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I don't know of anyone who's afraid of the vaccine. Just becasue one chooses (oh there's that word again) not to get this vaccine does not mean they are afraid.
Sounds like Mexicos record keeping during this fakedemic is even more suspect than Americas. Thats hard to pull off. Bravo Mexico!
I have had thoughts from the start that this virus had something to do with SS being BROKE. Who gets SS checks? Old people.
As for the "dipshits", BS - I mean BuckSutherland - you're not entirely wrong. I'm not sure where I fall in the dipshit spectrum, but I do know that we should have established a hierarchy for vaccine administration prior to it arriving on site. It's - pardon my slang - a Chinese Fire Drill out there. But we all know that each and every one of us is better suited to making these decisions than anyone else...we're all above average, to paraphrase Garrison Keiller. I'm definitely on board with there being a better way to manage this. Not sure I'm going to subscribe to your newsletter, but opinions are like armpits, right? We all have them, and they all stink.

My wife will be FORCED to take the vaccine. She doesnt want to. She has had corona and been exposed to it MANY times. What possible reason is there for her to take the vaccine??? She has a father that just turned 59. He has been a heavy smoker for 45 years. She has a grandma that is 76, and only has one lung. She has another grandma around 75, that has had various medical issues since I have known her. She has a great grandma that turned 100 in August sitting in the nursing home. Yet my wife at 34, will be mandated to take this shit while her elders all have to stand there and wait. What a complete fcuking debacle. Hello, EARTH TO SCIENCE!!!!! Its not healthy people under 50 that are dying. There isnt a person alive under 50 that should have the vaccine until everyone that is over 50 and wants one can have one.
Sounds like Mexicos record keeping during this fakedemic is even more suspect than Americas. Thats hard to pull off. Bravo Mexico!

Their using Dominion counting machines, preprogrammed for an outcome :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::emoji_scream:
About 2,834,000 people in the US die every year. This year 2,885,000 have died. Where are all the COVID deaths? The plandemic has apparently killed about 50K. Thats a long way off from 2 million.
I would dispute even 50,000 deaths from covid.
Even most of the elderly who reportedly died from covid actually died with covid. That is a huge distinction. If the flu was reported like that the numbers would be in the millions.
My 76 year old mother just got over the supposed covid, she is in good over all health but lives with my 82 yearild father who is a diabetic, is in congestive heart failure and has little to no immune system left. They didnt even think about hospitalizing her (she did have symptoms and was very sick for a week or so) and they refused to test my father when he had cold like symptoms a week later. Hes fine now also. Their 98 yearold neighbor had it, hes fine. Now either its not nearly as deadly as we are being led to believe ,or we were just extremely lucky, and i dont believe in luck.
I would dispute even 50,000 deaths from covid.
Even most of the elderly who reportedly died from covid actually died with covid. That is a huge distinction. If the flu was reported like that the numbers would be in the millions.
My 76 year old mother just got over the supposed covid, she is in good over all health but lives with my 82 yearild father who is a diabetic, is in congestive heart failure and has little to no immune system left. They didnt even think about hospitalizing her (she did have symptoms and was very sick for a week or so) and they refused to test my father when he had cold like symptoms a week later. Hes fine now also. Their 98 yearold neighbor had it, hes fine. Now either its not nearly as deadly as we are being led to believe ,or we were just extremely lucky, and i dont believe in luck.
I just found out that the hunting camp next to me had COVID. A bunch of 70 and 80 year olds and they all got it. One ended up in the hospital but they are all okay now. No idea why we are giving to young healthy people. I thought it didn’t prevent you from spreading the virus anyway, so the argument they won’t give it to others doesn’t hold up. It just prevents you from getting sick, I could be wrong on that one. Anyway, I am hoping it slowed the neighbors down and they shot a few less yearlings this year.
I don't mean this in a rude way - I don't understand the hesitancy for taking the vaccine.

Again, not wanting to start a fight. I genuinely do not understand.

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There's a tendency here for folks first, to disbelieve anything they're told and second, to assume that they have a better answer. Sometimes this might even be true. But I'd bet it's not the default option. Sometimes when things don't appear to make sense, but there's consensus, it's actually YOU who isn't making sense. And sometimes clarity of the message trumps other concerns...such as making exceptions for vaccine administration when somebody has had COVID. This is a huge operation. Have some sympathy for those working 18 hour days to get this thing rolled out. They're doing their best.

