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Got this picture sent to me. The 'rona has my wife and bambinos locked down, so my 8 year old went out and made his own fun.

A "gross violation of the Geneva Convention"? Okay, your rhetoric has hit heights that convince me you are on the take. Someone is paying you to stir the pot. I am calling BS. There is no way that any reasonable person could possibly conclude that I am a monster who turns a blind eye to death and human misery SIMPLY BECAUSE I THINK THEY ARE FULL OF CRAP.

For those who think that all the COVID deaths are made-up, I ask you this: did someone contrive to fabricate an infectivity plot that looks EXACTLY LIKE what you would expect from recurring waves of illness? Look at it. Do you honestly think that the co-morbidities that you're touting as being the "real" cause of death fluctuated like this? Please, be logical and think about it. Then look at fluctuations in cancer deaths, or any other form of ongoing mortality you want to consider. Then look at previous pandemics. You can't make this stuff up.

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Finally, at no point did I ever venture an opinion on any of the questions raised by SD. This is a misdirection tactic. I called BS on HIM. It's called, "Hey, look over here". So you won't think about what I said. His arguments are tired, supported by questionable data, and reveal an obvious bias. Science is not an institution, it's a method. Deny the method if you like, but it's proven itself over time.

Like Bill, I'm getting bored with this nonsense. Bye now.
So, nobody called me out on this comparison that sounds plausible, but is completely irrelevant? I guess most have given up on this thread. I was making a point that it's easy to propose an argument based on BS numbers, and tough to deflate these arguments faster than they can emerge. And a waste of time, apparently.

For those paying attention, the chart is infectivity, the argument is mortality. I figured if everybody's doing it, why not join in?
I'm a 51yo, healthy male, living in Wisconsin. Wisconsin department of health statistics say that those aged 50-59 who contract the disease have a 5% chance of being hospitalized, and a .35% chance of dying. Forgive me for not getting hysterical about my odds.

At this point I can't see anything the media, or the scientists say, changing my opinion. In March the scientists should have told the people who are 60yo+ or have co-morbidities, to take every step possible to prevent themselves from contracting this. And let the rest of us who aren't in danger, live our lives!
Numbers aren't always what they seem to be. My best friend's mother-in-law died this summer. The hospital categorized it as a Covid death. His wife is best friends with our County Coroner. The Coroner's office tested her and she was negative for Covid. So, just because a medical facility calls it a Covid death, I wouldn't always bet on it...
So, nobody called me out on this comparison that sounds plausible, but is completely irrelevant? I guess most have given up on this thread. I was making a point that it's easy to propose an argument based on BS numbers, and tough to deflate these arguments faster than they can emerge. And a waste of time, apparently.

For those paying attention, the chart is infectivity, the argument is mortality. I figured if everybody's doing it, why not join in?
Seriously friend, watch this video at the bottom and we can talk about the efficacy of masks. I’ve looked up many studies worldwide on masks versus viruses and every one of them says the same thing. Only a respirator would be effective at keeping the wearer safe from a virus. If the wearer is sick they are ineffective against virus transmission to others because similar to N-95 masks, they have no filter on the exhaust or exhale and would only stop large droplets. Large droplets are people spitting when they talk.
I can certainly post a bunch of global peer reviewed studies on masks and virus transmission, you just have to look pre Covid. Why pre Covid? Because in these short 9 months “new” non-peer reviewed studies pop up on Google searches that claim masks are effective against Covid. A virus is a virus, it’s much smaller than the space between the threads in our masks.
Comparable to putting up a chicken wire fence to keep mosquitoes out.

When you control the information you control what people think and how they feel. Hitler did that, China still does.
We literally just witnessed an information blackout and major censorship with the Hunter laptop, no conspiracy in ya my friend?

Believe it or not, I'm with you on masks. At best, they keep you from spitting on folks and perhaps limit your spreading aerosols. But it really depends on what the mask is made of, and for the most part I think masks instill a false sense of security. I wear one because I'm trying to be polite to those who live in fear (not me), because it's mandated by law, and because I doubt masks spread COVID lol, so it doesn't hurt. Even if they're not 100% effective, there's ample proof that viral load makes a huge difference in outcomes, with less being better (unlike that TV commercial with the two year old).

But you lost me with the Hunter laptop. I honestly don't know whether team trump planted it or whether team biden planted it themselves so that people would think that team trump did it., and laugh at them for doing something so obviously contrived. That's game theory for you. Either way, the one thing that I'm personally convinced of is that it didn't happen as has been fed to the public. Either way, it has nothing to do with COVID.

