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I think we're following hitlers' guide to domination. 1ST the government gains total control of the people and then China takes total control of everyone. Not quite etched in stone but shouldn't be overlooked as a possibilty they way things are going. Nothing will change if the people don't do something.
China wouldn't dare try to take us over until the second civil war is over. There are more privately owned guns in this country than there are people. And that't just the guns that are registered. But after were done killing each other i could see them try.
Yeah... there won't be a war.

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China wouldn't dare try to take us over until the second civil war is over. There are more privately owned guns in this country than there are people. And that't just the guns that are registered. But after were done killing each other i could see them try.

My entire family is a part of that statistic. I probably have the fewest guns of anyone in the family, and my household has 4-5 guns per person if you include my teenage son in the numbers. Don’t even get me started on ammunition.... if we dip below a few thousand rounds of 9mm, I start breaking out in hives.

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I didn't think China took control of Germany.

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Yeah---Correct, otherwise it wouldn't be Germany. Meant to be an example---guess i should have spelled that out for you. sorry.
These pics are all just photo ops. I'm pretty sure all of the people got them but who knows. I have no need for it so I won't be getting it. Not saying at risk people shouldn't get it.

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Yeah---Correct, otherwise it wouldn't be Germany. Meant to be an example---guess i should have spelled that out for you. sorry.
An example that has never happened is an interesting example to use.

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An example that has never happened is an interesting example to use.

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Obviously your a type of person that isn't able to think outside the box. And yes, i don't think you are physically trapped in a box. The example was what hitler did to take over is very similar to what our government is doing right now. Any chance you get that? Do you by chance work at the DMV?
Obviously your a type of person that isn't able to think outside the box. And yes, i don't think you are physically trapped in a box. The example was what hitler did to take over is very similar to what our government is doing right now. Any chance you get that? Do you by chance work at the DMV?

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Excellent 9th post on the forum. 7 being on the corona thread.

Elevator manager I just spoke on the phone with got his vaccine this morning. Not sure if he had to or was pressured to because he's also an EMT. My dad is 73 and says he'll be holding off on getting one for quite a while.
Kind of a slippery slope getting the shots started---give it to the people working on the front lines and hope it works well. I agree with your dad--i'm in no hurry to get that shot.
To be honest, I hope to take the shot as soon as it is available.

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Friend of mine is an EMT and he is scheduled to his tomorrow.
I probably won’t need the vaccine seeing as I currently have Covid according to the state of Pa. health dept. My wife’s 94yr old grandmother says she’s going to wait awhile before she gets one. Her reasoning was they didn’t test it enough
At my institution, we appear to be on course for early January. High risk front line staff are currently receiving Pfizer's vaccine, with the remainder of the medical center forthcoming. Our ICU is over 95% capacity, so we're in a bit of trouble. The technician in my lab is an EMT as well, and will begin working directly with COVID patients this weekend. While the vaccine can't come soon enough, I am trying to remain cautiously optimistic. This is the first mRNA vaccine that has made it to large scale use. I've taught this stuff to medical students for years, so I'm very aware of the potential for unanticipated interactions and adverse consequences. Hopefully the benefits outweigh these in the long term.
That Covid Vaccine smile...


Yes, yes... I know Bell’s Palsy can be initiated by many things.....

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