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I LOVE South Park. Oh, Canada...blame Canada.
I'm just pissed it got pulled of of Hulu. Where are you guys watching it? South Park studios again? I'll have to look around I LOVE south park.
30 minutes from now...

I'm just pissed it got pulled of of Hulu. Where are you guys watching it? South Park studios again? I'll have to look around I LOVE south park.
I DVR'd it on Sling.
I see the Fake News is reporting the President caught the China Flu. Probably just more propaganda pushing people to wear useless masks and keep him from holding huge rallies.
Ya agreed fake news,.. the Covid is mostly over according to Trump time to get back to normal open everything up. Our Prez has us all well protected, his inner circle is well protected, as are his loved ones. Don't worry. Carry on.

Hey if Trump can get away with not wearing a mask you all can too ! Of course he does have a bit more protection than most of us do,.. but I am sure the we will all be fine.
It seems whenever we hear news that we don’t like it’s “Fake News”. It used to be when I heard a news report, I could be quite confident the reporter had done his/her job and verified its accuracy. No more… since so much news now is just bull shite pandering to one side or another, telling them what they want to hear, regardless of accuracy. So, when I hear President Trump has Covid, I am naturally skeptical. But it appears the source of this information is from President and Mrs. Trump themselves via Twitter (which I don’t have). I assume some of you follow the President on Twitter. If so, can you confirm if this is accurate news, or fake news. Much appreciated.
Never mind... if CNN and FOX agree on something, it must be accurate. Wishing both a speedy recovery.
If there was a poll on who is the worst forum member, my money would be on Belcher to win.

Have you ever posted anything habitat related? Everything I've ever read with your name attached is mostly political garbage.
Well then you must not read the habitat form all that much,.. cause I just posted a thread there last week?

I also do not insult other members here like you ,.. because my political view is not the same as mine.
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Well if he doesn’t have symptoms it’s just like everyone else and same as first responders and pro athletes. If you don’t have a fever for three days then 2 negative tests and he’s back on the campaign trail
Well if he doesn’t have symptoms it’s just like everyone else and same as first responders and pro athletes. If you don’t have a fever for three days then 2 negative tests and he’s back on the campaign trail

The only reason most people "dont have covid" is because we havent been tested. I'm guessing there is a good reason for them coming out with this news. I would bet it's buying more time before incriminating evidence is brought forward on some folks in high power.
Can you imagine them not coming out with it. The media would go more nuts than they are now. I don’t think they have a choice politically
Restricting the spread of the deadly global coronavirus pandemic over summer will prove to have been genius. This will be infinitely easier to cure over the winter.

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Well now there, I might have to disagree with you lol. From the beginning, I said it would be better to get it later than sooner - just like you don't want to be the one beta-testing a new model until the bugs are worked out. Restricting the spread of the virus gave us a chance to figure out how to combat it more effectively. You noticed the decline in mortality and complications? That's not an accident. So yeah, you can call it genius. I call it SOP.
maybe you could give your opinion on why NY is an outlier here with so many more deaths than these other States. Some have now the same number of cases that NY had with half or quarter of the deaths. It wasn’t just NYC. Buffalo and Rochester had a lot of deaths back in March through May. Cases here in Western NY showed many hospitalized back then. Cases continue but hospitalizations are almost non existent here. So I’m having a hard time wrapping around the fact that we are better at treating it There just isn’t near the hospitalizations that there were. Treatment may be better but overall people aren’t being hospitalized any where near the level back in March. How can one say better treatment is causing lower deaths when the fact is people are less and less treated now than ever before My non professional opinion. Something has changed with the virus itself.
The fact of the matter is the vast majority of the people that “died of COVID” were going to die no matter what by now. The cases are just as high if not higher and it is proving that there is nothing to worry about!!!

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maybe you could give your opinion on why NY is an outlier here with so many more deaths than these other States. Some have now the same number of cases that NY had with half or quarter of the deaths. It wasn’t just NYC. Buffalo and Rochester had a lot of deaths back in March through May. Cases here in Western NY showed many hospitalized back then. Cases continue but hospitalizations are almost non existent here. So I’m having a hard time wrapping around the fact that we are better at treating it There just isn’t near the hospitalizations that there were. Treatment may be better but overall people aren’t being hospitalized any where near the level back in March. How can one say better treatment is causing lower deaths when the fact is people are less and less treated now than ever before My non professional opinion. Something has changed with the virus itself.
Right you are!! And it wasn't just NY, it was worldwide. Genomic sequence tracing has indicated a vast upswing in the number of infections from a viral mutant in the stalk region of the protein that allows it to enter your cells, which could impact its severity. So, that's one hypothesis. The other is that there were just so many undiagnosed cases in the early going because of lack of testing that the actual mortality rate was much less than has been reported. That hypothesis is being tested by looking at host antibody production in the general population. I also think that it's likely that older Americans are being much wiser now, too, since they're the most at risk.

Personally, I have concerns regarding the sensitivity of the "recommended" PCR test. This is based on my expertise, as it's something I do every day. Bear with me here. A positive readout has been set at a Ct, or theshhold cycle, of 40. Each cycle is the number of amplifications that are run and will result in a doubling of the product (2 becomes 4 becomes 8 becomes 16, etc...). So, a lower Ct means that the target is more abundant, because it takes less cycles of amplification to detect. Conversely, a higher Ct means a less abundant target. In real terms, this means that a person could test positive, but have so little target as to be physiologically meaningless. Maybe this is why we have so many asymptomatic cases? Treating a Ct of 20 (watch out, that person is going viral) and a Ct of 40 (likely no live virus) exactly the same is IMHO ridiculous. We should be reporting actual Ct and normalizing for sample content, as well.

I suspect that the clarity of the message trumps potential inaccuracies, and it's better to report a false positive than a false negative from a public health standpoint. Or so I've heard given as a rationale. As anyone who follows this thread knows, I'm a firm believer in evidence based medicine - but I'm beginning to get exasperated at the escalating restrictions, even as the situation improves. We should take a page out of Taiwan's book. They acted preemptively and eased restrictions as they became unnecessary.

In the meantime, I've got bucks to go harass. We just finished submitting a huge clinical training grant, and I'm due some R&R.
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