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It’s far easier to fool someone than convince them they’ve been fooled.

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Booner, i have been told by 4 different people who work in the medical field at 4 different times that yes hospitals are close to capacity. BUT they are at capacity due to hospitals not wanting to send people home because every covid patient they have nets them more covid cash. Have you seen any of this going on? Seriously not trying to be argumentative at all just curious.
Barndog my condolences to you, thats rough going for sure.
My wifes step uncle (if thats even a thing??) Had a similar experience. But he was avle to pull through after a week or so in the hospital.
Sd, i agree 100%. The talking heads in Milwaukee are reporting today that there has been a spike in teenage murder rates. They THINK it may be due to the teens not having angthing to do and no one to supervise them.... DO YA THINK??
Booner, i have been told by 4 different people who work in the medical field at 4 different times that yes hospitals are close to capacity. BUT they are at capacity due to hospitals not wanting to send people home because every covid patient they have nets them more covid cash. Have you seen any of this going on? Seriously not trying to be argumentative at all just curious.

We are not keeping any Covid patients that would be otherwise sent home ie Covid doesn’t net you an admission. I am not aware of any hospitals doing this either I am sure it does happen.

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If you do get covid, don't just assume you'll get through it the same as a flu. If you show symptoms, get help! Do not take chances and wait until it's too late.

sorry about your cousin. My buddy is an ER nurse. His whole family got on Thanksgiving weekend from another family member. According to him his hospital won’t admit anyone unless they are step from the vent. 5 people is his house had anything from the sniffles to the trots. They all pulled through including an 89 year old father. He’s a tough bird though.

I would have taken the Trump vaccine. No way I take the Biden vaccine. (Joke). :emoji_thinking:
Unfortunately, most of my anecdotal evidence would be skewed by my professional experiences, but one thing I am sure of is that there is no predicting outcomes on an individual basis, despite the large cohort analyses. My neighbor who's in his 60s got it and was flat on his back for three weeks, coughing so bad he couldn't even talk. His wife, older than him and a cancer survivor, had barely a sniffle. A captain who docks next to me has been in the ICU for three weeks and had both a heart attack and pneumonia when he was in there. It looks like a ventilator is in his near future. My technician who works nights as an EMT got it this weekend. He's in his twenties, and thought that he'd weather the storm easily. Three days in and he's singing a different tune. And a family of five that is very active outdoors all came down with it - and recovered in days.

The problem with anecdotal evidence is that when we experience a good outcome, we dismiss the trauma that is suffered by others, and when we experience a bad outcome, we go all Chicken Little. The truth is somewhere in between. Be safe and take care of each other.
The problem is in a free country. Each Individual should have the choice to take the vaccine, keep their business open, or lock themselves inside their house. When the government takes those choices away were no longer living in a free country.
Early death totals for the year in USA.

Except, 1 the year is not over yet and 2 the totals won't be known for a few more months. The SCARY headline with little facts. Typical AP story.
Exactly chuker. Everything is steered towards more and more fear. Keep the masses scared and they are easier to control. For a while.

Scariest thing about this to me is the government deciding who's essential and who's not. If that doesn't put shovers in your spine you might not be American. We are all essential.
With only 7 days left you can make a projection just like they do in an election. When you have 99% of the year done,. you can make a reasonable call on the remaining 1%.

There are plenty of facts in the article,.. It is not meant to be scary,.. it is an article on the facts of the death rate in the USA this year.

Sorry the AP is a reputable news organization. It is neither left nor right leaning, and has been that way for a long time.

You can check out its reputation media bias and leanings here

Early death totals for the year in USA.

As the population increases every year the death toll will also increase along with it. It is also going to be skewed because of the large aging population.
Sorry the AP is a reputable news organization. It is neither left nor right leaning, and has been that way for a long time.

You can check out its reputation media bias and leanings here

LMFAO!!!! The AP is an objective news organization??? Thanks for the laugh. The AP is the head for the ministry of propaganda along with NPR.

Learn what it means to be objective.
Unfortunately, most of my anecdotal evidence would be skewed by my professional experiences, but one thing I am sure of is that there is no predicting outcomes on an individual basis, despite the large cohort analyses. My neighbor who's in his 60s got it and was flat on his back for three weeks, coughing so bad he couldn't even talk. His wife, older than him and a cancer survivor, had barely a sniffle. A captain who docks next to me has been in the ICU for three weeks and had both a heart attack and pneumonia when he was in there. It looks like a ventilator is in his near future. My technician who works nights as an EMT got it this weekend. He's in his twenties, and thought that he'd weather the storm easily. Three days in and he's singing a different tune. And a family of five that is very active outdoors all came down with it - and recovered in days.

The problem with anecdotal evidence is that when we experience a good outcome, we dismiss the trauma that is suffered by others, and when we experience a bad outcome, we go all Chicken Little. The truth is somewhere in between. Be safe and take care of each other.
I have a question, if you'd be willing to help...

Now that there is a new strain in the UK, will there need to be another vaccine for the new strain? Or do we ride it out and hope for the best?
Nobody under 50 should be getting vaccinated right now. Wish we had day of death reporting here from our state Ministry of Health. Instead we have day reported so these could be 1, 2 or even 3 weeks old. 24 deaths two days ago, 18 yesterday, and 75 today. Sure thing.

Nobody under 50 should be getting vaccinated right now. Wish we had day of death reporting here from our state Ministry of Health. Instead we have day reported so these could be 1, 2 or even 3 weeks old. 24 deaths two days ago, 18 yesterday, and 75 today. Sure thing.

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Didn’t you hear, the left thinks old people shouldn’t get it because they’re too white...

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