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I was training a guy at work. He rode in my vehicle for 8 hours on Friday the 9th. He seemed well. That night he got symptoms and tested positive on the 10th. I was ordered into quarantine. Thank God it's over after tomorrow. Healthy as a horse, take more than the China virus to get me down. Health Dept. said mask or no mask still have to quarantine. Apparently, they have no confidence in the masks they order everyone to wear.
I’m sorry, I live in ground zero “almost” Philly is 35 minutes away, NYC is 1:30 I’m alive and over it.
Sure I’ll wear a damn mask at wawa (regional thing) and Walmart because I’m polite.
Getting on a plane tomorrow for the 5th time since June and I’m just a bit PO’d that I skipped April and May.

this thing ends in 13 days!
I sure hope it ends in 13 days,.. but case loads across the country are on a major uptick so I think those hopeful thoughts are not likely to come to fruition.

I hope the scientists at the CDC are wrong on their predictions of the worst is to come in the next 2 to 3 months.

If the so called experts are correct,.. This will also be exactly how the 1918 pandemic played out also.

It is interesting to see SD's info on excess deaths this last year,.. the normal deaths rates per year and see data on what we have now. The excess death rates seems to fit reported deaths and it matches what my sister (nurse at Brigham and Women's) said that a typical covid death at home of an old person is not reported as a covid death. When an old person dies at home they do not usually do an autopsy or test for covid.

She says covid deaths are under reported and that matches CDC data.

Folks that say only 10,000 people have died from covid are likely very incorrect.
If you don’t think this is all political you really have your head buried in the sand. That’s why people talk of this all ending after the election

Any Trump rally ( all outside by the way ) are super-spreader events so say the media and Democrats However 10s of thousands of protesters in the streets daily is not according the the media and the Governors who march with them. All political nonsense

South Dakota had 10 cases. Then went to 20. breaking headline news, SD has 100% increase. Surge, spike are words they throw around constantly Numbers always sensationalized . All for hype and political polarization

Mr science and numbers guy Cuomo, who actually had time to write a book during NYS economic collapse still Has the worst record on virus numbers. He has said from the beginning we will follow the numbers. Science will dictate what we do. Now that his buddies, Wolfe of PA and Murphy of NJ are surpassing his threshold for travel advisory he’s looking at alternatives because it would cause too much hardship. Really!!!! He’s now looking at different Countries around the World to see if there’s ways to get around the science. Hypocritical politics is what it is.

Remdesivir, highly touted by Fauci has now has been beaten down by the WHO It doesn’t do a thing they say. These experts on any side or organization are just flying blind and bewildered. They really have no clue. Any of them. As I posted earlier. We had an outbreak in a nursing home here. 15 employees. None have symptoms and 78 residents. Only a few have minor symptoms. According to the news it the most devastating event ever. More restrictions to come says the Governor. Yeah ok, I think most people are on to Cuomo now
I sure hope it ends in 13 days,.. but case loads across the country are on a major uptick so I think those hopeful thoughts are not likely to come to fruition.

I hope the scientists at the CDC are wrong on their predictions of the worst is to come in the next 2 to 3 months.

If the so called experts are correct,.. This will also be exactly how the 1918 pandemic played out also.

It is interesting to see SD's info on excess deaths this last year,.. the normal deaths rates per year and see data on what we have now. The excess death rates seems to fit reported deaths and it matches what my sister (nurse at Brigham and Women's) said that a typical covid death at home of an old person is not reported as a covid death. When an old person dies at home they do not usually do an autopsy or test for covid.

She says covid deaths are under reported and that matches CDC data.

Folks that say only 10,000 people have died from covid are likely very incorrect.
If Biden gets in, the Coronavirus tallies will end. He has a plan, and with his special powers (from his basement) he will stop the CV dead in it's tracks. The guy is simply amazing, his teleprompter speech in Michigan with fake car legendary.... 47 years of experience with squash this bug!
Death rates in the US are up 1.12%
Same as last year almost in line with the increase per year give or take for the last seventy years as the population increases.

I think the Rona is a real threat but mostly for people with preexisting health conditions.
IMO it is highly political... a way to try and beat Trump in the election yes, but more as a way to get the American public in line and to act like sheep.
I still say the same corrupt deep state is using the Rona as a trial run to lay groundwork to go after the 1st and 2nd amendment, force public health care, vaccines and whatever else they want down our throats.
It has been unbelievable how easily and quickly people have given up some of their rights and freedoms in the USA without it even being legal. Very scary times we are living in and we as a country need to take a hard look at what the state and federal governments have gotten away with on our watch.
13 days the ticker board on the news ends.

Bush had military deaths in the middle east with tickers on the news every night.
Trump had corona deaths on the ticker until the number wouldn’t help the narrative so it switched to cases.

