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I found a place with 270 and no limit. I got three boxes and my daughter shot it today. I think it might be lighter than the 20ga here papa gave her. We got up in the tree stand and she shot 50, 75, and 120 yards. It is fun having a new hunting buddy. She wanted to keep shooting but at $35 a box I cut her off

Sounds great Chummer! Be sure to have her shoot a couple at ten yards from the ground though. Using a three by five ft. size colored bow target deer picture at ten yards in the woods really prepares new hunters for the special moments to come.
Sounds great Chummer! Be sure to have her shoot a couple at ten yards from the ground though. Using a three by five ft. size colored bow target deer picture at ten yards in the woods really prepares new hunters for the special moments to come.
We will try. She got a muzzleloader tag so we are going to Shoot that next weekend. Not sure how she will do without a rest. Gun is probably to heavy for anything past 20 yards. Our stand has a shooting rest for anything in front and I screwed a bracket into the tree for anything behind us. I can thank Covid for all this extra time with her. No school activities or basketball so dad gets his buddy back.
Good luck!! My buddy's and my kids are all either too old or too young now for the youth hunt. But I just found out that the farmer who I trade some field leasing for tractor time on my plots has a 14 year old some that qualifies - he's taken care of for deer, but we're going to get him into some turkey next spring.

Scary stuff: my daughter who's at college woke up with a 105 degree fever two weeks ago. Long story short, the school screwed the pooch in numerous ways worrying about possible COVID transmission before they knew she was negative, and failed to provide appropriate support for her. Case in point, when I finally called Public Safety to find out where the he!! my daughter had been quarantined because we lost contact with her, they found her passed out in front of a dirty apartment (she refused to stay there once she received her diagnosis), in 85 degree heat, dehydrated, waiting on the University Health Service to transport her back to her dorm. At 2 pm she got a negative test result, at 3 pm she was told a ride was on its way, and after 5 pm she was unable to get in touch with anyone with the power to make a decision. So she passed out. With a 105 fever. Luckily, we had been in contact with her all along (she asked us not to step in, to see how the University was handling these cases), but when we lost contact we freaked out and Public Safety was the ONLY folks who answered their phone.

There were numerous screw ups between her COVID test and then, as well. They initially sent her back to her room rather than quarantine, and told her to isolate. With zero support. Which could have led to her possibly infecting her suitemates. She literally locked herself in her room. Once they realized their mistake, a COVID SWAT team showed up and told her she had ten minutes to pack, she was going into quarantine. The bottom line is that - if your have a kid at school - make sure they have a COVID bag packed in case they need to quarantine quickly, make sure that the school has been transparent regarding its protocol so that the kids know what's going to happen, and don't count on the school caring about anything but minimizing the spread of COVID.

As faculty, I am embarrassed. We need to provide better support for students as they inevitably come down with the flu or some other virus. They will get sick. It won't generally be COVID. As parents, we trust the Universities to do what is right for them in a time of need, not just worry about their own a$$es.

It goes without saying that I am following up with the powers that be regarding how to improve the process. My daughter is a bit of an activist, and she is eager to be part of the process. In her own words, "my friends saw what I went through - do you think they're more or less likely to report emerging symptoms after that?". Thus far there has been radio silence, but I can be persistent.
That is scary stuff, hope she gets better fast. What did she end up having? After how my local school and colleges have handled the first month back I have zero confidence they have the ability to handle any situation. The lawyers have spoken and common sense is gone. Dems blame Trump for everything but he has no say how different schools with different lawyer handle this. Then multiply that by the thousands of schools in the country. Throw in the unions and you have the equivalent of a monkey screwing a football.
Pharmacies and many other places have rows of medicines because , well people get sick. nowadays you’re not allowed to be sick apparently. Any fever that high would require at least a visit with a doctor or trip to emergency room not isolation. I’m assuming this is a State school.
On another note, even though Cuomo is on daily saying how NY is the model for the Country and has the lowest numbers it’s ever had and yet we have the Mayor of NYC Diblasio threatening to close private schools and non essential business again Unbelievable really
What is the deal with slugs? I have seen a box or two of everything else in various stores but no slugs. Dicks told me they have not got a slug in since the shut down. Is it the lead?
i assume the demand is so high for pistol ammo and also centerfire that slugs were put on the back burner. slugs are a very limited market compared to the other categories. Dealers are selling pallet loads of 9mm in a day or two and still cant find the bottom.
Thanks for the well wishes. We don't know what she had, but it was a 48 hr bug, and she was fine by the time my bride and I left for the ADK...otherwise, we'd have been nursemaiding her. Unfortunately, it wasn't a state school she attended, but a private university where I and my wife are both Professors. That's why we let it go on as long as we did - we (my daughter included) wanted to identify holes in the system so that we could ensure nobody else falls into them. In retrospect, that was a dangerous game to play. None of us expected it to be so bad.
Thanks for the well wishes. We don't know what she had, but it was a 48 hr bug, and she was fine by the time my bride and I left for the ADK...otherwise, we'd have been nursemaiding her. Unfortunately, it wasn't a state school she attended, but a private university where I and my wife are both Professors. That's why we let it go on as long as we did - we (my daughter included) wanted to identify holes in the system so that we could ensure nobody else falls into them. In retrospect, that was a dangerous game to play. None of us expected it to be so bad.

glad she’s better!
Sounds like a great time to take a year off from any colleges---Much safer at home. The way that was handled by everyone involved is very strange to say the least.jmho
Any of you hear the latest out of Minneapolis? They finally got the bitch red handed.
I doubt the liberal Minneapolis police department will follow through. Kinda like the whole daycare thing years ago.
I doubt the liberal Minneapolis police department will follow through. Kinda like the whole daycare thing years ago.
It will be the FBI for what that's worth these days. This is also high on Trumps priority list as he wants Minnesota really bad. There is a long list of charges spanning over several years.
I have been doing lots of driving around lately, in MN, and Wisconsin, and I will tell you, Trump vs Biden signs are about 50-1 for Trump. But I also avoid the Minneapolis, and St Paul area like a plague! So if Biden wins MN, it is all on Minneapolis and St Paul. I think I even turned my liberal leaning school teacher of a wife, to either vote for Trump, or at least not vote for Biden. On top of that, I have never voted before in my life, and I am planning on it this year, and they will all have an R next to their names, so that accounts for 2 votes more in favor of Trump!

Another thing, I am about to move full time to Wisconsin this next spring, it would be nice if Wisconsin turned a little more RED!
I travel quite a bit across Mn, Wi, and Ia. Its well over 50/1 from what I have seen. I bet 100/1 would be more accurate. Like you I will not go to the liberal cesspool known as the twin cities.
Any of you hear the latest out of Minneapolis? They finally got the bitch red handed.

I Googled it,.. but still don't get it.

""The Minneapolis Police Department is investigating claims by right-wing activist group Project Veritas that individuals tied to Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., engaged in illegal ballot harvesting before the election.""

That like saying individuals tied to trump are under investigation,.. that hardly means Trump has been caught red handed?

Peoples talkin strange these days,..

I am no fan of Omar but folks,.. IF "individuals tied" to me (like my coworkers or family) do something wrong,.. that doesn't mean jack sh*t about me.
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