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Like everything else, Individual States (Governor's) make their own rules, the only thing the White House can do with something like this pandemic is things like stopping international flights... I'm trying to think of others but I am drawing a blank. States take the guidance from the CDC's suggestions but don't have to follow it, it is simply guidance.
This is why it cracks me up when I hear something like "Trump screwed this whole thing up and has the lives of 200,000 dead on his hands". It is always easy to tell who watches CNN and MSNBC. Most of the time when Trump extended his hand without money in it, Governors didn't want it. The USS Comfort is a good example there.
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Like everything else, Individual States (Governor's) make their own rules, the only thing the White House can do with something like this pandemic is things like stopping international flights... I'm trying to think of others but I am drawing a blank. States take the guidance from the CDC's suggestions but don't have to follow it, it is simply guidance.
This is why it cracks me up when I hear something like "Trump screwed this whole thing up and has the lives of 200,000 dead on his hands". It is always easy to tell who watches CNN and MSNBC. Most of the time when Trump extended his hand without money in it, Governors didn't want it. The USS Comfort is a good example there.

Don’t like to be a stickler but according to sleepy joe you missed a few zeros on your death toll.

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I had to go on a couple shopping trips, being I avoid that as much as possible, it was a multiple store trip. I was told to wear a mask in Menards only of a trip consisting of Menards, Home Depot, Fleetfarm, Walmart, and Walgreens, we also went out to eat in a local mall. Normally I would avoid Menards for this reason, but I needed to match things I already had, and I needed to return some other things.

None of that has anything to do with the reason for this post though. The reason for this post was what I noticed a common thing with all of these stores that concerned me. Shelves are empty in all of these stores. Fleetfarm and Walmart were about the worst, with I would say 40% empty shelves. Ammo, and guns I would say 80% empty. I am not sure if the shelves are empty because of Covid in the US, and these companies are closed to make more supplies, or if people are hoarding, or if it is from the lack of a trade deal with other countries? My son frames houses and was told he will be laid off mid November because the lack of lumber, and they arent able to fullfil their contracts anymore. I have been trying to build a deck, and green treat isnt available, brown treat prices have more then doubled, and are hard to find everything needed. Composite prices have also gone up a lot, because of demand from the lack of treated lumber. These things are quite concerning! I hope this political virus ends after the election!
That should come as no surprise. Our government shut the whole dam country down and foreign governments did the same. There are billions of people in the world and only so much warehouse space. At my business we order a bunch of stuff from India. It usually takes 120 days from the time I order to the time we see it show up. India didn't go to work from March to July. Didn't even turn the lights on. However the orders kept coming in. You can imagine how swamped they would be once they went back to work again.

This is just one example that I have experience with. I was told that the lumber mills in Canada we in a similar situation. I don't believe hording has a whole lot to do with it.
Supply and demand. My business is going through problems with steel shortages.
There will be very little ammo. I went all over trying to find slugs, but all the shelves were empty for all ammo. Multiple stores told me it would be next spring before the manufacturers catch up. The supply chain for the raw materials was destroyed with the shut down.
I had to go on a couple shopping trips, being I avoid that as much as possible, it was a multiple store trip. I was told to wear a mask in Menards only of a trip consisting of Menards, Home Depot, Fleetfarm, Walmart, and Walgreens, we also went out to eat in a local mall. Normally I would avoid Menards for this reason, but I needed to match things I already had, and I needed to return some other things.

None of that has anything to do with the reason for this post though. The reason for this post was what I noticed a common thing with all of these stores that concerned me. Shelves are empty in all of these stores. Fleetfarm and Walmart were about the worst, with I would say 40% empty shelves. Ammo, and guns I would say 80% empty. I am not sure if the shelves are empty because of Covid in the US, and these companies are closed to make more supplies, or if people are hoarding, or if it is from the lack of a trade deal with other countries? My son frames houses and was told he will be laid off mid November because the lack of lumber, and they arent able to fullfil their contracts anymore. I have been trying to build a deck, and green treat isnt available, brown treat prices have more then doubled, and are hard to find everything needed. Composite prices have also gone up a lot, because of demand from the lack of treated lumber. These things are quite concerning! I hope this political virus ends after the election!
the reason there are empty shelves is somewhat complex but the main reason is demand is thru the roof, ive been a sporting goods rep for 23 years and ive never seen a year like this, there are some shortages as a result of covid shutdowns and supply chain issues but the main reason now is the rush of people spending money on anything in the outdoor recreation space. its absolute craziness.
the reason there are empty shelves is somewhat complex but the main reason is demand is thru the roof, ive been a sporting goods rep for 23 years and ive never seen a year like this, there are some shortages as a result of covid shutdowns and supply chain issues but the main reason now is the rush of people spending money on anything in the outdoor recreation space. its absolute craziness.
What is the deal with slugs? I have seen a box or two of everything else in various stores but no slugs. Dicks told me they have not got a slug in since the shut down. Is it the lead?
The bullshit continues here. They are running out of sick people so they are pushing random or forced testing and the way they report hospitalizations. The story from SE MN is complete made up FAKE NEWS bullshit. Random people running around in unmarked cars with out of state license plates. What the hell did they think was gonna happen?? idiots. And for all you mask wearing sheep it still doesnt work.


Typical of a bunch of city dwellers. To them strangers knocking on your door is no big deal. In rural areas, people know which vehicles are and aren't supposed to be there. No strangers knock on doors out here. Not even those folks who like Jehovah.
So the virus is thinking now. What a joke.
What is the deal with slugs? I have seen a box or two of everything else in various stores but no slugs. Dicks told me they have not got a slug in since the shut down. Is it the lead?

I don't remember the exact wording she used, but the gun lady at my Fleet Farm said they aren't getting in slugs or reloading stuff as those things are on the bottom of the manufacturer's priority lists.
I don't remember the exact wording she used, but the gun lady at my Fleet Farm said they aren't getting in slugs or reloading stuff as those things are on the bottom of the manufacturer's priority lists.

That's what the guy at Bass Pro said as well.
I don't remember the exact wording she used, but the gun lady at my Fleet Farm said they aren't getting in slugs or reloading stuff as those things are on the bottom of the manufacturer's priority lists.
Some one should tell the gun lady that much of N.Y. is still shotgun only and come November there are going to be real riots if there are no slugs to be had.
My neighbor buys 2 cases a year. One to use before season to sight in and one during season because the sighting in didn’t work . I’ve never seen anybody go through more slugs. Maybe he’s causing the shortage. LOL.
I found a place with 270 and no limit. I got three boxes and my daughter shot it today. I think it might be lighter than the 20ga here papa gave her. We got up in the tree stand and she shot 50, 75, and 120 yards. It is fun having a new hunting buddy. She wanted to keep shooting but at $35 a box I cut her off
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