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the criminals mandating masks arent even following there own criminal mandates.... but thats what dictators do. Do as i say not as i do....
Same with the stay at home orders.
We do not live in a dictatorship. At least we didnt before the last election. Now we're screwed.
Fear sells and is believed by many for many different reasons ,, example i remember my parents discussing gun control in the mid sixties , well that fear has continued to today and will be used forever to get certain groups to support politics in other words lots of freedom loving people are manipulated thru fear when in reality no one has came for your guns in the 60 years since the assignations of the sixties , i own bunches of guns and ammo , shoot lots , they aint comin for my guns ,

Back to virus lots of fear about gov control of people , haven't witnessed it in my life and im in minnesota ,, dont feel less free than a year ago , think about it are you , we being manipulated to generate fear and for what purpose , we as a nation should fear the division being thrust on us more than the narrative on the surface . My two cents for what its worth , Merry Christmas
Fear sells and is believed by many for many different reasons ,, example i remember my parents discussing gun control in the mid sixties , well that fear has continued to today and will be used forever to get certain groups to support politics in other words lots of freedom loving people are manipulated thru fear when in reality no one has came for your guns in the 60 years since the assignations of the sixties , i own bunches of guns and ammo , shoot lots , they aint comin for my guns ,

Back to virus lots of fear about gov control of people , haven't witnessed it in my life and im in minnesota ,, dont feel less free than a year ago , think about it are you , we being manipulated to generate fear and for what purpose , we as a nation should fear the division being thrust on us more than the narrative on the surface . My two cents for what its worth , Merry Christmas
The division got much worse after we elected obama because he was black, not because he was the most qualified. How ironic---our first black president caused the biggest racial divide in our history.
Know anybody who owns a gym, restaurant, or bar/grill in MN? Ask them if they feel less free this year than last year.

My next door neighbor just moved into his brand new dream house last year and bought the bar up town. They have been standing on his neck since last spring. He also drives school bus and just got elected to our city council with the most votes. He told my wife the other day that he is getting close to losing the bar so he can keep his house. He cant make money at the bar or driving bus.
1. As soon as they believe they can get your guns they WILL come for them. They have all said as much repeatedly, so no that is not an unfounded fear. Its as real as it gets.
2. No we do not have the same rights as a year ago. Mask mandates, lock downs travel bans? You'd have to be living under a rock to not see our rights being trampled on on a daily basis.

Jasker ,the party who runs on inclusion and tolerance, thrives on exclusion,divisiveness and intolerance.
He told my wife the other day that he is getting close to losing the bar so he can keep his house.
Sadly, that's a common story throughout MN and anywhere else that government has discriminated against those owners.
Merry X-mas everyone! Despite our differences, I still think that we live in the greatest nation in the world. Nobody is going to break down our door today and haul us away because of our posts on here, which was and still is a possibility in much of the world. And as stated above, for the most part folks are buckling down and dealing with this mess as best they can. I don't see much fear this holiday season. Lots of sadness though.

I feel for you Chummer. We spent yesterday evening on the phone with my Mom opening presents, and there were many tears. Be well my friends, and dream of chainsaws.
Take the name Fauci and replace it with Trump and then imagine the tweets and news stories. They think this fcuking idiot is a hero. Nobody has been more wrong about Corona then Dr dipshit Fauci.

He told Trump:
-that China and the WHO had corona under control and that it wasnt a threat to the US
- not to stop travel with China
- not to close the border with Mexico
- said that mask dont work before he flip flopped in the middle of a pandemic and said that mask now magically do work. You would think that someone dealing with deadly viruses for 50+ years and being the head of the NIH would have known LONG ago the effectiveness of mask against coronaviruses.
-told everyone they must wear a mask and socially distance and then gets caught at a baseball game mask down not socially distanced
-tells everyone that the earliest the vaccine would be here is WELL into 2021, all the way to election day.
-told everyone that schools should ALL stay closed and as soon as the election was over started telling everyone it was safe for kids to go to school
-moved the goalpost on 15 days to slow the spread
-now moved goalpost on herd immunity and needed vaccination rates by at least 20%.

Elite pukes like Dan Rather praise him like he is some great intellectual leader of our times. No Dan, he is just an expert propaganda puppet.

So, you're saying that he modified his position based on the best available evidence? And can admit when he made a mistake? Sounds like he's a scientist to me.

Maybe we can tone down the vitriol and rhetoric for just one day?
So, you're saying that he modified his position based on the best available evidence? And can admit when he made a mistake? Sounds like he's a scientist to me.

Maybe we can tone down the vitriol and rhetoric for just one day?
You have no issue with him listening to his gut that we are finally ready to hear what he really thinks? I despise GW for getting us into the Iraq war because he talked to god. This isn’t much different. In this case he thinks he is god. I don’t dislike the guy but I don’t listen to him. He is a camera whore who has been wrong enough for him to just go away.
He didnt listen to his gut. He listened to the democratic party leaders and did what would do the most damage to trump. No more no less. Anyone who doesnt see this fool as the political shill he is is a fool.
And there goes thirty years of public service under multiple presidents, providing exemplary advice and a stellar record. When did we become so willing to toss somebody into the flames? Life is great in black and white, I guess. And the divide gets bigger....
Its only in balck and white for those who refuse to see what's right in front of them.
There is nothing I hate worse that to hear this crap about 30 years of government service. Did he do it for free? Hell no. Amazing how a guy can "work" for the government yet become a millionaire. I'm sure he could have made a lot more in civilian practice but he is so noble to go work for the government. BS.
Had 23 in the house for Christmas today. It was a great time.

Mother in law crying as usual, brother and sisters in law laughing, nieces and nephews running, playing, screaming, and crying. We all ate twice as much as any person aught to.

Nobody has COVID or spread it to anyone else.

Missed one brother in law who is over in Kuwait on his 3rd tour. We pray for his safe return but it’ll be about a year yet.

The other bro in law with his wife and 5 kids were celebrating with other family. We also missed them.

All in all a great day. DTOM

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