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Oh, the deep state has no place in my response lol. I am an outlier in many ways, and I only believe in doing something when it makes sense. For example, I don't see a lockdown as being productive at this point in time. And I hate masks, but I acknowledge their benefit.

But what I can't stand is an obviously biased agenda that is based on tearing down everyone else. That is reprehensible to me. You disparage Fauci, who's spent his life working for the public good. Whether you agree or disagree, how about showing some respect?

And I don't think that you misinterpreted the message. I suspect that you understand very well. It takes a willfully targeted effort to bash something so purposely.

You don't like science. I get it. Science is a process that uses evidence to develop models. It is not black and white. You are entitled to your opinion, but the constant pushing of an anti-science agenda gets old really fast. I suspect that most of the habitat-minded folks on this forum skim the content of this thread and get it immediately. Honestly, I don't know why I respond. This is not an argument I can win.

But I can't let your deeply flawed ideas go unchallenged.

Where is he deeply flawed?

Because he doesn't genuflect to the shrine of academia? Because he questions the agenda (political and otherwise) of "scientists" directing policy?

I like science but have an issue with the emotion and dogma on display from academia when one dares to question "accepted norms" such as the churches of Darwin or climate change

Shutting down for a virus that is so bad you don't even know you have it. INSANE!!!! It is running through our community now. Schools got shut down, ZERO cases in the elementary school but send everyone home? Our volleyball team has several cases. Season over. Football team has ZERO cases, season over. My wife is in quarantine because she was "Exposed" to someone that has it. NONE of the people in our community that are testing Positive have showed a single symptom. Cant wait for next week!!! It's going to be a fun four more years!!!
Our high school, shut down, distant learning only. Grade school, ONE student had tested positive, shut the entire grade school down.

My daughter is a senior this year, and she is usually a school nerd, but has become fed up, and is just skating through. Applied for college, basically they told her the last year and a half of her high school wouldnt be looked at for approval. My wife is a high school teacher, and said her A students dont give a ratsass about school anymore. Also word is out that our commie governor is planning on doing the no one fails again this year, and students have also gotten word of it. So when you have colleges telling students their grades or school effort wont matter, and the governor saying you wont fail, even if you dont show up, or turn in anything, the smart kids, are catching on, why do anything, there is no recourse. I was shopping at a local home improvement store, and saw 2 of my wifes students working, during the school day while they were suppose to be in school. Might as well make money, no sense learning, if this is no punishment for not going to school.

My wife assigned an online test, to write an essay, a few students just copied an entire 2 pages from the internet, and pasted it for their test answer. My wife caught them cheating, and gave them an F, parents got the principle, and school board involved, so my wife gave them a chance for a retake, at a C for the highest grade, 3 students signed up for the online retake, 1 never took it, 1 did the same thing, and copied the entire answer off the internet, and the 3rd person took it, and did worse on the retake. The cheater, got another F, and his parents came in and complained, and said they dont blame him, that they sat in on the test, and it was to hard for a 17 year old student.

This is what this Covid is doing to society.
Those are probably the same parents who don't realize the corona day drinking memes aren't meant to be taken seriously.
To the person who posted that "They" tried to classify George Floyd's death as a Covid death,...

Could you please realize that source,.. whatever it was is total bull. Please stop reading such fake news sites.

No one,.. ever,.. tried to do that.

The site you read that on is most likely totally garbage,. and if you are getting other info from that site,.. it is likely equally as untrustworthy.

Unfortunately the world is full of that sort of bull,.. and people believe it !!

God help us all,..

PS just for my own info,.. and others here,.. where the heck did you come up with that?
Arent you also the guy who said theres been 200K covid deaths? It goes both ways.
The cheater, got another F, and his parents came in and complained, and said they dont blame him, that they sat in on the test, and it was to hard for a 17 year old student.

