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How come we dont have a clown emoji?? At this point he has thrown out every number from 50-90%. Tough to be wrong. The science is taking him the same place as the wind. ALL OVER THE PLACE!!! Some expert.

Its hard to know what to say when Commie Harris and socialist Pelosi aren't there to tell dr. Joker what to say.
First most of us shouldn’t talk about the character of “all those guys“in one group. I’m the first one to agree with the statements like they didn’t give service, they were paid for it. And that statement is probably true and applies to many people but there could be, must be some that truly do their job for the good of the world.

Secondly most of us do not have the experience or personal interactions with Dr. F that you and some others May have. Our thoughts about him are based on what we have seen from him in live and Prerecorded presentations since the pandemic started and didn’t start.My interpretation from what I have seen is that his performance that he has shown us would have gotten him let go many times over in most normal businesses.
My wife and I hear his presentations on TV and just shake our heads and question just what does this guy do all day to keep him on the payroll?

Knehrke, I would like to understand that DR. F does in fact accomplish something regarding the whole virus scenario as maybe he does and the press is just not sharing that type of footage with us regular people. We can only go by what information we have. That does not make us all idiots.
Hey Chain, didn't mean to imply you or anyone on here is an idiot, if you were, I wouldn't waste my time trying to interject. My objection was to how it's become vogue (and maybe it always was) to vilify someone because you disagree with their policies. I see it done to Trump, I see it done to Fauci, and no matter which side of the argument you're on, I think that it drives the gap wider rather than working toward understanding.

But I will gently correct the misassumption that my opinion of Fauci is based on his being "a nice guy". I could care less if he was a dick - much like I give Trump a break on all of his tomfoolery - I only care about his track record. He has earned his position and the respect of his colleagues, who judge him based on proven accomplishments, not what they read on hack websites. Does that mean he's infallible? Of course not. But his history and service do deserve consideration before slinging names and epitaphs.

And I don't think it makes you weak, stupid, or corrupt to admit that you made a mistake. Only one guy I know doesn't make mistakes.

My daughter is wise. She led me to a piece on Summit Stewards in the ADK. Their motto is "educational, not confrontational". I need to try that more lol.
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Surprise,surprise they dont want to give up their power over the sheep. Huh, weird i really thought they would.
Next step is forced vaccinations. Then you'll have to carry papers with you everywhere you go.
All this to keep 99.8% of people from getting a cold.... yeah 2021 will be much better.
Oh, and you can "gently correct" all you want. It does not change the FACT that dr. Dipshit is a crooked democratic operative.
This is true,.. the virus still enters your body, you still "Get the infection",.. The vaccine does not put a force field around you magically blocking the virus.

What the vaccine does do,.. is give your body the mechanism to immediately begin fighting back against a rapidly multiplying virus in you.

I do not know of any studies yet which state while you are vaccinated and exposed to Covid ,.. can you can pass it on to someone else?

There is no movement of any goal post,.. this is just the way it works.

Everyone has said even if you are vaccinated you should still wear a mask,.. folks in hospitals that are vaccinated already,.. are still wearing masks!

There is no grand conspiracy here to take away you freedoms,.. LOL
This is true,.. the virus still enters your body, you still "Get the infection",.. The vaccine does not put a force field around you magically blocking the virus.

What the vaccine does do,.. is give your body the mechanism to immediately begin fighting back against a rapidly multiplying virus in you.

I do not know of any studies yet which state while you are vaccinated and exposed to Covid ,.. can you can pass it on to someone else?

There is no movement of any goal post,.. this is just the way it works.

Everyone has said even if you are vaccinated you should still wear a mask,.. folks in hospitals that are vaccinated already,.. are still wearing masks!

There is no grand conspiracy here to take away you freedoms,.. LOL
I wish they'd just be honest and tell us this will never end. I can see the next phase coming...

"Despite the number of cases falling, we know there is a surge happening. This is because people are refusing to get tested. Facebook, Google, and Apple have provided us data and lists of people who should be getting tested, and are not. Therefore we need to continue to wear masks, do drugs, binge eat, and beat our severely depressed kids. Today we are encouraging states to adopt mandatory rapid testing before anyone can enter a home improvement store, grocery store, convenience store, liquor store, pot dispensary, or Tractor Supply Store. If you have a vaccine passport, stamped within the last 180 days, your retinal scan matches your barcode tatoo, and this is your assigned day to procure, you may bypass the quarantine tent, and go on to receive your ration of approved essential items and return to your place of shelter."

What measurement will tell us it's safe to take off the masks and get our freedom back? Is there anyone out there that knows just what milestone we're trying to hit? I want to believe the people running this have good intentions and are eager to give us our lives back. Someone please help me buy in to this. Convince me. Where is this month's goal post?
The goal post is on wheels and hooked up to a blown 350 so no one can keep up.
If you are too blinded by fear of a cold to see all the rights already taken by the criminals you are too far gone to reach anyway.
The rights are gone, they ain't comin back.
Yea, it is a vast, far reaching conspiracy, history will show it in time.
Hi Bill Loser - you are wrong.

I hope that wasn't too gentle for you lol.

Take a page from SD's (admittedly hilarious) playbook and start spouting Russian, please. And I'd appreciate it if you weren't so understanding and respectful.

(Dang it, Tree Daddy, I think I just swung at another pitch. I'm hopeless.)
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Not wrong. Some are just to willfully blind to see whats in front of them.
You could put a ham sandwich (not even a good deli ham sandwich, just a ordinary oscar meyer ham sandwich) in his chair and it would do just as good ,maybe even better than Dr. Destructo.
no offense to oscar meyer.
Hi Bill Loser - you are wrong.

I hope that wasn't too gentle for you lol.

Take a page from SD's (admittedly hilarious) playbook and start spouting Russian, please. And I'd appreciate it if you weren't so understanding and respectful.

(Dang it, Tree Daddy, I think I just swung at another pitch. I'm hopeless.)

У нас теж є люди в Україні та Китаї.
Shall we apply the rona template to this story?

This is a vaccine death.

Don't get hung up on the with/from. It counts. #Facts

Look up Luke Letlow. Congress elect from Louisiana. Died at 41 years old.

Foxnews is the only one I can find that says the guy died “with” corona not “from” corona.

Yeah he had a massive heart attack that had nothing to do with it. It was the rona..
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