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This is the first mRNA vaccine that has made it to large scale use. I've taught this stuff to medical students for years, so I'm very aware of the potential for unanticipated interactions and adverse consequences. Hopefully the benefits outweigh these in the long term.

And this is exactly why I will give it a hard pass.

With the survival rate in my age group, and the 10 people I know that have had it
and it turning out to be a giant nothing burger.

The potentail side effects would be worse than just getting the Rona.
^^^^Oh cmon man!! I know I have always wanted to grow a third testicle. Not like the other two have wasted enough time or money in my life.
Mask, lockdowns and vaccines are all horse shit. I have been reading the real fun starts with the second Moderna shot. No form of government has ever stopped a virus. NONE

Stand aside doubters, I will be happy to take your place in line to get your dose of the vaccine.

Honestly, I hope none of you get sick, end up the hospital, or heaven forbid, even die of Covid. But, none of those options are appealing to me, so if I can reduce my chances from (pick your number) to near zero… sign me up, I’ll get it tomorrow. I’ve never been in an auto accident, but I still put my seat belt on. Just my two cents.
In MN, we have without a doubt much stricter lockdowns then all of our neighbors combined and its not even close. Bars and restaurants still open in neighboring states. We are all boarded up here and comrade AG Keith Ellison is in full attack mode for anyone that defies the unconstitutional decrees. WI has about a quarter million more people than MN, bars and restaurants open yet they have a couple hundred few corona deaths than MN.

We are all coming down from the corona spike just like they did in NYC, just like they did in FL, AZ, TX, etc. Governor dipshit and none of his executive orders did a fcuking thing except crush business, increase depression and drug use, and widen the achievement gap. Mask compliance has been nearly 100% for 3+ months. MN should have been able to show these other states how its done, but yet here we are at the top of a pile of shit. Communist ****s can all go to hell. As of today we have had 1,676 people die outside of a nursing home in a state of 5.7 million people. Nearly 100% of those 1,676 people had severe comorbidities.

And Minnesota is considerably larger than Wisconsin. Meaning the approximate 1/4 million more people living in Wisconsin are also living in closer proximity to one another.

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At my institution, we appear to be on course for early January. High risk front line staff are currently receiving Pfizer's vaccine, with the remainder of the medical center forthcoming. Our ICU is over 95% capacity, so we're in a bit of trouble. The technician in my lab is an EMT as well, and will begin working directly with COVID patients this weekend. While the vaccine can't come soon enough, I am trying to remain cautiously optimistic. This is the first mRNA vaccine that has made it to large scale use. I've taught this stuff to medical students for years, so I'm very aware of the potential for unanticipated interactions and adverse consequences. Hopefully the benefits outweigh these in the long term.

should we shoot the messenger?


Sorry,man.....i couldnt resist
I do find it amusing that burly guy's guys who don't blink to rip the guts out of a dead animal with their bare hands get night sweats thinking about being injected with a new type of vaccine lol. I'm not saying that there might not be complications, I'm just saying on the scale of risk-reward it doesn't really add up.

I'm with Apple Junkie. I'll take it ASAP, even though there may be unintended consequences. No surprise when you're tying to elicit an immune reaction that you get an immune reaction. And I suspect that I won't grow a third testicle. Although if I do, then I can adopt my porn name "Rock Bottom" and make history. Win-win.
I do find it amusing that burly guy's guys who don't blink to rip the guts out of a dead animal with their bare hands get night sweats thinking about being injected with a new type of vaccine lol. I'm not saying that there might not be complications, I'm just saying on the scale of risk-reward it doesn't really add up.

I'm with Apple Junkie. I'll take it ASAP, even though there may be unintended consequences. No surprise when you're tying to elicit an immune reaction that you get an immune reaction. And I suspect that I won't grow a third testicle. Although if I do, then I can adopt my porn name "Rock Bottom" and make history. Win-win.
I took mine Friday
I am lactating this morning

I hope everyone that wants it can get it. We all make choices.

What troubles me, is the talk of 'essential vs non-essential' has pivoted from businesses to people. In this instance, i'm glad to be a non-essential person in the eyes of the government. But the idea that the CDC and governors are now deciding who is and isn't essential is troubling. Precedent can come back to haunt a civilization. Wasn't it Sarah Palin that warned us of the independent payments advisory boards that were built into the ACA to decide who should and shouldn't receive care to preserve resources for those who were "worth treating?"

Maybe I'm overreacting? Perhaps the same people who built the ACA and the death panels will have had a change of heart as they roll back into DC and take over next month?

I find it amusing that people in academia are deathly afraid of getting a virus that 99.98% survive. The vast majority who test positive don't even have symptoms. But keep on keeping on and the virus will keep on virusining, despite masks and over reach from certain governors. FYI I'm not afraid of getting any vaccine that I think is beneficial to ME and my family.
I hope everyone that wants it can get it. We all make choices.

