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It's all CYA now. No one wants to be liable for someone getting sick and the lawsuits. One of the big churches around us still hasn't opened up. The people that are known for going to that church are generally more litigious than some of the smaller, conservative churches. We're picking up a lot of their parishoners at our church. But this church shut down in March and hasn't re-opened. All out of fear someone will sue if they get it. Unreal.
Fall sports opening will kill out VB program for no less than 3 years. We have a good program and the coaches, athletes, and community in general have put in a ton of work to get it to where it is today. Its fine and dandy for the big schools in the cities that have the money and 6 or more gyms. With our small school and 2 gyms for 7-12 what it is going to mean is that the coaches will have to cut a lot of players to abide by the rules for our square footage. We have a junior class that has a ton of quality athletes (which my daughter is part of). Many of them will be getting cut (most likely my daughter based on the depth at the position she plays) and they will have no VB season at all. This says nothing for all of the younger girls that will also get cut and have no season. The quality of play for years to come will be dog shit! The best thing for our VB program would have been to wait until March to see if the restrictions would have been lifted by that time. That is why our school voted NO. We are all sorts of pissed off right now about this. (My wife is JV coach and assistant varsity coach) I may just want to spend more time in the woods and on the trout stream this fall. The teachers are also pushing for full scale distant learning. This hybrid system is not working. It is a tremendous amount more work and the teachers aren't getting anywhere near the prep time it takes to prepare for in school and distant learning.
My wife’s plans are to retire from teaching after this year, and we are moving to our hunting land after the school year, when our youngest kid graduates in June. She is struggling to make it through this year, and she is wishing she would have just retired this past summer, but she needed one more year for the benefits. So she is plugging away with the ever changing rules, and policies.
Fall sports opening will kill out VB program for no less than 3 years. We have a good program and the coaches, athletes, and community in general have put in a ton of work to get it to where it is today. Its fine and dandy for the big schools in the cities that have the money and 6 or more gyms. With our small school and 2 gyms for 7-12 what it is going to mean is that the coaches will have to cut a lot of players to abide by the rules for our square footage. We have a junior class that has a ton of quality athletes (which my daughter is part of). Many of them will be getting cut (most likely my daughter based on the depth at the position she plays) and they will have no VB season at all. This says nothing for all of the younger girls that will also get cut and have no season. The quality of play for years to come will be dog shit! The best thing for our VB program would have been to wait until March to see if the restrictions would have been lifted by that time. That is why our school voted NO. We are all sorts of pissed off right now about this. (My wife is JV coach and assistant varsity coach) I may just want to spend more time in the woods and on the trout stream this fall. The teachers are also pushing for full scale distant learning. This hybrid system is not working. It is a tremendous amount more work and the teachers aren't getting anywhere near the prep time it takes to prepare for in school and distant learning.

That sucks big time! I had a polevautler jumping 15' his Jr year. Won State and all that. Got exactly 1 week of practice in his senior year before the shutdown cancelled track season. I had several seniors that year, those kids will never get it back. Can your daughter play on a traveling team or something if she gets cut? Could those girls stay active through another league? They may get to continue honing their skills. With that suggestion I've had the fear for quite sometime that this will be the death of sports in schools. If kids have a strong shift towards outside leagues and like it, they may not return to the school level. Could change things greatly.
That sucks big time! I had a polevautler jumping 15' his Jr year. Won State and all that. Got exactly 1 week of practice in his senior year before the shutdown cancelled track season. I had several seniors that year, those kids will never get it back. Can your daughter play on a traveling team or something if she gets cut? Could those girls stay active through another league? They may get to continue honing their skills. With that suggestion I've had the fear for quite sometime that this will be the death of sports in schools. If kids have a strong shift towards outside leagues and like it, they may not return to the school level. Could change things greatly.
Minnesota wrestling clubs are pushing for being able to have events. The MNUSA wrestling program has no restrictions. Problem is where to host them. We could get our daughters on a club Volleyball team but we cant really afford it. We are close enough to Wis. that could be an option if not for cost. Minnesota is a liberal shit show so Rochester is more than likely out of the question for club volleyball. Our youngest daughter has been taking private lessons in Rochester and also playing in Onalaska Wi. but next week it is over. Not sure if there will be something else pop up or not.

Like you mentioned club programs were already hard on HS sports. This may be the iceberg that sinks the ship.
Minnesota wrestling clubs are pushing for being able to have events. The MNUSA wrestling program has no restrictions. Problem is where to host them. We could get our daughters on a club Volleyball team but we cant really afford it. We are close enough to Wis. that could be an option if not for cost. Minnesota is a liberal shit show so Rochester is more than likely out of the question for club volleyball. Our youngest daughter has been taking private lessons in Rochester and also playing in Onalaska Wi. but next week it is over. Not sure if there will be something else pop up or not.

Like you mentioned club programs were already hard on HS sports. This may be the iceberg that sinks the ship.

It can be expensive! I imagine it's cheaper in KS than near some of those larger cities. Both my boys play club basketball year round. They also run Cross Country, Track & Field, and play Basketball for the school. School sports always takes precedence over club sports for our family. Club ball did not shut down for covid here. We kept playing right through it even though High School sports were on hold.
Just an FYI

You guys got it slightly wrong on the mask,..

The mask catches your out flow of virus laden droplets that come out of your mouth when talking.

When you wear a mask you are mostly protecting others if you have Covid and are not even aware or showing symptoms. Which is about 40% of folks.