That shit has been going on for a couple decades for sure, covid didn't cause it but I'm sure helped recruit more victim mentality.
That shit has been going on for a couple decades for sure, covid didn't cause it but I'm sure helped recruit more victim mentality.
The people that I know that died from covid did not get transported to the hospital for any reason other than covid,they did not get put on a ventilator for any reason other than covid, they did not die for any other reason than covid.There was the wife of our local radio DJ here and she wrote a letter to him from the hospital that even though she had been through a kidney transplant she was doing great and that wasn't what would kill her and it wasn't.Funny how we will wear a face mask to deer hunt in but balk at wearing one when it could save our life or a loved ones.Nobody can convince anyone that doesn't want to believe I just hope you don't realize it when it's too late.
I was out and about quit a bit over the last few days. I have not seen one person in a public place without a mask on. We are in a hotspot. Cases are what they say surging in this area and it’s a lot more cases than some of these other areas around the Country. There seems to be too many people that are quick to blame it on mask deniers. I just don’t see it. People are wearing the masks. Cases surge. Doesn’t seem to matter but one thing for sure people are wearing them. Cases go up regardless
The masks that everyone is wearing are not good enough to do much good for anything other than stopping someone from accidentally spitting on someone while talking. It would be nice if someone actually kept track of the flip flopping on advice from news,doctors,politicians,school policies and other forms of spreading mis information on a large scale. School districts around me make absolutely no sense in the way they are handling or should i say mishandling this whole ordeal. Never thought the entire country would get together to drink the kool aid. Seems the more it's talked about the less most people know. Brainwashing and control are 2 things that come to mind. If they masks did what they should we would be back to normal but wearing masks. No social distancing. No closing your business because you're not essential(remember when they told us who matters and who doesn't). Locking infected people with the elderly was basically a death sentence for those poor souls. UNREAL
Enjoy this thread while it lasts.

I’m getting bored with it. if I get rid of it you could threaten our advertisers with a boycott. Oh wait, never mind.

Covid is political. Period.

hell the weather is political.
Enjoy this thread while it lasts.

I’m getting bored with it. if I get rid of it you could threaten our advertisers with a boycott. Oh wait, never mind.

Covid is political. Period.

hell the weather is political.
It has to go for at least a couple weeks past the election. It will be interesting how the media pivots depending on who wins. I had another cousin die of cancer yesterday. She was 42 with three kids. My mother in law goes in for a double mastectomy next week, I will have to see if the CNN ticker goes up. That makes an aunt, two cousins, and a close friend in the last 18 months. Luckily I still don’t know anyone who has had Covid. I suspect I will because our county is surging in cases despite having mandatory masks since April. Still pro masks for going into stores but it is getting harder to make the argument they help. This virus wont be stopped without a vaccine, time to stop pretending it can be. Shut downs and masks don’t stop it. England is locking down for a month and Europe is on fire. These are the places the left shows as proof when criticizing Trump for not doing what they do. For an additional kick in the nuts the first two weeks of the rut is going to be 50’s-70.
The people that I know that died from covid did not get transported to the hospital for any reason other than covid,they did not get put on a ventilator for any reason other than covid, they did not die for any other reason than covid.There was the wife of our local radio DJ here and she wrote a letter to him from the hospital that even though she had been through a kidney transplant she was doing great and that wasn't what would kill her and it wasn't.Funny how we will wear a face mask to deer hunt in but balk at wearing one when it could save our life or a loved ones.Nobody can convince anyone that doesn't want to believe I just hope you don't realize it when it's too late.
Not sure what your referring to here, I was referring to the victim/poor me attitude when it come to hard work/homework in school and parents coming in/whining the classwork is too hard,blah, blah, blah.. Nothing I quoted to referred to wearing masks, etc. Wear a mask, I do where it's required, I encourage my folk's to stay out of public as much, and wear a mask, heart issues and age is their achilles heel.

