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It obviously isn’t going to disappear. However things will change drastically depending on which candidate gets elected.

It is being made political because of fear. Not fear of the virus but fear of not being elected.

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I see it as a media thing. Trump wins and the daily talk will be how awful everything is and we all suck. Biden win and the media tells us we are now handling it better than any other country. The virus won't change, our daily lecture of how we are supposed to feel will.

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My state has been on lock down of some form or other since April. My kids go to school 1 day a week. My 9th grader is teaching her self physics. I still don’t personally know anyone that has had it. I do know multiple people that have died or are dying from cancer in that same time period. 10 million people die from that every year. Why doesn‘t CNN run their death counter on cancer all day. If you are worried about it stay home. Everyone else wear a mask in public and deal with it. If you want to take a vaccine when they are out, have at it. There is no stopping this virus, hide if you are scared or at risk, everyone else has a right to assume the risk and get on with their life.

All this^^^^^^
The virus isn’t going away. The way it’s reported is..

God I hope so anyway!
My step daughter almost died this past week, she is a Type 1diabetic, and she went into keto acidosis, her PH was 6.5, and her body temp was 88 degrees when she was admitted to the hospital. I guess she has been sleeping for the past 3 days. The hospital would let just one person into to see her, and it had to be that same person the entire time, no switching out. So my wife was the only person that was able to see her. The hospital that she was brought to, had to transport her to a bigger hospital, but transfer isnt quick and easy, so the first hospital had to just try to stabilize her, then wait for a transfer to take place. She is much better now. Her blood sugars are back down to almost normal. But the point of the story was, she was very close to death, the Dr said she wouldnt have made it another hour, yet the rest of the family, including her father, wasnt able to see her.

Damn, I'm glad to read she is getting better. That is scary stuff.
The rona has been a very bad thing for folks with serious preexisting conditions they need to take every precaution they can until a good legit vaccine comes out. I hope it is soon.
That graph looks a lot better than looking state by state to see where things are bad and getting worse. Add Halloween parties, Big 10 football parties, Thanksgiving and Christmas, things could be pretty bleak by the time the first vaccines doses are available.
That graph looks a lot better than looking state by state to see where things are bad and getting worse. Add Halloween parties, Big 10 football parties, Thanksgiving and Christmas, things could be pretty bleak by the time the first vaccines doses are available.
We don't have to wait for a vaccine to be safe. We can get back to being land of the free and home of the brave now.

They are available now. I will only accept criticism from someone that wears one of these 24/7 until the deadly global coronavirus pandemic is snuffed out. Anything less is selfish and risks the lives of our comrades, especially millennials.

Maybe instead of the White House saying we can't control the pandemic, they could cancel the ventilator contracts with GM and Ford and have them start cranking out those SCUBA jobbies. Then there wouldn't be any worries about staff and families bringing Covid into those vulnerable populations.
My step daughter almost died this past week, she is a Type 1diabetic, and she went into keto acidosis, her PH was 6.5, and her body temp was 88 degrees when she was admitted to the hospital. I guess she has been sleeping for the past 3 days. The hospital would let just one person into to see her, and it had to be that same person the entire time, no switching out. So my wife was the only person that was able to see her. The hospital that she was brought to, had to transport her to a bigger hospital, but transfer isnt quick and easy, so the first hospital had to just try to stabilize her, then wait for a transfer to take place. She is much better now. Her blood sugars are back down to almost normal. But the point of the story was, she was very close to death, the Dr said she wouldnt have made it another hour, yet the rest of the family, including her father, wasnt able to see her.

Just an update, my step daughter is now home with us. They let her go home Saturday. She has gone through this before, just not to this extent. She is a terrible diabetic, she is 23 years old, and with the Covid stuff, she has been depressed, and hasnt been able to get all her meds, because of Dr's being shifted and moved around, and new Dr's always want to see her and reevaluate, and that isnt really an easy task. Her insurance company keeps changing her insulin, and making her try different things. This last time, the pump, and insulin was approved, but test strips were denied, so the Dr canceled the presciption until she could get back in to be examined again. You cant just stop a diabetics insulin, they need it!
This was Mayo in Rochester MN.
My good fellow, you play fast and loose with your numbers. If you went from 1% to 3%, that's a 300% increase in your chance of dying. If you go from 75% to 80%, that's a 4% increase.

And despite those numbers - 4% increased rate vs. 300% - I'd still rather be in the first group!!

Bottom line: highest increased percentage DOES NOT equate to highest risk. You've got to stop. Please talk to someone. Not everything is a lie, a coverup, or aimed at controlling you.
Are you not reading my posts? I just did.

There's lies, damn lies, and statistics.

And I am not a pro-panic guy by any means. In fact, I'm the voice of moderation in our medical community. It's only someone on an extreme who would think that way.
They are available now. I will only accept criticism from someone that wears one of these 24/7 until the deadly global coronavirus pandemic is snuffed out. Anything less is selfish and risks the lives of our comrades, especially millennials.

View attachment 32384

Hey now we’re on to something. Make this bad boy a full body suit and gentlemen we are scent free in the world of deer!

I just hope if they do it has a way open it up to take a leak......
Might have to reverse the purifier fan so it purifies the air leaving. And chili is out of the question!
Are you not reading my posts? I just did.

There's lies, damn lies, and statistics.

And I am not a pro-panic guy by any means. In fact, I'm the voice of moderation in our medical community. It's only someone on an extreme who would think that way.

Are you referring to my post about 100,000 additional non-rona deaths caused by the lockdowns in people not in the 75+ column I quoted directly from the CDC?

You didn’t cite anything. You put on a 7th grade math demonstration. Are you accusing me of being a liar or intentionally trying to harm people by misinforming? If so, what motives would you then also pin on me?

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Knerke, I want you to be right. I can't tell you how badly I want to be wrong. I want somebody, anybody to illustrate to me that the response we're on is saving the greatest amount of life, all life, including those impacted by the response. I want to believe the fine people of the mainstream media, politicians, and communication police have a unified goal of preserving life.
Are you not reading my posts? I just did.

There's lies, damn lies, and statistics.

And I am not a pro-panic guy by any means. In fact, I'm the voice of moderation in our medical community. It's only someone on an extreme who would think that way.

Torture the numbers until they tell you what you want to hear

Are you referring to my post about 100,000 additional non-rona deaths caused by the lockdowns in people not in the 75+ column I quoted directly from the CDC?

You didn’t cite anything. You put on a 7th grade math demonstration. Are you accusing me of being a liar or intentionally trying to harm people by misinforming? If so, what motives would you then also pin on me?

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None of the above. Like you, I want to believe (aka Fox Mulder lol). It's tough at times. But if my math demonstration was appropriate for a 7th grader, then why is it so hard to grasp? I'm a numbers guy. Like TreeDaddy, I know all the different ways to torture them. I call BS on bad science for a career. My point, which really shouldn't be contentious, is that it's better to have a 4% chance of dying than a 75% chance of dying, even if the "relative rate of increase" is greater in the 4% bracket over the past few months. This is what we call a ceiling effect (sorry if this is grade school, but it bears emphasizing). It is not a difficult concept, and I can't imagine anyone wanting to debate it. So, why the grief? I can only conclude because you can't let somebody else be right if it means you were wrong.

As for why misinformation is so prevalent on the internet and whether you contribute to it, only you would know. I have no idea who you are. But you can look me up anytime - my information is public. My only agenda is health care and the science of medicine.
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