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Without symptoms we are expected to be at work Monday. We are done listening to the king
My eyeballs tell me that Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan all have about the same infection curves on a per-capita basis. Minnesota and Michigan have severe restrictions on small businesses. Wisconsin has none.
So....I'm free and pay 33.5% in taxes, what will happen when they take my freedom?
I'm there.
I'll just keep working without the illusion of retirement. Anyone leaving money in investments is gambling big time---unless you are invested in something offshore. Now everyone needs to make twice the money to take home the same amount. Joe Biden and smart should never be mentioned in the same sentence.
One of my best friends is quarantining now with mild-to-absent symptoms, another is in the ICU coming out of an induced coma and still not a sure thing for recovery. Unfortunately, my mild-to-absent symptoms friend infected his aunt at a post X-mas gathering before realizing that he was positive, and now she's in a bad way. He feels like crap, unsurprisingly. I wish we knew how individuals would react so that we could protect those who need it and everybody else could go about their business without concern. My technician who's also an EMT is back in the lab now after having quarantined with a "true" positive and moderate symptoms over X-mas, but he caught it before infecting others. Best wishes, Chummer and Bill. I'm glad you guys are doing well.

Some of the "survival" rates I see on here are suspect though. You don't determine survival rates of being hit by a car by factoring in all the folks who didn't get hit. And if I got hit by a car and suffered few injuries, I probably would be thanking the man, not casting shade on how getting hit by a car isn't that dangerous. Seems intuitive to me. It's hard to fake what's going on in our ICU.
And that ladies and gentlemen is EXACTLY what is wrong with America right now.
To many scared snowflakes, afraid of a cold. Thank you accomplice media and power grabbing politicians.
Everything about this made up pandemic is suspect......
Time to open your eyes
On the contrary, its really easy to fake whats going on in every aspect of this made up bs. Its happening everyday, and it just keeps getting better.
And thanks K, im doing great. Same as EVERYONE else i know who has supposedly had the cold death thats going around . Everyone from 10 years old to 97 years old. All fine.
Hard to take something like this seriously when they (Fauchi, and the like) set it up where absolutely everything is a symptom, literally everything is. Feel fine? You have it, sniffles, sneezed? You have it, tired? You have it. Not tired? Probably have it. Then there is the tests... that can be and are influenced by how long the tech decides to spin them? Then even if its negative they say is an abnormal negative then add it to the numbers. Dont try to say it doesnt happen because it does, with my own son and my sister in law.
So thanks again , i am good , hope the same for you.
sorry for the rant. Been a long frustrating Christmas season. Have a sister and brother who are weak and terrified (supposedly) of getting a cold. Its been hard on my parents and the rest of us because of their judgemental bs because the rest of us see whats real.

Very sad to see how little it takes to weaken and control alot of Americans.
One of my best friends is quarantining now with mild-to-absent symptoms, another is in the ICU coming out of an induced coma and still not a sure thing for recovery. Unfortunately, my mild-to-absent symptoms friend infected his aunt at a post X-mas gathering before realizing that he was positive, and now she's in a bad way. He feels like crap, unsurprisingly. I wish we knew how individuals would react so that we could protect those who need it and everybody else could go about their business without concern. My technician who's also an EMT is back in the lab now after having quarantined with a "true" positive and moderate symptoms over X-mas, but he caught it before infecting others. Best wishes, Chummer and Bill. I'm glad you guys are doing well.