Interesting question: do you more readily believe someone who tells you that you're being lied to or someone who claims they're telling the truth, if both have agendas and vested interest? I bet that the answer to this question could be used as a defining hallmark for competing ideologies.
Has nothing to do with believing or not believing in covid or the vaccine ( its technically not a vaccine at this point, it is considered a biomedical trial as it has not been fully tested yet). It has to do with using your own brain and weighing options not being led by the nose by bureaucrats who DO NOT have your best interest in mind.
Look at the situation. Covid has a 99.8% survival rate. It shows no symptoms in most(which for anyone with a brain should raise many flags about the validity of the testing and/or the virus). But i should voluntarily have a vaccine injected in me that may or may not have deadly side effects? No thanks, im good.

On a side note. Sleepy Joe should have demanded commie harris had the shot at the same time as him. That may be commies ticket to the presidency!
May or may not have deadly side effects? 99.8% survival rate? Where's that? Not sure who's blog you've been reading. If you truly believe in using your brain, then look at the numbers from the vaccine trials. And look at mortality rates world wide. Opinions are like armpits.

And FYI, the numbers circulating on social media claiming that there have been few excess deaths from COVID in 2020 have been widely debunked. Again, the easiest way to convince certain people of your case is to tell them they're being lied to. You think that this isn't a recognized way to manipulate people? Do diligence, then make up your own mind- YES!!! But be sure of your facts first. Bill, you have misrepresented the facts badly. Check your sources.
Just because you choose to not see the facts in front of you does not mean they are not there.
Its undeniable, unless you have at least 1 comorbidity you will be fine.
Wait... the old rich white guy got the vaccine before his female/of color counterpart? I can't believe CNN, The Today Show, and Pelosi haven't picked up on this racism yet... they are usually quick to point this type of privilege out.

To answer the question about believing things; I tend to believe people and give most the benefit of the doubt, until I know they will lie to me. After catching a lie I become distrustful of that person (even on different topics). When Trump tried to shut down travel from China he was called a racist which made no sense to me. When he said to not make rush judgements on the protest that turned violent... that there were fine people on both sides (something I took as diplomatic and non-committal as possible) he was racist. He paid no taxes. He used Russia to change the election. The downplay of Warp Speed. Etc. I'm having a hard time not viewing media as manipulators at best. This distrust is wide spread and I'm certain it's reflected in the distrust of Covid reporting. Difficult to regain credibility. To be honest, I find it quite frightening to not have faith in the dominant information sources and at the same time know that many believe everything they say.

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There's a tendency here for folks first, to disbelieve anything they're told and second, to assume that they have a better answer. Sometimes this might even be true. But I'd bet it's not the default option. Sometimes when things don't appear to make sense, but there's consensus, it's actually YOU who isn't making sense. And sometimes clarity of the message trumps other concerns...such as making exceptions for vaccine administration when somebody has had COVID. This is a huge operation. Have some sympathy for those working 18 hour days to get this thing rolled out. They're doing their best.

Interesting question: do you more readily believe someone who tells you that you're being lied to or someone who claims they're telling the truth, if both have agendas and vested interest? I bet that the answer to this question could be used as a defining hallmark for competing ideologies.

I think it has to do with us not being sheep, and just doing what we are told, even though our government tells us it is safe. I think a vaccine that is suppose to be the cure all for a virus that hasnt even been around for 1 year yet, makes some of us think, can this really be safe? Was it tested enough so that we know the long term effects of the vaccine?

I also seem to remember Knehrke, you were one of the ones saying a vaccine will not be safe, and we need more time, defending governor Cumo for saying it is just to soon. But now "your" administration will benefit from people getting back to work, and the economy getting better, now it is the wonder drug, and dont dare question it. Kinda funny how the dems were completely against the vaccine, now they are the biggest advocates for it.

This alone should show you how bad "science" is just a political tool.
The funny thing is how no one in the media or on the other side wants to give Trump any credit for doing what they said can't be done (east bound and down! Lol)
Before the "election" it wasnt safe ,no one should take it. Now after? Completely safe. I dont care one way or the other what you decide to do. Take it or dont, whatever,no skin off my back. BUT you have no right to tell me i have to get it . Just like the stupid useless masks.
Go hide in your basement and leave the rest of us alone. Not directed at you personally Knehrke, but at government.
Seems the vaccine is irrelevant now anyway, what with the new variant in the U.K.

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