I’m ready for political ads to end and corona everywhere all the time to end.

13 days....
Pandemic fatigue and election fatigue all at the same time.
My step daughter almost died this past week, she is a Type 1diabetic, and she went into keto acidosis, her PH was 6.5, and her body temp was 88 degrees when she was admitted to the hospital. I guess she has been sleeping for the past 3 days. The hospital would let just one person into to see her, and it had to be that same person the entire time, no switching out. So my wife was the only person that was able to see her. The hospital that she was brought to, had to transport her to a bigger hospital, but transfer isnt quick and easy, so the first hospital had to just try to stabilize her, then wait for a transfer to take place. She is much better now. Her blood sugars are back down to almost normal. But the point of the story was, she was very close to death, the Dr said she wouldnt have made it another hour, yet the rest of the family, including her father, wasnt able to see her.
Holly crap!! That's scary stuff. Glad to hear she is recovering.
IS that a common thought here,.. that this pandemic is just going to disappear after the election? I am very curious? Sorta like when you look at a car wreck as you drive by.

You all realize this is world wide right,.??. and has nothing to do with our elections, british elections, german elections ,.. etc etc etc. You all think the entire world is faking this??

Smacks head,.. I am stunned ,..

Is this like a Facebook thing or what? Where do you folks come up with this stuff ? Good lord people!
It will be nice though if you are correct when those folks filling up the ICU in hospitals in Green Bay . Those folks who need help breathing just leave after the election. The election is over! and all these folks nearly dead go "Oh great we can get the heck outta here" They can just rip out their breathing tubes and walk out!

I guess we will all have to wait and see what happens LOLOL

Maybe you guys are right and I am wrong ,..
It obviously isn’t going to disappear. However things will change drastically depending on which candidate gets elected.

It is being made political because of fear. Not fear of the virus but fear of not being elected.

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I see it as a media thing. Trump wins and the daily talk will be how awful everything is and we all suck. Biden win and the media tells us we are now handling it better than any other country. The virus won't change, our daily lecture of how we are supposed to feel will.

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It will be nice though if you are correct when those folks filling up the ICU in hospitals in Green Bay . Those folks who need help breathing just leave after the election. The election is over! and all these folks nearly dead go "Oh great we can get the heck outta here" They can just rip out their breathing tubes and walk out!

I guess we will all have to wait and see what happens LOLOL

Maybe you guys are right and I am wrong ,..
My state has been on lock down of some form or other since April. My kids go to school 1 day a week. My 9th grader is teaching her self physics. I still don’t personally know anyone that has had it. I do know multiple people that have died or are dying from cancer in that same time period. 10 million people die from that every year. Why doesn‘t CNN run their death counter on cancer all day. If you are worried about it stay home. Everyone else wear a mask in public and deal with it. If you want to take a vaccine when they are out, have at it. There is no stopping this virus, hide if you are scared or at risk, everyone else has a right to assume the risk and get on with their life.
It will be nice though if you are correct when those folks filling up the ICU in hospitals in Green Bay . Those folks who need help breathing just leave after the election. The election is over! and all these folks nearly dead go "Oh great we can get the heck outta here" They can just rip out their breathing tubes and walk out!

I guess we will all have to wait and see what happens LOLOL

Maybe you guys are right and I am wrong ,..
When the speech cops censored actual doctors trying to help, I got suspicious. When it went political, I knew we'd be fine. The boobs running this thing have been caught countlesss times screwing up or falsifying the data on cases and deaths. Are people still dying? You bet. Deadly global pandemic? Not so much.

You gotta ignore a lot of facts if you think the lockdowns aren't causing way more death, despair, developmental damage to kids, and economic damage to people than the deadly global coronavirus pandemic. And for what? Why is it political now? Why aren't blue state governors sending emissaries to red states to find out how they were able to open back up?

Why, despite half the country going on with life, half the country cannot because the wrong party occupies their governor's mansion? Why aren't we celebrating the fact we beat Osterholm's 3 million dead prediction by 93%, and in reality, 99.6%? Until actual doctors and scientists are allowed to speak freely and help understand why 98% of people haven't gotten this, and why 98% of those that have, were unaware or unaffected, I won't be running around with my hair on fire.

I am pleased to know that the government scientists that said my cat would get this were wrong on that as well.
My step daughter almost died this past week, she is a Type 1diabetic, and she went into keto acidosis, her PH was 6.5, and her body temp was 88 degrees when she was admitted to the hospital. I guess she has been sleeping for the past 3 days. The hospital would let just one person into to see her, and it had to be that same person the entire time, no switching out. So my wife was the only person that was able to see her.

crap! Glad everything worked out.
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