By the way, SD's Russian quote above, translated as "You cannot catch all of us" (thanks, Google), is actually really funny. I mean, t we know SD is a real habitat guy and not an actual Russian plant...habitat sites being known as hotbeds of foreign manipulation lol. I respect a sense of humor. I tried to buy one for myself, but couldn't afford it on a scientist's salary.
Believe it or not, I'm with you on masks. At best, they keep you from spitting on folks and perhaps limit your spreading aerosols. But it really depends on what the mask is made of, and for the most part I think masks instill a false sense of security. I wear one because I'm trying to be polite to those who live in fear (not me), because it's mandated by law, and because I doubt masks spread COVID lol, so it doesn't hurt. Even if they're not 100% effective, there's ample proof that viral load makes a huge difference in outcomes, with less being better (unlike that TV commercial with the two year old).

But you lost me with the Hunter laptop. I honestly don't know whether team trump planted it or whether team biden planted it themselves so that people would think that team trump did it., and laugh at them for doing something so obviously contrived. That's game theory for you. Either way, the one thing that I'm personally convinced of is that it didn't happen as has been fed to the public. Either way, it has nothing to do with COVID.

By the way, SD's Russian quote above, translated as "You cannot catch all of us" (thanks, Google), is actually really funny. I mean, t we know SD is a real habitat guy and not an actual Russian plant...habitat sites being known as hotbeds of foreign manipulation lol. I respect a sense of humor. I tried to buy one for myself, but couldn't afford it on a scientist's salary.
Masks are mandated as a way to visulize the virus as Fauci explains in the video, it also serves to shame and villify those that do not comply simply because government told them to. You want to see a mask nazi, where I live in NY is small town and everyone thinks masks are the solution and they are very much mask shamers... like "how dare you pump gas without a mask" kind of shame. It is so bizzar to see the people comply to anything the Media tells them to do, it is nothing short of subjucation. As a scientist what are your thoughts on the negative effects on a major population having to wear masks 8 hours per day for 9 months? It doesn't hurt you say?

If you are a reasonable man then you understand that Bobulinski quickly corroborated the story enough to justify it not being Fake News bud. That was nothing less than information control. The entire Trump Russia collusion thing was led with intentionally leaked partial information from the upper echelon of the FBI, Comey testified to Congress that he leaked it to his professor friend with the intent to spur the Mueller investigation... without any proof of any wrongdoing on behalf of Trump or anyone in his campaign as asserted by main stream media with all their "anonymous sources". Bobulinski is very credible and is not an anonymous source yet MSM blacked the entire story out. Ask yourself, if it were Don Jr's laptop it would be censored and blacked out? At this point you should know it wasn't "planted by team Trump" because the FBI has it and has had it for over a year, and NOW that Bobulinski has gone public the FBI decides it is time to take his statement? Nothing fishy there, but they quickly determined that the noose in Bubba's garage wasn't a racial thing in less then a week lol
At what point do you realize that money and power only seeks more money and power my friend? It is designed to pit us against ourselves because together we stand, divided we fall.

Remember just a few short years they could say "nobody is coming for your guns"? Today Biden openly says "Bingo, nobody needs an AR".
Man Made Climate Change? As a scientist you would tear apart those non transparent studies. I did, you don't have to be a scientist to know the methods should be transparent if you want people to believe in your conclusions, but when you have to sue for the methodology only to find things like they cut down hundreds of trees in Russia to only cite 1 in the report to form Mann's hockey stick, you know its BS science. I have many other points to the Climate Change study but won't bore the group more than I already have with it, just venting at this point lol
People think the government is corrupt but only Team Trump is corrupt, the other side is great.

Gosh I can go off on a tangent lol sorry guys I really wanted to type more lolol
I'll wait till the year is over but thanks. There will be more information that comes out about the people that could not get life saving treatments because of shutdowns, Suicides, drug overdoses, and what not all. The numbers will eventually be looked at and hopefully we will get an accurate count of the people that ACTUALLY DIED FROM COVID NOT WITH. The vast majority of the people in nursing homes should not be counted as COVID deaths either. MOST people go to the nursing home for one reason and its not for treatments that help them return home.
Pfizer vaccine timeline has been openly posted for many months (since back in the summer) and this is exactly when they said phase 3 trials would be concluded.

Do you folks even research your theory's/suspicions,.. or is it a just a gut feeling type of thing you post on?

Cause I actually thought the same thing as H2O,.. BUT!!! ,.. I had a curiosity and looked it up,.. found out my suspicion was incorrect.

I wondered how long it would be until someone would come outta the woodwork on this thread,.. Got my answer!
Ask Cuomo about the timeline. He is not considering any effective vaccines until Biden takes office. Now that is political. He said it again yesterday. The vaccine came out too early because Biden won’t take office until January. What a guy.
Pfizer vaccine timeline has been openly posted for many months (since back in the summer) and this is exactly when they said phase 3 trials would be concluded.

Do you folks even research your theory's/suspicions,.. or is it a just a gut feeling type of thing you post on?

Cause I actually thought the same thing as H2O,.. BUT!!! ,.. I had a curiosity and looked it up,.. found out my suspicion was incorrect.

I wondered how long it would be until someone would come outta the woodwork on this thread,.. Got my answer!

Exactly the response I would expect from you.

