Andrew Gillum, would have me under had he been given the chance.
Summarizing long post above, Knehrke, I'd truly be interested in seeing you speak to how you can dismiss any data/chart I shared, those primarily being:

1) very detailed early NYC data that showed a tremendously strong correlation between advancing age, comorbidities, and death (as did data from numerous other countries)
2)the NYC data, data from multiple countries both early on and even more so subsequently (such as the sweeping Iceland study) pointing to relatively low morbidity for those under age 50, especially in the absence of comorbidities
I don't have plans to join in the age debate, but I routinely look at the graphics on the following page for Louisiana, a state that has been hit hard by COVID. Here is today's graph for number of infections by age group and number of deaths by age group. It shows that 72% of the deaths in Louisiana are people over age 70. Seeing as my parents live in Louisiana and are both over 70, I have concerns about COVID. The graphic came from

Did she get tested for work? I'm not getting tested unless I require hospitalization. Do you really need clearance from the county to leave your house?
Yes work made us both get tested. I don't know if they mean stay in your house. That ain't happening. They do say they can check on you at any time. Not sure what that means. If I'm not sick I will be going to camp to do some work, weather permitting.

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I don't have plans to join in the age debate, but I routinely look at the graphics on the following page for Louisiana, a state that has been hit hard by COVID. Here is today's graph for number of infections by age group and number of deaths by age group. It shows that 72% of the deaths in Louisiana are people over age 70. Seeing as my parents live in Louisiana and are both over 70, I have concerns about COVID. The graphic came from

View attachment 33158

Any idea what percent of the deaths in LA were over the age of 70 pre COVID? Seriously asking.

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The Fishman, definitely with you on the concern for the aged. My Mom, while relatively healthy to date, is 83.

In no way do I wish to minimize the quite serious risks that covid poses to the aged, and especially the aged with pre-existing conditions that so often accompany advancing age.
Not trying to diminish the risks, but to give you some hope. Both my parents neither in great health have had it with no issues, my inlaws both overweight one diabetic had it, no issues. Wifes gma, 97 had it ,shes fine, parents neighbors botb north of 90 ,both fine. Its deffinately not a death sentence.
That didn’t sound right to me. Either way now we are in the states data base and will need clearance from the county to leave the house.

Because if you’re not positive you can catch it from the wife at the end of her shedding virus germs.
if you test positive they will call you and ask questions. Questions like:

do you have enough food to isolate for 14 days

who lives with you

on and on. Have fun with them! I did..

when they called me to inquire about my positive test I just kept asking....why and saying I’m not comfortable answering that question.

After a while the young girl got really frustrated with me :emoji_grin:
Something is wrong if they can stop you from leaving the house.

they can’t. It’s just a polite request.
with zero follow up.

I actually think the kids calling are college kids that didn’t go back and need something to do, so they took a government job.
Not trying to diminish the risks, but to give you some hope. Both my parents neither in great health have had it with no issues, my inlaws both overweight one diabetic had it, no issues. Wifes gma, 97 had it ,shes fine, parents neighbors botb north of 90 ,both fine. Its deffinately not a death sentence.
Bill Loser, definitely not an automatic death sentence. My wife has seen multiple patients in their 70s, 80s, and 90s who've survived covid without hospitalization. We also frequent a local small rural store run by a gentleman in his 80s who was in quite bad health prior to contracting covid (multiple serious comorbidities including colon cancer) and he survived his case though it was touch and go for a while.
I am glad that you all that are worried about wearing a mask haven't had a family member or friend die or even end up in ICU and I hope you can keep right on saying it won't get worse.There has been young people die that had no pre existing conditions and I know people that have had it and can't hardly walk across the street now
As I posted earlier in this thread, my 48yo cousin was working on cars in his auto shop one week, and dead 4 days later. While most have mild or no symptoms, every case has the potential to be deadly.
Not worried about wearing a mask, worried about the massive over reach of our government declaring everyone must wear one.
Besides, masks are totally and undeniably useless.
I had a grandmother die of the flu a couple years back, should we shut the world down everytime someone gets sick with anything now?
Barndog, every case of every sickness or ailment or injury ever known to man has the potential to turn deadly. This is no different. Just over reported
The dems completed what they hoped to accomplish with covid so the reporting will fade. Everything will still be Trumps fault for 4 years but they won't risk the perception that the dems have any culpability with covid.
You know the odds of suffering a farm accident to workers and families in their lifetime?

1 in 3

And that doesn't count the number of super infections, rare cancers, and lung and skin diseases they get from prolonged farm life. So for anyone that goes to the supermarket, anyone that doesn't butcher their own chicken in their backyard each day, the blood is also on your hands. Every time you go through the drive thru, you're condeming people to death because you don't want to dig your own potatoes or milk your own cow. Shame on all of you.

Every manure pit death, every grain bin death, silo gassing, severed limb, fall, concussion, cow kick, hog bite, lung full of chicken manure, broken bones, lacerations, blasts to the eyes, etc. It's on all of you. If you really want to save a life, take off your mask and pick up a hoe and hatchet and go outside. Grow your own food, and quit killing my people.


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Thats true sd, never thought of it that way. Maybe we should quarantine all farmers to the house only? Its for their own good.
Looks like I have they China virus. Still waiting on test results but was up all night with fever, cough, and body aches. F-China
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