The rest of us need to keep on living/plugging away and keep this country going, not hide and whine. If my parents catch it and God forbid pass because of it I will not blame politicians or anybody else. It's a damn virus that can't really be controlled until maybe a vaccine is developed.
It has to go for at least a couple weeks past the election. It will be interesting how the media pivots depending on who wins. I had another cousin die of cancer yesterday. She was 42 with three kids. My mother in law goes in for a double mastectomy next week, I will have to see if the CNN ticker goes up. That makes an aunt, two cousins, and a close friend in the last 18 months. Luckily I still don’t know anyone who has had Covid. I suspect I will because our county is surging in cases despite having mandatory masks since April. Still pro masks for going into stores but it is getting harder to make the argument they help. This virus wont be stopped without a vaccine, time to stop pretending it can be. Shut downs and masks don’t stop it. England is locking down for a month and Europe is on fire. These are the places the left shows as proof when criticizing Trump for not doing what they do. For an additional kick in the nuts the first two weeks of the rut is going to be 50’s-70.

much more comfortable on stand for us old guys.
much more comfortable on stand for us old guys.
I have my 14 yo daughter with me every weekend this year. It was 20 degrees yesterday and she toughed it through 2.5 hours. Maybe 50’s won’t be so bad.
What do you suppose my motives are? Do you think Faucci was mean to me in grade school?

I see what I am doing as standing up for 350 million Americans under attack by a small bought off group of political appointees masquerading as health experts. I am very much a student of science, but real science, not the phony science-for-hire grant cows that have slithered into our universities and government agencies.

How about you show some empathy for those suffering and dying in isolation? The way our children and elders are being treated grossly violates the Geneva Convention. Do you know the percentage increase in the number of psychoactive drug prescriptions written since the lockdowns began? Do you realize the enormity of the explosion in need for counseling services in 2020? Does it matter to you? Only a monster would turn a blind eye to this kind of death and human misery. What the hell is wrong with you?

What goal do we need to hit to end this tyranny?
A "gross violation of the Geneva Convention"? Okay, your rhetoric has hit heights that convince me you are on the take. Someone is paying you to stir the pot. I am calling BS. There is no way that any reasonable person could possibly conclude that I am a monster who turns a blind eye to death and human misery SIMPLY BECAUSE I THINK THEY ARE FULL OF CRAP.

For those who think that all the COVID deaths are made-up, I ask you this: did someone contrive to fabricate an infectivity plot that looks EXACTLY LIKE what you would expect from recurring waves of illness? Look at it. Do you honestly think that the co-morbidities that you're touting as being the "real" cause of death fluctuated like this? Please, be logical and think about it. Then look at fluctuations in cancer deaths, or any other form of ongoing mortality you want to consider. Then look at previous pandemics. You can't make this stuff up.


Finally, at no point did I ever venture an opinion on any of the questions raised by SD. This is a misdirection tactic. I called BS on HIM. It's called, "Hey, look over here". So you won't think about what I said. His arguments are tired, supported by questionable data, and reveal an obvious bias. Science is not an institution, it's a method. Deny the method if you like, but it's proven itself over time.

Like Bill, I'm getting bored with this nonsense. Bye now.
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A "gross violation of the Geneva Convention"? Okay, your rhetoric has hit heights that convince me you are on the take. Someone is paying you to stir the pot. I am calling BS. There is no way that any reasonable person could possibly conclude that I am a monster who turns a blind eye to death and human misery SIMPLY BECAUSE I THINK THEY ARE FULL OF CRAP.

For those who think that all the COVID deaths are made-up, I ask you this: did someone contrive to fabricate an infectivity plot that looks EXACTLY LIKE what you would expect from recurring waves of illness? Look at it. Do you honestly think that the co-morbidities that you're touting as being the "real" cause of death fluctuated like this? Please, be logical and think about it. Then look at fluctuations in cancer deaths, or any other form of ongoing mortality you want to consider. Then look at previous pandemics. You can't make this stuff up.

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Finally, at no point did I ever venture an opinion on any of the questions raised by SD. This is a misdirection tactic. I called BS on HIM. It's called, "Hey, look over here". So you won't think about what I said. His arguments are tired, supported by questionable data, and reveal an obvious bias. Science is not an institution, it's a method. Deny the method if you like, but it's proven itself over time.

Like Bill, I'm getting bored with this nonsense. Bye now.
When the numbers come out for the death toll of 2020 just compare them to the past few years and take population trends into account. That will tell you the true story. The question is will you listen?
ST,.. that data has been out there already for some time. You are just not watching the news that discusses it. Some news refuses to mention it.

We have a massive excess mortality rate in the USA from Jan 1st 2020 to Oct 2020,.. here is the data.

You do not need to wait to the end of the year to look at the data,..

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