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maybe you could give your opinion on why NY is an outlier here with so many more deaths than these other States. Some have now the same number of cases that NY had with half or quarter of the deaths. It wasn’t just NYC. Buffalo and Rochester had a lot of deaths back in March through May. Cases here in Western NY showed many hospitalized back then. Cases continue but hospitalizations are almost non existent here. So I’m having a hard time wrapping around the fact that we are better at treating it There just isn’t near the hospitalizations that there were. Treatment may be better but overall people aren’t being hospitalized any where near the level back in March. How can one say better treatment is causing lower deaths when the fact is people are less and less treated now than ever before My non professional opinion. Something has changed with the virus itself.
Right you are!! And it wasn't just NY, it was worldwide. Genomic sequence tracing has indicated a vast upswing in the number of infections from a viral mutant in the stalk region of the protein that allows it to enter your cells, which could impact its severity. So, that's one hypothesis. The other is that there were just so many undiagnosed cases in the early going because of lack of testing that the actual mortality rate was much less than has been reported. That hypothesis is being tested by looking at host antibody production in the general population. I also think that it's likely that older Americans are being much wiser now, too, since they're the most at risk.

Personally, I have concerns regarding the sensitivity of the "recommended" PCR test. This is based on my expertise, as it's something I do every day. Bear with me here. A positive readout has been set at a Ct, or theshhold cycle, of 40. Each cycle is the number of amplifications that are run and will result in a doubling of the product (2 becomes 4 becomes 8 becomes 16, etc...). So, a lower Ct means that the target is more abundant, because it takes less cycles of amplification to detect. Conversely, a higher Ct means a less abundant target. In real terms, this means that a person could test positive, but have so little target as to be physiologically meaningless. Maybe this is why we have so many asymptomatic cases? Treating a Ct of 20 (watch out, that person is going viral) and a Ct of 40 (likely no live virus) exactly the same is IMHO ridiculous. We should be reporting actual Ct and normalizing for sample content, as well.

I suspect that the clarity of the message trumps potential inaccuracies, and it's better to report a false positive than a false negative from a public health standpoint. Or so I've heard given as a rationale. As anyone who follows this thread knows, I'm a firm believer in evidence based medicine - but I'm beginning to get exasperated at the escalating restrictions, even as the situation improves. We should take a page out of Taiwan's book. They acted preemptively and eased restrictions as they became unnecessary.

In the meantime, I've got bucks to go harass. We just finished submitting a huge clinical training grant, and I'm due some R&R.

Do the PCR May also be picking up dead virus?

I think this extra testing is all a political ploy.

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I don't know I have had people I know die and my best friends daughter survived but spent a week in ICU and she was just a normal healthy 27 year old
I don't know I have had people I know die and my best friends daughter survived but spent a week in ICU and she was just a normal healthy 27 year old
Me too. Makes a guy really wish they'd let the doctors run this instead of politicians and social media overlords.
Number of folks killed by asteroid across USA,.. ZERO

Number of folks dead from COVID,.. 200,000+

I am sticking with the mask. We are all entitled to our own math and probabilities though.
We are. My math and the CDC's math says only about 12,000 actually had Covid as the only cause of death.
Number of folks killed by asteroid across USA,.. ZERO

Number of folks dead from COVID,.. 200,000+

I am sticking with the mask. We are all entitled to our own math and probabilities though.

‘When Trump got the virus, the media and others said it was his reckless behavior as why he got it. No masks they say. They said 11 people at the Rose Garden got it and it was a superspreader event They say. Here locally we just had a nursing home have an outbreak. 47 people over the weekend. Now the details. These people are the most locked down and regulated people on Earth. They have been not allowed visitors since March, All employees are tested twice a week with STRICT PROTOCOL every safety measure created by the Government is applied. Yet, how did this happen? You can say masks reduce the spread and protect you all you want. Doesn’t work. when People that are locked down and so protected with every gov reg out there Get infected. Your mask out in the real every day World isn’t going to help you or anyone else.
Masks are causing more harm than good. It's the false sense of security stemming from two people wearing them, believing they are not a threat to one another. It's weird because masks don't protect the person wearing them. They protect the other person. If two people are in close proximity and both are wearing masks, are neither of them protected from the other even though they aren't a threat to the other?

oh no.jpg
Good 'ol taxing timmy has gone mad with power here in Minnesota---can't be stopped apparently. Another 30 days of government protection to protect the people from themselves. What a shit show.
Good 'ol taxing timmy has gone mad with power here in Minnesota---can't be stopped apparently. Another 30 days of government protection to protect the people from themselves. What a shit show.
Nobody was a better gun salesman than Obama. Nobody is going to do to more to turn MN red than Walz, Omar, and the MPLS city council.
Oh but we aren’t the only crazies!!! Ck out what Shockey writes. This is Canada for goodness sakes!! In the Yukon for goodness sakes!! Flew in by helicopter to make sure they following the “Fn guidelines “{ to quote our governor } for goodness sakes!!! I’ve hunted there in the past , talk about social distancing before that was a current phrase.


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What next?
Huge news from the frontlines of the fight against the deadly global coronavirus pandemic. Our therapies and immunities have evolved immensely in just a few short months to win this war against the invisible enemy. In that same time we've also defeated the flu, and even before this season's guess at a vaccine came out. We were projected to lose 3 million people to this virus. The president has beaten their projection by a factor of 10. If everything bad is his fault, we must also give him credit for winning the war on the rona.

“A tantalizing mystery has emerged,” and that is the death toll is not accompanying the new peak in reported cases. So the experts are out there running around scratching their heads, asking, “Why aren’t we seeing the same crushing death tolls in hot spots that we saw in the spring?

“Deaths are rising in Europe from their summer lows … but they’re nowhere near the gory levels of April even though both countries,” it’s the U.K. and France we’re talking about here, “are setting records in the number of daily cases.” The bottom line here is the fatality rates from COVID are dropping sharply everywhere.

And of course, the scientists are scratching their heads and trying to figure out why. It doesn’t make sense, especially with all of their model projections that were projecting mass deaths in a manner that we wouldn’t be able to tolerate. Oh, it was gonna be horrible!

And the deaths are just not happening commensurate with the reported number of cases, which is ultimately great news, considering what it could be. I think it just… We know so much more about the virus. We certainly know much more about how to treat it, how to deal with it — and this is, I think, abundantly clear. Folks, there’s reason for optimism.
More rona news, this time straight from the CDC.

The growth in the number of non-rona deaths of healthy people exceeded the growth in the number of deaths of elderly from the deadly global coronavirus pandemic. When you account for the chicanerism of the "died with" vs the "died from," the government response killed ten healthy people for every one 75+ YO the rona took.

While 200k of the 300k excess deaths have been directly attributed to COVID-19, researchers suspect that the other 100,000 excess deaths were indirectly caused by COVID-19: For example, they might have been drug overdoses or suicides brought on by depression, or a fatal stroke caused by a lack of testing availability.

Unsurprisingly, the greatest number of excess deaths was recorded among the elderly population, which saw an additional 95,000 people between the ages of 75 to 84 pass away this year. That's 21.5% larger than in a normal year.

But the biggest increase, up 26.5%, was in people ages 25 to 44.

I'm in the 25-44 age demo. That puts me at the highest risk of anyone from the deadly global coronavirus pandemic, higher than those aged 75+.
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