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There is nothing I hate worse that to hear this crap about 30 years of government service. Did he do it for free? Hell no. Amazing how a guy can "work" for the government yet become a millionaire. I'm sure he could have made a lot more in civilian practice but he is so noble to go work for the government. BS.
Life long government workers love patting themselves on the back. Pelosi, Mconnel, Schummer, McCain, Kerry, Biden, the list is long. What a Great thing they did serving the country. Meanwhile they build huge empires hooking up every relative down to third cousin Judy. This China virus will make Faucci millions over the rest of his life. Sorry if I don't celebrate him as he makes it up as we go along.
Why do you think all yhe established drugs known to work on covid get discredited(besides the Trump angle). Because tve good Dr. stands to make millions off the new vaccine.
.....................but we might if you prefer tubes over cages.......

You know me better than that!! I've taken a solemn oath never to tube another tree, so long as I shall draw breath.
I postdoc'd for the current Deputy Director at NIH. You guys don't know your a$$ from a hole in the ground if you're going to start making noises about how these guys are doing it for money and power. You can disagree with their position, argue whether their decisions have merit, fine. But if you're going to start questioning their character, then you lost me before you even started. I don't know a finer, harder working, more dedicated public servant than my old boss. Everyone that I know in the field has nothing but respect for Fauci. I am not some fanboy who laps up everything the guy says. But I can disagree with someone without diminishing them. By your words, you have diminished yourselves.
I’m sorry.

I’ve stayed as far from weighing in as humanly possible.

But little doctor ****ie lost me in June....or before. What a dip-shit.

If I’ve diminished my self, so be it.
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And. I’ll add, As an admin anyone is allowed to challenge my thought process.

So you can smack me for the Dr. ****ie comment without heavy handed response.

But not the rules outside of this unruly thread.
I postdoc'd for the current Deputy Director at NIH. You guys don't know your a$$ from a hole in the ground if you're going to start making noises about how these guys are doing it for money and power. You can disagree with their position, argue whether their decisions have merit, fine. But if you're going to start questioning their character, then you lost me before you even started. I don't know a finer, harder working, more dedicated public servant than my old boss. Everyone that I know in the field has nothing but respect for Fauci. I am not some fanboy who laps up everything the guy says. But I can disagree with someone without diminishing them. By your words, you have diminished yourselves.
The divide among us stems from expectations in life and death situations and the private sector where results matter and those in academia and government where results do not matter.

"Yes, his plan has killed over a million off-target healthy people, wrecked the economy, dollar, and solvency of the federal government. But he always brings the best pickle wraps to the annual NIH vs Smithsonian kickball outing."

You got a guy that keeps throwing interceptions, you pull 'em. Simple as that.
I postdoc'd for the current Deputy Director at NIH. You guys don't know your a$$ from a hole in the ground if you're going to start making noises about how these guys are doing it for money and power. You can disagree with their position, argue whether their decisions have merit, fine. But if you're going to start questioning their character, then you lost me before you even started. I don't know a finer, harder working, more dedicated public servant than my old boss. Everyone that I know in the field has nothing but respect for Fauci. I am not some fanboy who laps up everything the guy says. But I can disagree with someone without diminishing them. By your words, you have diminished yourselves.


You plant trees and work a chainsaw so you must be a pretty good fella

Further, a careful read of your posts suggest that the"divide" between your world view and the rest of us is not as wide as you seem to believe

Finally, please consider the advice of my 4th grade peewee baseball/philosopher coach: "You don't have to swing at every pitch"

The divide among us stems from expectations in life and death situations and the private sector where results matter and those in academia and government where results do not matter.

"Yes, his plan has killed over a million off-target healthy people, wrecked the economy, dollar, and solvency of the federal government. But he always brings the best pickle wraps to the annual NIH vs Smithsonian kickball outing."

You got a guy that keeps throwing interceptions, you pull 'em. Simple as that.
Sports analogies always "bring it on home"


You plant trees and work a chainsaw so you must be a pretty good fella

Further, a careful read of your posts suggest that the"divide" between your world view and the rest of us is not as wide as you seem to believe

Finally, please consider the advice of my 4th grade peewee baseball/philosopher coach: "You don't have to swing at every pitch"

Great advice. Sometimes I forget myself. Sports analogies are the bomb. Since I seem to have struck out, I will take the bench lol. I hope you're right, and the divide isn't getting wider and wider like I fear.

