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Is the real problem with the Dakotas the fact that nobody is dying, we're open, and without a mask mandate? Are we going to rile up the people in locked down police states? Heaven forbid somebody has the courage to go first and prove we're gonna be fine if we start living.

Food for thought.

The population of South Dakota is 11.46 people per square mile. The population of NY state is 356 people per square mile. The population of NY City is 27,811 per square mile. Are we comparing apples to apples… maybe not.
Food for thought.

The population of South Dakota is 11.46 people per square mile. The population of NY state is 356 people per square mile. The population of NY City is 27,811 per square mile. Are we comparing apples to apples… maybe not.
I think we are. Our school buses are the same size. The poker tables, blackjack tables, cafes, bars, football huddles, classrooms, and churches are all the same size. We're herded up and stacked on top of one another in Sioux Falls like any other place. Building materials are expensive here too. By the way, Deadwood is open for business if anyone is looking for a few day escape for a breath of fun and freedom. Sturgis happened, the apocalypse didn't.

SD, your own post states "The Dakotas lead the US in virus growth as both reject mask rules".

That said, South Dakota folks can do as they please, but what I can't get my arms around is why you seem to think everyone else has to march to the same drummer. Go ahead, get close together in large groups mask free. Personally, I may walk a different path.
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SD, your own post states "The Dakotas lead the US in virus growth as both reject mask rules".

That said, South Dakota folks can do as they please, but what I can't get my arms around is why you seem to think everyone else has to march to the same drummer. Go ahead, get close together in large groups mask free. Personally, I may walk a different path.
Quite the opposite. The mask mob is attacking the Dakotas because we aren't marching to the same drummer. I don't want to force anyone to take their mask off. I just wish the other side wouldn't be so concerned with forcing us to put them on. 2 states out of 50 is hardly the same drummer. It is just enough however to ruin a perfectly good fear campaign.
Aside from the fear campaign comment, we're in agreement. Once given accurate information, each local is free to proceed as they see fit. Demeaning those who chose a different approach is unnecessary and just belligerent - and I know that door swings both ways. Be well.
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There is no accurate information. Only fear and hype. It’s all just a power grab. what he’ saying is the Dakotas are doing just fine or better than anywhere else no matter what the mandates. . Case in point is NY. We were promised as the numbers came down things would open back up. Isn’t the case. Business‘s still shuttered. More mandates. There are so many restrictions many can’t even make it. All by executive orders of one man. Meanwhile cases and deaths in NY are almost off the bottom of any chart. It was a lie from Cuomo right from the beginning that we could open up I can’t believe the legislature gave up their powers to this guy. Now he won’t give them up. The people should be deciding how this plays out. Not one guy and his sidekick.
In 2019 if I told anyone that "in 2020 there will be a law made that states: chicken wings aren't considered a meal, you must eat soup or a sandwich or else you and/or the bar will be fined or shut down" they would have called me a conspiracy theorist and laughed me out of the room. Yet here we are... for the record I have eaten many a chicken wing meals in my life.
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In 2019 if I told anyone that in 2020 there will be a law made that states "chicken wings aren't considered a meal, you must eat soup or a sandwich" they would have called me a conspiracy theorist and laughed me out of the room. Yet here we are... for the record I have eaten many a chicken wing meals in my life.
That's my go-to meal... buffalo wings thats on the appetizer menu. They always ask if thats what I want for my meal. Yes, yes it is.

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Meanwhile in fear mongering, no mask mandates, no lock downs, bar and restaurants stayed open, schools stayed open. You would be much more likely to be killed by a stray bullet in Shitcago or Baltimore then by the corona in Sweden moving forward. Sweden was smart and let the virus do its thing and now its over.

We miss going out for wings weekly or more. They are expensive now at fifty cents each as compared to the old days at 10 cents each. Anyhow we miss not only the vacation bar atmospheres but we missed the wings. Darn China! So I signed up for at $9.95 a month. Their on line cooking courses are on demand and feature individual meals. The wing cooking one is a real winner. In fact the wings using their technique and recipe are excellent. The wings come out more crispy and less oily cooking them at home. But yikes the morning after cleanup is horrendous.
Thats where an outdoor kitchen and facilities really comes in handy. We’ve been lucky to find a good local source to buy raw wings. Sometimes store bought aren’t that good. everything’s better made at home in my opinion.
Anybody finds some time on their hands, great, GREAT discussion between two doctors regarding covid-19 from a TRULY scientific / data-driven viewpoint.

Summarizing it won't do it justice (MANY great small points made), but in general speaks to mortality rate being 0.2% versus original 3 to 6% prediction, and how doggedly determined the media and some complicit academic circles have been on villainizing any scientific data / studies that dared run contrary to the mainstream media apocalyptic panic message.

SERIOUSLY, well worth the time / listen.

In fact the wings using their technique and recipe are excellent. The wings come out more crispy and less oily cooking them at home

boil the wings in water. Throw in some salt cayenne and red pepper flake. Boil 15 mins. Then throw them on a cocky sheet, put on the middle rack in the oven and broil them for 20 minutes. Very little grease and crispy.

( sorry for the interruption. )
It was originally 3% to 6%,.. but over the half year doctors have found many ways to treat critically ill patients from rotating them in beds, to steroids, to Remdesiver. They also oxygenate your blood now with machines,. rather than just relying on ventilators. So when your lungs completely crap out they can keep you alive until you can get better.

One other factor is that many of the highly vulnerable folks (think nursing homes) are not even allowed visitors today and staff get tested,.. in the first days and months of this pandemic we had no freaking clue what to do or what precautions to take.

My Sister works at Brigham and Women's in Boston and treats Covid patients. She said early on over half of the patients in critical care were the elderly nursing home folks. Now that is no longer the case and folks are recovering in greater numbers (cause they are not all 75+ years old)

So absolutely the death rate is much much less today than in March. Less than 1% today is a fairly accurate number. .2 is a bit low.

I admit I have not had time to watch the video but will try to find the time soon. Thanks for posting it.
The video does coincide with much of what I have found in my research on Covid. Some are new angles I haven't heard yet but most of what people hear on the topic in general come from "news" sources that rely on clicks to survive. This guy is from Stanford, and like most doctors that have spoken about the "other side", they attacked his family over his findings. The death rate is discussed in the CDC information, I will try to dig it up if I have time later, but 0.2 - 0.3% is the consensus.
The Covid death rate was exaggerated early on (as shown in today's graph) due to multiple reasons but in my opinion it was largely because there was no test to prove Covid was even involved, compounded with the incentive given to hospitals as the highest monetary payout by the Federal government for a death.

Again I would like to point out the literally flat line all the way through for all Americans 44 years old and younger.

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