So wearing a mask mostly protects others,.. it has a smaller benefit in protecting you because it is not filtering all the air you breath in. That changes if you start using those N95 tight fitting masks but most folks still cannot get those.

So I wear a mask when I visit my elderly mother so I can greatly reduce the chance of passing it to her if I have it and I do not even know it.

Rates of virus here in Massachusetts are on a scale way worse than most of you folks in sparsely populated farmland environments.
Just an FYI

You guys got it slightly wrong on the mask,..

The mask catches your out flow of virus laden droplets that come out of your mouth when talking.

When you wear a mask you are mostly protecting others if you have Covid and are not even aware or showing symptoms. Which is about 40% of folks.

So wearing a mask mostly protects others,.. it has a smaller benefit in protecting you because it is not filtering all the air you breath in. That changes if you start using those N95 tight fitting masks but most folks still cannot get those.

So I wear a mask when I visit my elderly mother so I can greatly reduce the chance of passing it to her if I have it and I do not even know it.

Rates of virus here in Massachusetts are on a scale way worse than most of you folks in sparsely populated farmland environments.
The Dakotas have the highest per capita case rates and spread rates on earth. It was all the rage in national news last week. The dense aren't nearly as bad off as the sparse.
Sounds like we should lock everything down again. That worked sooo well.
It’s important to listen to the experts. I do. Everyone else should too. For you podcasters, go back to February before the media machine started squashing the actual doctors.


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My wife’s plans are to retire from teaching after this year, and we are moving to our hunting land after the school year, when our youngest kid graduates in June. She is struggling to make it through this year, and she is wishing she would have just retired this past summer, but she needed one more year for the benefits. So she is plugging away with the ever changing rules, and policies.

I’ve heard teachers are not enjoying this at all. I taught for 7 years, then started a small business. Best decision ever!!
^^^I was a school teacher too. Have a double major from the U of M in poli sci and history. 7 credits shy of a masters degree for social studies education. Started my own construction company from scratch in 2005, while I was working towards my masters. I always wanted to teach in the winter and then do construction in the summer. I came out of school looking for a job in 2006, and the market was complete shit and only got worse thanks to the disastrous Bush presidency . Meanwhile a couple hailstorms exploded my construction business (exterior remodel) and gave me enough money to start farming. Have had the construction business since 2005, and the farming since 2008. I will second what you said. Best decision I ever made. Now if I could just get my wife to leave it all behind and move up north like wanderingeyes. I am ready to leave about 4 years ago.
How we are handling it depends a lot on the teacher. It's a lot more work than before and whole lot more stress. My hair has got to be turning grey'er by the day! I typically work 12-14 hrs a day between teaching and coaching. Not sure what I'm putting in now but it's certainly more that. I may have started reverse of many. My first several years out of college were as a lead on a landscaping crew. Built a lot of high end koi ponds and stone patios. I really liked that job. Then I spent 6yrs as a CNC Machinist. I liked that job too. Really liked making 1-off parts and doing my own set-ups and programming, didn't enjoy the production runs. Started teaching later in life. Love it and honestly feel very fortunate to have a job right now. As much as I enjoy what I'm doing, I could see ranching and farming taking it's place as a sort of early retirement.
Just an FYI

You guys got it slightly wrong on the mask,..

The mask catches your out flow of virus laden droplets that come out of your mouth when talking.

When you wear a mask you are mostly protecting others if you have Covid and are not even aware or showing symptoms. Which is about 40% of folks.

So wearing a mask mostly protects others,.. it has a smaller benefit in protecting you because it is not filtering all the air you breath in. That changes if you start using those N95 tight fitting masks but most folks still cannot get those.

So I wear a mask when I visit my elderly mother so I can greatly reduce the chance of passing it to her if I have it and I do not even know it.

Rates of virus here in Massachusetts are on a scale way worse than most of you folks in sparsely populated farmland environments.
That’s all well and good and I am pro mask, but having kids that are in class all day wear them makes no sense. Masks are for brief encounters. If you are confined for hours with someone that has it these masks do not help.
Masks work both ways, breathing in and expelling your breath, otherwise we would be dead or at the least unconscious.
The "experts" advised us to wear them long before they realized there was such a high ratio of asymptomatic's among the Covid infected. Well technically Fauci lied at first and advised us that we don't need masks because he "didn't want to create a shortage of N95 and surgical masks for healthcare workers".
I posted that interview earlier in this thread somewhere.
The wind is blowing, and now the "scientist" are changing their minds again...... I love listening to the experts.

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And now we find out the CDC guidelines were written by political operatives in the white house- not by scientists. The scientists howled and they reversed the guidelines.
Wait, so the White House operatives suggested everyone to be 6' from each other or wear a mask? The White House operatives suggested closing schools or distance learning? Then the scientists have reversed this? This is the first I have hear of this. So now the scientestst are sayign we don't need masks or 6' or anything? I'm confused. My 2 kids go to college and most of their classes are online. I can't wait to inform the Chancellor they can stop doing this becasue it was all the White House operatives the whole time. Now the scientists have reversed everything and we can stop all this BS. Thanks for the great news you just made my day.
Actually right from the CDC. Nothing has changed. They have never believed aerosol transmission was a main way of spreading. The WHO has always said this also. It is spread by large droplets at very short distance. The main way to get infected is close proximity to someone for an extended period of time. The CDC cleared up any misconceptions. Certain people or groups with an agenda just twisted things and made a huge deal about nothing really.
Thanks Buckly now you ruined my day. I guess I'll just go shoot my bow and train the dog a bit. That will cheer me up.
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