Some of the "survival" rates I see on here are suspect though. You don't determine survival rates of being hit by a car by factoring in all the folks who didn't get hit. And if I got hit by a car and suffered few injuries, I probably would be thanking the man, not casting shade on how getting hit by a car isn't that dangerous. Seems intuitive to me. It's hard to fake what's going on in our ICU.
Wife and I are on day 5 post contact of a positive with symptoms. She sat next to the positive for 8 hours the day she got symptoms. We still have no symptoms so unless something changes by tomorrow off to work we go.
Some of the "survival" rates I see on here are suspect though. You don't determine survival rates of being hit by a car by factoring in all the folks who didn't get hit. And if I got hit by a car and suffered few injuries, I probably would be thanking the man, not casting shade on how getting hit by a car isn't that dangerous. Seems intuitive to me. It's hard to fake what's going on in our ICU.
When we're all forced to fork over our freedom (without debate, due process, or representation) out of fear of being hit by a car, it's important to point out the odds of actually getting hit by a car.

Falling into a volcano has a higher death rate than the rona. Is that a more severe pandemic because we also wouldn't factor in the survival of those who don't fall into a volcano at all?
We still have no symptoms
All my symptoms ended after 2 days. Except I can’t taste things correctly yet. I don’t think I’ll die from that. But I am ready to taste my coffee in the morning.

all due respect to the those that think this is the great killer of 2020. I buy it less now then before, and I wasn’t buying it before.

I’m not saying it can’t and isn’t very bad in some cases. I just don’t buy what we’ve been fed. I’m still down with 15 to slow the spread and even the next 30. After that what was the point.

Wore my mask as asked, washed my hands and still got it. Now I wish I got it in March.

I firmly believe a lot of people die “with” covid, not “from” covid. Two very different things that the media, politicians and I believe even medical people can’t separate.
Bill, with all due respect, you need to get out more. This disease is not just the killer of 2020, it's the killer of the century. Perhaps not in your direct experience, but man, from my perspective it's not even in question. I've seen the consequences. Do you think that the hundreds of thousands of folks who are fighting day and night to work toward a solution - not government, but everyday people - are acting on a pipe dream? Take a look at other countries, where our politics aren't skewing the message. Look at the data, not the media. I get that the media blows things out of proportion, and after enough times we all get gun-shy, start thinking that it's all BS. But there is truth out there. And it's not pretty right now.

Bill Loser, you are starting to froth at the mouth. If you think that I'm a "snowflake" or a "libtard" or any of those oh-so-clever terms people use to denigrate folks who don't agree with them, well, that's just laughable. I'm an educated Republican who can think for myself, and my reactions are based on evidence, not ignorance. It's ludicrous to think that I'm the problem. That's like saying a guy who offers a glass of water to a man in a desert is trying to drown him.

I'm sorry that your family is scared of the virus, but it's not stupid to be scared. True courage comes from our ability to operate in spite of fear, and information is its nemesis. Be well, stay sane - 2021 will be better.
If you honestly think 2021 will be better ,well then you truly are completely blind. The fear mongers will make sure of that.
Really? Get out more? Thats what you got?
Go hide in the basement so you dont get a cold. I dont care what you feel you need to do. Just STOP trying to infringe on the rest of our rights because YOU ar scared. Open your eyes man, see whats outside your little circle. There is a whole big world out there.
Again, the numbers are there to see if you arent blind to it. No one actually dies of covid. Some die with it ( like in a motorcycle crash in florida?) But no one dies from it.
Fear based knowledge does not make you educated, it makes one weak and affraid .
For the record i never called you anything , sorry that you felt the need to take this there.
Do you think that the hundreds of thousands of folks who are fighting day and night to work toward a solution - not government, but everyday people - are acting on a pipe dream?

Honestly yes.

We base our beliefs on what we see and experience. Your experience is much different than mine. I know many people who have had it. Some with other serious conditions like, cancer, heart disease etc. they have all lived.

What really turns me off to the position that this is the ultimate killer is the fact that now that I am positive, I will continue to test positive for at least 90 days. If I suffer a massive heart attack in 3 weeks I will have died “with” covid but will be counted as died “of” covid.

based on post #3390 showing annual causes and numbers of deaths as reported by the CDC I disagree that covid is the killer of the century. I’d say “my body, my choice” takes that honor, followed by cancer.

Sorry some of us flat earther’s just can’t be saved.
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