Check it out. The facts are there. You can try to politicize everything, but in the end the virus is a virus, it's a worldwide problem, and it could give a crap about the election. It's not going away because Biden won (which I've read ad nauseum). There are over 200 vaccines in trial. There will be lots of results to parse through. One of our best, a Nobel prize laureate this year, has developed a fast and inexpensive detection method using CRISPR. Not political.

I get that there's so much disinformation out there, it's tough to figure out what's real, what's not, what's just agenda, and there's fatigue with all this to boot. But sometimes it's just science.

That is exactly the response I would expect from you!

More damn facts and data that don't agree with my preconceived world view! PFuey!

Many of us said Covid will be over shortly after the election on November 3rd many many times, you all thought we were crazy conspiracy guys and openly said so.

Now you say what again?

Because what I am NOT hearing is "you guys were right" or "you guys might be on to something" we are back to "we are conspiracy guys"

Just sayin...
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We never said the virus will be gone. How it is handled will change drastically pending election results.
No the pandemic will not be over,.. it is going to get much worse in the Winter. The experts who study contagious disease, and computer modeling that so far has been accurate forecast a really bad winter for Covid. North Dakota just hit 100% ICU beds occupied. Good luck to the folks who have a heart attack finding an ICU bed. This type of situation will likely spread to other states.

The vaccine that Pfizer has will not be widely available to folks like me and you,.. until probably late spring or early summer. I just learned the vaccine has to be stored at -80 degrees F. Holy cow no wonder they are saying military might need to involved with distribution of it.

The announcement from Pfizer on this 90% efficacy,.. will have no impact on Covid for a long time to come.

I hope the scientists who study this stuff and the computer models are wrong,. but if I was a betting man I would put my money on them over Twitter any day.

I totally agree with ST,.. how this pandemic will be handled,.. is totally depended on the election. Each Candidate has wildly different views on how to handle it. But ST, many here said it would be gone after the election and openly implied it was a fake story crafted and ginned up in the news ,.. to hurt our President.
In my experience it isn’t ANY different than the common cold. This is coming from friends, family, and coworkers that have had it. All were just fine after about 3-4 days without any medical treatment. Just like if you caught a cold in 2018.

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Hey Troubles, nobody is arguing that the handling of the pandemic will differ with a different administration. However, the implication was that the numbers were inflated to doom Trump, and that reality would emerge following the election. And of course nobody knew whether the administration would change or not. So I guess the jury is still out.

But when the virus gets worse over the winter and things decline rather than improve - literally the opposite of "COVID will disappear after election day" - I hope that you are able to say, "you were right", as well. Not. Political.

And if it somehow magically disappears (although I suspect that Europe could give a crap about our election as regards their ballooning crisis), then I will certainly say, "you guys were onto something".


As for it not being any different from the common cold: what world are you living on? Seriously? That demeans everyone who has lost their life to this thing. I'm so glad that your personal experience is more revealing than the consensus opinion of the world's foremost experts, who've trained for YEARS to evaluate stuff like this. Bet I can guess what your response to that is going to be...
Historically speaking this wouldn't be the first time. If you aren't sure what I am talking about I will list a few off the top of my head below, sometimes I forget that younger folks are completely unaware these things happen. Do you guys think the government generally has American's best interest at heart? If so, I feel inclined to remind you that Adam Schiff is still the Chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence despite his many false accusations regarding Trump, how did that Russian Collusion work out?
Did James Clapper who was Head of the DNI prove his integrity in all his remarks on CNN?
From "Russian President Vladimir Putin “knows how to handle an asset, and that’s what he’s doing with Trump."
To his statement shortly after Mueller testified: “I don’t know if I received bad information, but I think I suspected there was more than there actually was,” Brennan said.

Tuskegee Project
MK Ultra
Holmesberg 1961
Project Stargate
Dugway Proving Ground
Operation Sea Spray
Montauk NY

This Wikipedia is a pretty large file when you start clicking around to each of them, it starts off with:
"Numerous experiments performed on human test subjects in the United States have been considered unethical, as they were performed illegally or without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of the test subjects. Such tests have occurred throughout American history, but particularly in the 20th century. The experiments include the exposure of humans to many chemical and biological weapons (including infection with deadly or debilitating diseases), human radiation experiments, injection of toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation and torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on children,[1] the sick, and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of "medical treatment". In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects was poor, racial minorities, or prisoners. Many of these experiments violated US law. Some others were sponsored by government agencies or rogue elements thereof, including the Centers for Disease Control, the United States military, and the Central Intelligence Agency, or by private corporations involved with military activities.[2][3][4] The human research programs were usually highly secretive and performed without the knowledge or authorization of Congress, and in many cases information about them was not released until many years after the studies had been performed."

I could post facts all day long but like everyone else I talk to, people already have their minds made up before I say anything and nothing would ever change that.
Power and money always seeks more power and more money.
I am at peace with people thinking I am a conspiracy guy even though I offer researchable facts as evidence.
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