What troubles me, is the talk of 'essential vs non-essential' has pivoted from businesses to people. In this instance, i'm glad to be a non-essential person in the eyes of the government. But the idea that the CDC and governors are now deciding who is and isn't essential is troubling. Precedent can come back to haunt a civilization. Wasn't it Sarah Palin that warned us of the independent payments advisory boards that were built into the ACA to decide who should and shouldn't receive care to preserve resources for those who were "worth treating?"

Maybe I'm overreacting? Perhaps the same people who built the ACA and the death panels will have had a change of heart as they roll back into DC and take over next month?

and therein lie the problem

The operative term is "choice"

I believe that the individual should be free to choose and not be bound to govt. mandates that are incipiently totalitarian

I hope everyone that wants one can got it as soon as possible, and I hope those that dont want it, wont be forced to get it. This way if for some reason everyone that gets one dies in 6 months from growing a third head, the rest of us can continue with our lives. Also, if the for some reason Covid starts taking out a higher percentage of the population, like 5 times as many, so we are up to 1.5% there will be the people who chose to get the vaccine, and the other 98.5% of those that didnt to somehow still figure out howto live together.

Nature is cruel, we say it, and hear about it all the time when it comes to animals, but when populations start growing above capacities, something will always come to the rescue and knock back a certain percentage of the over populated. We may have found that tipping point for humans. I know the more and more people who inhabit this place, it is only getting worse.

I am turning 50 soon, and I really miss the carefree lifestyle of the 80's. This is a big reason why I am moving to my hunting land in 5 months.
I do find it amusing that burly guy's guys who don't blink to rip the guts out of a dead animal with their bare hands get night sweats thinking about being injected with a new type of vaccine lol. I'm not saying that there might not be complications, I'm just saying on the scale of risk-reward it doesn't really add up.

I'm with Apple Junkie. I'll take it ASAP, even though there may be unintended consequences. No surprise when you're tying to elicit an immune reaction that you get an immune reaction. And I suspect that I won't grow a third testicle. Although if I do, then I can adopt my porn name "Rock Bottom" and make history. Win-win.

If I was smart and running the show I wouldn't be vaccinating people by industry, importance or whatever other stupid metric is being used. What sense does it make to vaccinate my wife's hospital??? They have all already got the corona and brought it home to all of their families, mine included. Their masks didn't work and the test didn't lie so I am assuming their is no reason wasting and mandating my 34yo wife to take the vaccine.

Instead, if I were running the show I would go by age category. 80+ would receive the first round and I would basically cut the deaths in half assuming the vaccine works. Then 70-80 and then 60-70 and then 50-60. By the time I get everyone 70+years old vaccinated I eliminate 80+% of the deaths most likely. They are aiming this vaccine at the wrong damn targets. Here is a chart of the reported people that died in MN yesterday. This virus produces almost no risk to people under 50 other than feeling like shit for a couple days, just like every other virus. Yet here we are, demanding that a bunch of 20, 30 and 40 year old healthcare workers that already had the coronahoax take this shit or lose their jobs.

5 deer walk into a food plot. 1 shooter buck, 2 does and 2 fawns. You shoot one of the does and the other 4 deer run away. Then you say to yourself you wish you could shoot a nice buck. That’s about the equivalent of vaccinating 20-40 year old healthcare workers while all of the oldsters keep dropping like flies. These dipshits are aiming at the WRONG targets.
I find it amusing that people in academia are deathly afraid of getting a virus that 99.98% survive. The vast majority who test positive don't even have symptoms. But keep on keeping on and the virus will keep on virusining, despite masks and over reach from certain governors. FYI I'm not afraid of getting any vaccine that I think is beneficial to ME and my family.
Check your numbers. Over 10% mortality rate in Mexico. It's all context dependent. And I don't know of anyone who's afraid...except maybe my Mom who doesn't even like to go to the grocery store lol... but a simple cost benefit analysis suffices to make an educated decision. As SD says, though, it's personal choice, so long as you aren't putting others at risk. For example, doctors are going to be required to be vaccinated in order to do business at the hospital, like it or not. Which gets at a very good rational to vaccinate hospital workers first. Not to protect them, but to protect the folks they work for, the patients, who are generally quite vulnerable. Not bad reasoning IMHO.

As for the "dipshits", BS - I mean BuckSutherland - you're not entirely wrong. I'm not sure where I fall in the dipshit spectrum, but I do know that we should have established a hierarchy for vaccine administration prior to it arriving on site. It's - pardon my slang - a Chinese Fire Drill out there. But we all know that each and every one of us is better suited to making these decisions than anyone else...we're all above average, to paraphrase Garrison Keiller. I'm definitely on board with there being a better way to manage this. Not sure I'm going to subscribe to your newsletter, but opinions are like armpits, right? We all have them, and they all stink.

"shoot the messenger" still laughing so so bad.
That's unfortunate for Mexico but it isn't our problem. Or at least it won't be after the wall is complete.
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