My Dad used to tell me that opinions were like armpits and a$$holes. We all have them, and they all stink. So true.
I postdoc'd for the current Deputy Director at NIH. You guys don't know your a$$ from a hole in the ground if you're going to start making noises about how these guys are doing it for money and power. You can disagree with their position, argue whether their decisions have merit, fine. But if you're going to start questioning their character, then you lost me before you even started. I don't know a finer, harder working, more dedicated public servant than my old boss. Everyone that I know in the field has nothing but respect for Fauci. I am not some fanboy who laps up everything the guy says. But I can disagree with someone without diminishing them. By your words, you have diminished yourselves.

First most of us shouldn’t talk about the character of “all those guys“in one group. I’m the first one to agree with the statements like they didn’t give service, they were paid for it. And that statement is probably true and applies to many people but there could be, must be some that truly do their job for the good of the world.

Secondly most of us do not have the experience or personal interactions with Dr. F that you and some others May have. Our thoughts about him are based on what we have seen from him in live and Prerecorded presentations since the pandemic started and didn’t start.My interpretation from what I have seen is that his performance that he has shown us would have gotten him let go many times over in most normal businesses.
My wife and I hear his presentations on TV and just shake our heads and question just what does this guy do all day to keep him on the payroll?

Knehrke, I would like to understand that DR. F does in fact accomplish something regarding the whole virus scenario as maybe he does and the press is just not sharing that type of footage with us regular people. We can only go by what information we have. That does not make us all idiots.
The football analogy is perfect. If this guy was in the private sector he would have been fired 5 times by now. Again, I don’t think he is a bad guy, he might be a political operative, after power and money, but I don’t know that for sure. If a NFL coach with a stacked team goes 8-8 he may keep his job after one season like that but two seasons and he is gone(unless he coaches the Vikings). Thinking he is beyond criticism because you know him as a nice guy is similar to Joe telling us Hunter is the smartest person he knows.
^^^^ I don’t doubt for one minute that Hunter Biden is the smartest guy Joe Biden knows. It probably doesn’t take a whole hell of a lot to ascend to the top of that trash pile. I heard the coronavirus bat came in second.
I could care less if dr.dumbass is a nice guy or not. He is crooked as they come. He lobbied against the use of known drugs that we know work to treat this cold we are calling a pandemic so that the companies he is involved with could make millions on a vaccine. I.e. he makes a bundle. Its not rumor its fact. Just the fact that now, conveniently after the election he agrees that hydroxy and the rest all not only work but work well should be enough to show what kind of person he is.
I could care less if dr.dumbass is a nice guy or not. He is crooked as they come. He lobbied against the use of known drugs that we know work to treat this cold we are calling a pandemic so that the companies he is involved with could make millions on a vaccine. I.e. he makes a bundle. Its not rumor its fact. Just the fact that now, conveniently after the election he agrees that hydroxy and the rest all not only work but work well should be enough to show what kind of person he is.
Trillions if they go for it.

8 billion people on earth, times 5 shots/year @ $60/shot = $2.4 trillion

If they can add 1 new shot each year, they could really up the take. We're all gonna have one flabby arm from all the food grade antifreeze they're pumping into us.
My dad once had to start seeing a new orthopedic years after having 2 knees and hip replacement from a then retired doc. I asked him after the appt how he liked the new guy. His response was he didn't. I asked why and his response was the guy spent too much time trying to be his "buddy" instead of discussing his surgery. Dad said he didn't need that and only wanted a Dr who knew really well what he was doing when using the knife.
So it is with the infamous Dr F. He has done poorly in providing honest direction for this country and his advice changes as the wind blows, as his mind changes, or as political pressure makes him do so, or possibly financial incentive. As said, he's a quarterback that can't lead the team and should've been benched long ago. There are lots of "nice guys" who aren't worthy to play the game.
If you paid me to take care of an issue for you and I repeatedly gave you a different direction each time I took your money, i.e. , rights and financial welfare, then I'm quite sure there would be hell to pay. But I guess if I were a likable guy, then you wouldn't care of my ivory tower screwing I was repeatedly giving you as I live my income protected, self indulgent life style?? God bless America and wheres the Tylenol ??
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